⚠️ IF we CLAIM to be #Muslim, #Christian, #Jew, in Scriptures we are Warned God uses the FORCES of #Nature (#wind #rain, #hail, #snow, #earthquake) to Chastise & Destroy nations.  Then HOW in the HELL did we let Satan and his agents (#preachers, #reporters, #politicians, #meteorologists, #seismologists) trick us into thinking God #MasterFardMuhammad is just too powerless on His Own to stop the destruction that is happening around the world?🤔  Have You Ever Considered That God is The One Who ORDERED it?  Do you really believe the #DeepState has more Power than Christ?🤨  Since The Bible Warns us satan will deceive us About God, Have you Considered Exactly WHAT about God will they try to deceive us about?  If God, The Supreme BEING, is a Man. Then Satan is a man too.  A group of evil men and women.  When we turn on the #fakenews, lying #weather people blame #Mothernature and "weather patterns" when They KNOW Who is causing #rain, #hail, #snow, and #Earthquakes.  God, Christ, and Their Representative, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan with the 7 Angels are causing ALL the destruction we face at this very moment.😮  Ask ANY so called #seismologist/#preacher/#weatherman IF what we are saying is true or not.🤨  PUT IT TO THEM and MAKE them answer the question.  Send them this post And IF they say that it is not true, WATCH what God does in their cities.⚡🌩🔥🔥⚡🌩  They may never get another #weatherforecast right again. They will forcast snow and it will be 75 degrees, in the WINTER. Because to call Elijah Muhammad or Farrakhan a liar is to call God a liar.🤐 Let us MAKE THEM TELL THE TRUTH.  ASK Them about A MAJOR Earthquake (11.0 to 13.0) destroying MANY Cities in America.  He warns LARGE #tornado will hit Chicago & LosAngeles Christ warns ALL the coastlines will be DESTROYED Yet these AGENTS of SATAN 🤬 got you worried about carbon gasses?😐  Are we really that cowardly where we wont read Revelation and SEE that EVERYTHING they are blaming on #climatechange God ordered His servants to do?  In the Bible God didn't bring those Plagues against #Egypt and the Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron did.  The Winds and The Waves OBEY Messiah @LouisFarrakhan


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