π¨ "I'm Going To Leave You." ~ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan
π¨ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "If I were you I'd GET OUT of the #Army(πΊπ²).
I know you THINK that's your only employment.
I said if I were you, I'd get out of that thing.
Because what the ENEMY(USA) intends to do is USE YOUR BODIES to keep him propped up.
And you WILL BE KILLED this time.
You're NOT going to make it.
They got something planned for her.
Let me tell you more.
The Messenger (#ElijahMuhammad) said, "You(soldiers) will go away in the THOUSANDS and you will return in the TENS.
And when you return there will be no such thing as an American Government.
You got some sons?
You better tell them to learn how to REJECT a call from the President.
Because IF you obey him rather than God... it's OVER. It's OVER." #Farrakhan : Divine Destruction of America
America And Russia Are Going To Go To War!
#WWIII Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns: "It's going to get HOT as HELL! These two Super Powers, America & Russia,
Whenever THAT time comes; that I am about to LEAVE (To go to #TheWheel: #ufo)--
WAR is going to break out on the HEELS(After) of my DEPARTURE, because
Allah (MasterFardMuhammad) will NOT chastise the people while I'M (Farrakhan) in their midst.
Now beloved, YOU CAN get through this hour, IF you DO what I ask you.
And I haven't asked you to do anything hard.
You just make it hard on yourself, because you're a stiff-necked and hard headed....Now in order to get through this hour, you are GOING TO HAVE TO STUDY.
We are going to be TESTED AGAIN. The INGREDIENTS of the test will be the SAME.
I'm going to leave you.
It won't be long, but in the short time period of time, it's going to get HOT as HELL." #Farrakhan: Boston
"Israel now is LOSING some of her friends, and her GREATEST ALLY, the United States, is getting INCREASINGLY ANGRY over the policies of the Israeli Prime Minister.
Division is SEETHING and is GROWING between the two friends. Is this a chastisement for evils done and for failure to correct the wrong?
Soon the Middle East will be BATHED IN BLOOD!
The #Arabs and the #Jews WILL TRY TO DESTROY EACH OTHER.
Their conflict will be a TRIGGER to a GREATER and WIDER war, which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says will take place in #Europe(#Germany). And there the European nations, with the EXCEPTION of a FEW, will be totally and completely destroyed.
RUSSIA and the United States will be the agents of chastisement. The war in Europe is shaping up now. Is this a chastisement for failure to correct the wrong?
Even the mercy of God is not infinite. He gives us time and He guides us to the steps that must be taken to correct the wrong. But if we ignore His counsel, we compound the wrong and speed up the day of eventual payment for that wrong. The world has now reached that point." Farrakhan : Correct The Wrong: FinalCall Newspaper 6/82
#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Gaza #Tehran #Iran
World War 3 - The War of Armageddon: Germany
⚠️ The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "There is STILL the cold war in #Berlin, between America & #Russia & in other parts of #Europe, to be reckoned with.
Europe will become a DREADED spot WHEN America leaves #Asia.
It is true, as the prophets have predicted, that America MUST come OUT of Asia, or be THROWN OUT.
Each, America and Russia, the two most powerful war-factors of the world, is seeking to maintain their rule over the nations of earth, and even to conquer outer-space.
This will not last long.
In their travel and investigation into space, Allah, (God), is permitting them to peep into His great, unequaled creation of power and might, the heavens and earth.
The Holy Quran, teaches that when Allah (God) gets ready to destroy a people He opens the doors of heaven to them.
He gives them a PEEP into His great wisdom and secrets.
But this does not mean that this adds power to the enemy to be able to war against the Creator.
The reason for all of this is due to the fact that Allah (God) is setting up a kingdom of righteousness, freedom, justice and equality.
Black Brother, do not look for a high paying job drawing a big roll of money, after the war, unless with the help of Allah (God), you prepare this for yourself, which I advise you to do.
The most dreadful divine judgments that have ever been witnessed by man are now coming on America.
America is the DIVINE TARGET because she COULD have bettered herself in the divine eyes of Allah (God), Who came in the Person of #MasterFardMuhammad, to Whom praises are due forever.
But America did not and will not better herself, as it is written and prophesied, concerning Ancient Babylon and Egypt. "We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed:..." Bible, Je. 51:9, (because she was not willing to do justice by her captive Jews from Jerusalem).
So it was with Pharaoh when Allah (Jehovah) went after #Egypt, . Pharaoh refused to give justice to #Israel and made war against Allah, (Jehovah), and His Prophet, Moses, to prevent, Israel, from going free of Pharaoh’s enslavement of them." Hon Elijah Muhammad: Fall of America
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