The Secret of The Black Woman


#Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches the Secret of Women :The Black Woman: "Honorable #ElijahMuhammad said Allah formed Himself--not from a mother, but out of the dark womb of space. Space and the darkness of it became His womb and He came out of that darkness.

Then, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said before there was Sun, there was a WOMAN. 

Allah came out of the womb of darkness with a womb WITHIN Himself. 

EVERY MAN has a woman IN him. 

If you notice, the male has the X AND Y chromosome, which has the male and female part. 

The female has the X chromosome. 

As Allah came out of that womb--the Holy Qur'an calls it "triple darkness"--He had a womb within Himself. 

He STUDIED Himself and from Himself He fashioned Woman. 


This is why you don't understand the woman and you cannot deal with a woman; you think she is a man's woman. 

She is the Woman of God.

Women are fascinated with men who are DOING things; men who are going places; because they are born from a God Who did things. 

Women do not like to be saddled down with a man who is going nowhere and doing nothing and is without an AIM and a PURPOSE.

The Holy Qur'an teaches, "From a SINGLE ESSENCE, He created the male and the female and from them, MANY men and women." 

The SINGLE ESSENCE is God Himself. You are born out of the very Nature of God.

The woman is made after the womb out of which God created Himself, and IN the woman is the SECRET of God.

The reason you are far away from God is because of your ATTITUDE toward women. 

You will never find God and you will never grow to honor God, as long as you are a mistreater and disrespecter of women. 

The woman IS the secret and she CONTAINS the secret. 

In the Bible, Sampson put it in crude language, saying, "If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have learned the secret of my riddle." 

The riddle has been with God, but the secret of the riddle is in woman, and unless and until we become better acquainted with who she is, you may never see who you are." #Farrakhan  Study Guide 19: Knowledge of God




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