Student Minister @DrAvaMuhammad teaches "We need a Higher Wisdom. A Higher Wisdom FORCES us to THINK we NEED MORE. The Wiser you are, The MORE you THINK you need. And when you THINK you NEED something, you GO GET IT... What is wrong with not growing in Wisdom? When we are satisfied with too little; and that's what's wrong with Black People. We are satisfied with too little. And as a result, we place a ceiling on on both one another with our satisfaction with NOTHING. It is a residual of slave thinking that we must rid ourselves of... This is the thinking of a slave who have been deprived of the BETTER things in life... When we think small, we make a small base and try to force everyone in our sphere of influence to try to function in that narrow area... And this is death. That's a cemetary. In a cemetary everything is allotted a finite, concrete mound of space and nothing moves from that allotted amount of space.... ~ Christ says "When you SEE More, you WANT More. And WHEN you grown in Wisdom you want More for yourself."... STOP being so NARROW. And STOP seeking such small things. And STOP being satisfied with NOTHING." Student Dr. Minister Ava Muhammad: Without Equal- Los Angeles 12/8/91 #dailywarning79 #Luxury19 Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or


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