πŸ”₯ Have you considered these same Satanic cowards attacking #Ye @kanyewest did the exact same thing to our Brother #MichaelJackson saying the most terrible & ugly things imaginable about him? They also called him antisemitic 🀨 And Michael Jackson loved Messiah @LouisFarrakhan and PUBLICLY Supported The #NationofIslam. Michael Jackson was very close to #DonaldTrump. @kanyewest Loves Messiah @LouisFarrakhan and PUBLICLY supports The Nation of Islam. #Ye said he likes Trump. While many of our people are too terrified of OTHERS to even publicly admit they love and respect #Farrakhan & Nation of islam. Many of these same weak minded of our people are chomping at the bit to line up and prove to OTHERS that they are Stand With THEM against their own people. These are the same types that went along with these same demons attacking & mocking our Brother Michael Jackson. As most of the world knew then, the enemy was intentionally wrong, lying on Brother Michael to rob & murder him. They are trying to take all of #KanyeWest money and family from him. Can you IMAGINE This, someone in your family, that ONE family member that's always in trouble with our enemies, can you imagine just standing by and letting someone murder him in the street? We should not do business with ANY company that is attacking our Brother. Let the weak minded hypocrites do what they do. But if ALL WHO LOVE Brother Ye stood with him and had his back against The Open Enemy of Black people, they will get the message real quick. "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Deuteronomy 30:19


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