Add It Up: The Case for Reparations



Add It Up: The Case for Reparations

🚨 #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "IF you add it up white folks, you are going to have to GIVE US THE WHOLE COUNTRY! 

Add it up White man! 

The WHOLE THING 🇺🇲 belongs to the oppressed!


We’re NOT asking for the whole thing.


Just give us SOME of it(America) and let us go to build a nation for OURSELVES. 

Since you don’t want us!

Don’t keep us here and kill us!

Let us GO and let us build a new reality in the name of #God!

Let us build for God #MasterFardMuhammad.

"And what if we(America) DON'T do that?"🤨

It’s your thing; do what you wanna do. 

You don’t have to give us anything.


God (Master Fard Muhammad) said HE’S THE POWER TODAY!

 And He’ll TAKE the Kingdom from whom He pleases, and He will GIVE IT to whom He pleases. 

When I ask for #reparations, I’m asking you to SAVE YOUR LIFE.

But if you don’t want to save your life, then leave it to God. 

🚨 He’ll settle it.

Let me tell you HOW He’ll settle it: 

An EYE for an EYE!

A tooth for a tooth!

And a LIFE for a LIFE!

Add it up! Add it up! Add it up!

ONE HUNDRED MILLION(Murdered) in the #MiddlePassage and you have 150 million white people in America today! 

Add it up! 

IF (The Law Of God) it’s a LIFE for a LIFE, then God is JUSTIFIED in KILLING EVERYTHING that refuses to submit, as He killed Pharaoh and his people! 

As He destroyed Babylon,

and Sodom and Gomorrah!

And He warned you that it was water the first time, but it will be FIRE next time!

 You’d better ADD IT UP!!!" #Farrakhan: Add it Up: The Case for #Reparations



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