🔥 Heat And Fire: The Last Sign: If We Are To Survive The Departure of Messiah @LouisFarrakhan


🛸 #drones #ufo #TheWheel 


⚠️ In the 1995 movie HEAT with Al Pacino one of the characters said, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around the corner."

I think about that quote as we consider The Time we are living in. When AT any moment now, the Messiah departs. Then, in intervals, groups of Believers will be TAKEN AWAY From this Hell, none of us being able to take anything with us but the clothes on our backs.

So we shouldn't get so attached to anything or anyone who is not with Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, no matter what they SAY. Watch what they are doing. 

Some have become attached to food, as a replacement for pleasing Allah, we seek pleasure from Food, which will cause us to lose out.

🚨 All hell is about to break loose in America. 

The people feel it. Everyone is dissatisfied, Anger is spreading like wildfire.

We all have plans. Satan has Plans. Allah has plans to destroy the disbelievers and this country and getting us out safely. 

Just 5 years ago, People couldn't even imagine the whole country would be shut down. 

I would make posts about stocking up, not being able to leave our homes, nobody being able to go to school or work...

And many would think, "Yeah right brother, that will never happen..Everything is Real."🤡

But Then covid happened. 

Allah put His Signature on it.

Covid not only stopped America, it shut down the WHOLE WORLD.

No School, No Work, No Sports, No Nothing! 

And THAT was only the beginning of sorrows. 

Can you imagine what the next PLAGUE will be?

Read Revelation, those who could not imagine a civil war breaking out in America are now witnessing those suffering in American openly discussing murdering all those Billionaires and millionaires who have taken advantage for so long.

 The Messiah has repeatedly warned us, in Believers Meetings, that soon, there MAY be only FIVE Mosques left after a while. 

Out of all the Mosques and study groups, Five...Maybe. 

He warns it will be so crazy we will have to search to Find real Believers. 

Mother Tynnetta warns us to LOOK at the one on your right...And the one on your left...

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns in the end there were not many Believers. 

It's not about what we say anymore. 

It's about what we DO in the Name of Allah.

The Messiah told us once it will blow our minds when we see who turns..

So FOCUS on Allah and the Messiah He sent to Save us.. 

Focusing on anyone else or anything else is idol worship. Because The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said Messiah @LouisFarrakhan ALONE would get us safely through the death and destruction we are walking into.

Mother Tynnetta warns, "I came out of a burning house that was SET on FIRE. And I saw a WALL of FLAMES, an actual Wall of Fire to the right side of me in this house.

I did not have time to take any possession of any object whatsoever. 

Not even my Holy Qur’an. 

And I was reminded of the words of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad that WHEN we would be called to come out because of a raging ring of fire set around America, and set around the world that we would not be able to take one material, object, or paper with us. 

We will only have time to escape with our own lives,  IF it pleases Allah." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad Fire: The Last Sign

Mother Tynnetta warns, "We Have To Be Right: IF we are to survive, OBESITY and FAT has got to go

And it is no laughing matter because the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said we will be given, in our taking away, on our escape, we will be given only 3 cubic inches of air space to breath. 

And when we are rescued, IF you are overweight, there will be certain soldiers or persons that will take you to a little hatch, im talking about planes now, and they would open it up and out you would go.

That's hard isn't it?

 That's very hard.

Do you know what the weight was that we used to have to weigh in at?

122 pounds and depending on the frame and the structure 128, but not over. 

⚠️ We had to be in the 120 mark and that is to save our life.

That was the bottom line of the fat problem that we have developed in our community is all about. 

We will not be acceptable by God." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad Significance of Total Solar Eclipse 

Mother Tynnetta teaches "...The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke about the islands as places of quiet refuge for many who would escape the Devil’s wrath. 

We are being called to separate from his hostile environment of death, to be reborn again in spirit, and in mind, in body and in soul, to meet with our Lord, yet again on a FOREIGN shore. 

According to our Supreme Wisdom of Actual Facts, we are given the square mileage of the islands which is 1,910,000. This figure is given in the eleventh Actual Fact. 

As we enter the New Year, 2014, let us be bonded together in greater love and brotherhood. 

And let us KNOW that our original population all over the planet earth is 4,400,000,000 who are PREPARED to help us in our journey BACK HOME..."

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke both in the public and in private about the signifi cance of the Pacific Islands all the way to #Australia and #NewZealand and their future role in HELPING and UNITING with our people. He spoke about healing and regeneration treatments that would also be given to some of us on the Pacific Islands in the near future." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Mother Tynnetta teaches, "The 19 is a number that comes in the end of The Judgment which separates people into groups. 

As the madness breaks out there is a group that will be TAKEN AWAY to SAFETY and given Refuge on Lofty grounds having meadows and springs

So The Honorable Elijah Muhammad THROUGH Master Fard Muhammad has paved the way for our deliverance and for our Salvation but now we must be willing to Do The Right Thing.

We must be willing now to REVIEW The Teachings; The ONLY Teachings, The Life giving Teachings that were brought to us in the 30's. And these Teachings are still standing the test of time." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: Los Angeles 8/9/92

Mother Tynnetta warns, "All of us from this day forward have to be More Alert, Security Conscious, and make sure that “no wicked deceiver gets in among us” as the Minister has written in a letter dated September 11, 2006.

Keep going forward through fog, through rain, through hail, through #earthquake—all of that is taking place in this country as we speak. 

I speak of the fog because IN the fog, and IN the clouds, and IN the weather, KNOW that that Great Mother Ship is THERE." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad 

Mother Tynnetta Warns, "A few select students, if I may use that word, who are working and studying on their assignment given to us to study by The Master, that WILL be TAKEN OUT.

These are The Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in "Our Saviour Has Arrived" and other writings, #TableTalks of Muhammad.

He said they would be taken out and they would meet again with The Lamb on Mt. Zion.

And he said in "Our Saviour Has Arrived" that Mt. Zion represents a foreign shore.

A place OUTSIDE of the house of bondage.

He would not descend back into hell but we would have to ascend, or be lifted up, or taken out of hell in order to be with him again.

That is your root of your 144,000 who are Sealed in their heads with the Name of their Father.

So it can't be someone who doesn't know who God is.

It can't be one who wants to keep thinking He's a spook. A spook doesn't have a name that you can write.

So something BIG is about to take place.

And there will be a handful who may be blessed by Almighty God Allah to be taken out FIRST.

Not only, but FIRST. 

This is what The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said.

He said even the most unwilling, obstinate, and stubborn among us would be taken out at a particular time.

And we too would be taken to a certain place. And he mentions the parallel between these places and Mother Africa.

He said if we want to have a real understanding of what our civilization looked like in the past, he said study the monuments in Egypt...

We have got to wake up Brothers and Sisters. Because The Time of Change is so near.

But all would not suffer because of the ignorance of the Masses. Those who are striving to make it will not forever be among the biggots, the hypocrites, and the wicked. 

Do you understand?

And each one is being tapped from among us, testing us, as The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said you'll hear a little BELL, a little RING in the EAR, that means someone is trying to get in touch with you.

And he even said me or someone else.

So all of you are in for a shock who think that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is dead." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: The Wisdom Given to the Bottom

Mother Tynnetta teaches, "Such persons called Angels or messengers would be SEEN in the Final Judgment Hour standing on every other corner telling the people where to go. 

He(Christ) also stated that there are THOUSANDS of those individuals (angels or messengers) ALREADY in the country (America), but could not be identified lest they be killed.

We must have FAITH and REMEMBER that we are NOT ALONE. 

Many of us may be lucky to be RESCUED when the time comes and be TAKEN to quiet, peaceful places OUTSIDE of the area designated for destruction." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad : The Time of the Witnesses and their Testimony 

#Telepathy Mother Tynnetta teaches, "He (Honorable Elijah Muhammad) speaks about telepathy and the SIGN for us to STUDY in Jesus’ history when he was taught to tune in by the scientist who visited him.

He then made a reference to the Mother’s Wheel (#TheWheel) and stated that if we concentrated hard enough, we might be able to hear the sound of the motors on the Wheel. 

He also stated that as Mary and Joseph communicated with each other in this way during a TIME of TROUBLE, that counting forward 20 to 30 or so years from the date(70's) of his lecture series, SOME OF US would be able to do the same.

In one of the parables of Jesus in the New Testament, we are told that two would be at the mill, one would be taken and the other would be left; TWO would be in the BED, ONE would be TAKEN and the other would be left.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad explained this phenomenon in this way, that two would be out shopping or walking together and a sound, likened to a high pitched frequency or bell, would ring in our ears indicating that contact was being made by one of the angels or scientists or from himself, trying to get in touch with us to guide us when the time comes where to go.

According to the 12th Problem of The Supreme Wisdom Lessons given to all students or new converts to study when we join the Nation, we are instructed to hurry and to lose no more time. In the imperative voice, we are told: “Don’t tell her that there was no one to teach for three hundred and seventy-seven years. She already knows and is trying to forget it. Now she will teach you quickly any course you may desire.”

This comes as a quickening of the spirit, to tune into the guide or the teacher, even as Jesus was taught to tune in through a series of questions and answers in the form of lessons. He was taught by the prophet or wise man who visited him how to protect himself from his enemies who sought to kill him. I made a reference to this in previous articles in this series to demonstrate how contact would be made as the time draws near!" Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Mother Tynnetta teaches "Upon more than one occasion prior to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s departure in 1975, we who were among his family members and Laborers, who sat with him at his dining room table at the Palace, were asked to begin asking him questions that only pertained to our Lessons. 

Upon one such occasion, he asked us about the meaning of 13 Ducks identified in Problem Number 33. 

From time to time, he would lightly chuckle at our attempt to come up with the answer. 

It was SO IMPORTANT to him that we CONCENTRATE on our Lesson Assignment that he would interrupt our discussions by stating that he would not answer any of our questions unless they were pertaining to our Lessons. 

He further stated that we would be examined on this Assignment before our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad. 

In that same year, 1974, he announced to his circle of Laborers that he and his wife were preparing to leave the country to take care of very important business, and that he had OTHERS TO TEACH who were not of our fold, who would join us and partake of this Great World Mission. 

When we arrived in Mexico, he asked me to help him in several important areas in preparation for a future time. 

It has taken me a little more than 30 years to understand more fully the significance of his strategic Divine Plan, of which I only know a little of what he shared with me." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad

Mother Tynnetta teaches, "The Caucasian, the White race, they have scientists among them who know that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad came right on time.

There are scientists in the United States Government who recognize Master Fard Muhammad as The Great Grand Master of the knowledge and wisdom that they were expecting. 

That one day The Grand Master would appear.

Why was it announced, on the very next day, after October 16th, that somewhere out in the #Galaxies of stars, that two small #planets were discovered with their own sun?

Isnt that interesting? 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Master Fard Muhammad had MASTERED the knowledge of the Original Creator of the Heavens and the earth, that He too could be like His Father, and sit in darkness and RECREATE whole new galaxies, and planets, and LIFE.

He told us that prior to his departure.

There is nothing that happening on this planet today, and there is nothing that will continue to happen into the 21st century that you all in this room and outside of this room will not bear witness that Almighty God Allah has visited us in America, in the flesh.

 And you will come to bear witness that the work of Elijah and the work of The Minister Louis #Farrakhan is right and exact." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: Let The Cultural Revolution Begin

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "Allah says in the Qur'an, ‘He will Separate us and Put like WITH like.' 

So under such darkness the hypocrites will BE WITH the hypocrites. 

The disbelievers will BE WITH the disbelievers. 

And THROUGH the DARKNESS the Believers carrying his LIGHT with him will FIND another Believer and REMAIN UNITED with those who PERSEVERE and are STEADFAST under such a tremendous trial." #Farrakhan: Closing the Gap

Mother Tynnetta teaches "My personal journey to this part of the world began with a vision connecting #Africa, the Americas, and #Asia all bearing fruit to the Divine Teachings of the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad and his universal base of Divine Knowledge. 

This has been enhanced with my current travels to many places around the world in concert with the journeys and travels to many of these places, crisscrossing the continent into the #Caribbean based nation, the Pacific Isles, including #Australia and #NewZealand.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that many of his followers and members of our Nation would be further trained to teach broad-based humanity the TRUE knowledge of God and SELF.

Many of us would be sent to remote places of our planet and we are beginning to see this taking place today. 

We can take as an example the Honorable Minister #Farrakhan’s extensive travels around the world and the setting up of the #Ghana Mission in Africa to further developments in #Mexico and Central America, which includes the Islands of the #Caribbean to the Isles of the Pacific, reaching Asia and the Arctic Circle Nations, reuniting with our original family all over the planet. 

This comes in fulfillment of the promise of God and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to make friendships for our lost Nation coming from every walk of life." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad  

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