🕯 Remaining United Under Tremendous Trial

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC

⭐⭐⭐ Remaining United Under Tremendous Trial

Looking Further into the Darkness 

 The very beginning of Surah 2 of the Holy Qur’an teaches us the SECRET of Success for every day of our lives including this time of intense darkness in which we now live.

Allah also warns us very early right there about disbelievers. He says no matter what you do, no matter what you say, They will not believe. 

In How to Escape the Last Plague: Death, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns us we should not be hanging out with disbelievers. 

We should not have them as regular company.  

He said it doesn't matter if they are our best friends from kindergarten or even our blood brother, if they don't believe,  once they've acknowledged that they don't believe,  not to be around them.

Because the aim of the disbelievers is to drag us back down into disbelief. Drag us back into the fire.

A disbeliever is different from someone who has NOT HEARD the Teachings. 

And once someone comes into your life, AT THIS TIME, that have not heard these Teachings,  our SOLE RESPONSIBILITY to God is to teach them fast so they can make up in their own minds what it is they believe and don't believe 

If we have people in our lives that don't know anything about the Teachings their blood is on our hands.

The Messiah said he keeps kindly company with all kinds of people. He is The Messenger of God. He has to.

But when we do see him out in Public,  He's with his wife. He's with Family.  He's with Muslims. 

He walks his post in a PERFECT Manner.

But when we see you in public,  who are you with, and why?

Very soon the economy will collapse. 

If we are paying attention, we notice the signs, the empty shelves in the stores, the mass layoffs, the disasters destroying the people's ability to go out and spend money.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns when the dollar falls, the United States Government is Coming Down right behind it.

A lot is about to happen in this country very fast. Some of us may even know the when's and hows all of it is going to go down. 

And while Some may not know the exact order of The Greatest Economic Depression The world has ever known (that the dollar will fall, the stock market will crash, the stores will close, the banks will close, the city governments will fail and descend into chaos, Federal Government Collapse) we have been warned what to do to survive it.

Messiah warns us to store 3 months of food, water, and supplies in our home for every member of our home that lives with us and even those who may be away on business or other personal reasons. 

What we have been given as instructions,  on the surface, looks good in helping us to survive what's about to go down.

And if we are obedient to those orders from Allah, we will survive just like in the Bible when the people were told to go into their homes and put that X on their front door.

When the servants of God were evacuating Lot and his followers they were given CLEAR instructions what not to do in order to survive. 

And Lot's wife was right there when those instructions were given out. She heard every word, but she did not follow those instructions like the rest so God killed her.

Yes God killed the wife of His own prophet because she didn't do what she was INSTRUCTED to DO.

Like many of us who got the same instructions,  but many have not follow them. So soon God is either going to kill us, allow us to be killed, or severely chastise us for being disobedient.

Well what were the instructions that we got from God?

He not only ordered us, through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Messiah @LouisFarrakhan to stock up,  He ordered us to convert our cash, our money, into Silver and gold, The medium of exchange of the future. 

Many who HEARD him say that with their own eyes and ears rejected that order and converted their money into #crypto #nfts #bitcoin #digitalrealestate, etc.

While suggesteding every one else to reject God's orders, TOO, and follow them into Disobedience,  into hypocrisy., into destruction 

"Now the serpent was MORE SUBTLE than any beast of the field" Genesis 3:3

The serpent, Satan, and their little devils, hypocrites & agents, THEN suggests that Messiah @LouisFarrakhan don't know what's going to happen.  

How can he know that #gold will be future of money? 

🚨 That should WARN US that people WHO THINK like that about the Messiah, Just May be hypocrites, because how can ANYTHING the Messager of Allah, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan says be  wrong or a lie when God is NEVER wrong and never lies?

 It's impossible for Him to Lie.

And HE, God #MasterFardMuhammad,  told us Gold & Silver, will be the future of money.

So they are subtly, subliminally, selling us on SCAMS.

"The serpent is more SUBTLE than ANY beast in the field." 

The aim and job of these serpents,  hypocrites & agents,  with their subtly,  is to Cause us to be SUSPICIOUS of The Messiah, in order to get us to not follow the instructions he received from God and ultimately to make us suspicious of The God that sent him to save us from some the very people pushing these scams on us.

But God says SUSPICION, in some cases, is SIN


A: the act or an instance of suspecting something wrong without proof or on slight evidence : MISTRUST

B: a state of mental uneasiness and uncertainty : DOUBT

2: a barely detectable amount : TRACE

just a suspicion of garlic

In the chapter Al-Hujurat, the Quran says: Believers, AVOID MUCH SUSPICION. Indeed, some suspicion is a sin (49: 12). Subtle: The Prophet said, 'Do not be suspicious of your fellow men. ' SUSPICION is tantamount to a LIE.

highly skillful : EXPERT

"Ah, shallow as it is, yet, how SUBTLE a thing is SUSPICION, which at times can invade the humanest of hearts and wisest of heads."

—Herman Melville

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns us to 

ALWAYS Speak Straight Words to remove ALL DOUBT 

ALWAYS SPEAK STRAIGHT WORDS!  Give the hypocrites  NO WIGGLE room. Because the Bible says IF they can convince us to doubt Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, and ultimately The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and #MasterFardMuhammad 

To be suspicious of God is insane. 

If we stock up like we are warned. When this goes down and all these bubbles start to pop bringing down all the systems Allah came to destroy,  we will be in a good place.

If we stock up on extra, we will have something to barter or trade with during this time.

If were are obedient and convert our dying dollars into silver and Gold, when the dollar crashes, and the banks fail, and the stock market crashes, our wealth will be safe. 

Then whenever they institute a new currency,  whatever it may be, The Gold & Silver we have stored up will be worth more than any currency they come up with.

I knew this MGT once who lived in this huge apartment complex.  And her apartment was like a store for the complex.  She filled her apartment with the things we use every day, and sold the items. Most of the people who lived in her complex would be knocking on her door all day everyday to buy something from her store.

She did very well for herself. 

Some of us may be able to do something similar after everything collapses. Take coffee for example.  Imagine if someone stocked up on a bunch of coffee, and did like the sister did. Let it be known that they sell cups of coffee every from their place. Then as the Starbucks, Dunkin Doughnuts,  and all other coffee shops close, people will stop by our places by the thousand every day to buy a cup of coffee and whatever else we have to sell.

We can do it with any kind of product we have stocked up on. Like Navy Beans. 

The people will soon be hungry in search of something nutritional to eat.

If we have stored up extra Navy Beans and some take out soup cups, when that time comes we can sell cups of Bean Soup to our customers.  Imagine selling thousands of bowls of Navy Beans a day when the people learn about you.

We can do The same with bottles of water, bean pies soap, or anything we want to sell, if we stock up on it now.

Because we were obedient, the Blessings we will run into will be unimaginable. 

⚠️ NOTE: We can't  sell enough bowls of soup or pies to afford us of the Luxury and wealth promised to us by Allah. This is only to sustain us UNTIL the transition from this evil and wicked world to The Kingdom of God.

May Allah bless us to be obedient to the Instructions from Allah so that we will be in a good place as this economy goes down. 

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