⚠️ Cold So Terrific 🥶 Disaster Preparedness

🕯 I remember once years ago this Massive Storm Hit where I was living. I have been through bad storms before, but nothing like this. It was during the time of the after work rush hour and this Huge Dark Cloud rolled over the city. 

Whatever was left of daylight disappeared. I was at a gas station pumping gas watching all of the traffic and it instantly got so dark, and I could feel the pressure in the atmosphere dropping. Have you ever heard of a darkness you can feel?

Then the wind blew harder. It started hailing. As I pulled out into the heavy traffic it started pouring raining like I had never seen.

The street started to flood while filled with traffic. Waves of flood water pushing against the cars, water up to the doors, I turned down a side street to see if it would be less water.

It was. So I decided to take the side streets all the way home.

On a normal night, it was 45 minutes to get home on the freeway. This night, through this storm, taking side streets to avoid the major flooded streets, took hours.

Listening to the radio as I drove I learned a tornado hit,  most of the city was dealing with power outages,  and nearly every freeway was flooded, filled with rush hour traffic, thousands  cars just sitting under water as the people fled the flooded vehicles to higher ground. 

Most of the streets I drove down were in the dark. No power.  And when I got to my street and turned I saw the power was out on both sides of the street. But the strangest thing, when I got to my block, our end of the street had electricity. The lights were on, streetlights on.

I got in the house and turned on the TV watching the news reports of all of the destruction from the storm,  all I could say was "All Praises Be to Allah!!

 So many people couldn't even drive home because their cars flooded out, had to walk the flooded streets in the rain.

But Allah Blessed me to make it home to a house that was still standing and still had electricity. 

Years later,  I really immersed myself in learning how to prepare for the destruction we faced and how to help us prepare. 

I was Listening to The Minister one day and he's warning us that when this destruction hits, it will not just hit disbelievers alone. It won't just hit the wicked, the hypocrites & agents.

I can't remember that verse in the Holy Qur'an he quoted where Allah warns the Muslims that His destruction will not just strike disbelievers. 

He has been warning us to prepare, to have 3 months of food, water, & supplies in our home, where we live.

He not only warns us to stock up but to learn how to protect that which we have stored up so that it won't be destroyed by rain, hail, snow, & earthquakes. 

So when The Major Earthquake hits, And Many cities in America are reduced to piles of bricks and glass, we will still be able to survive.

Of course as Muslim Followers of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the leadership of Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, we LIKE to THINK that during and after a Major Disaster our experience might go like mines was the night of that storm...

It COULD go just like that...


🚨 It might NOT.🤫

We might have to deal with some broken glass, damaged rooftops, etc.

It's always Best to prepare for the very worst, like we have been warned to do.

⚠️ EVERY Member of our homes should have at least one pair of safety GLOVES. 

Gloves that protect our hands from cuts & punctures. 

Thick Leather gloves are good. But we may need some gloves that dry out quickly or are water resistant. 

because we will need them every day for cleanup. 

🕯 The Holy Qur’an teaches us of those Rebuilding The Wasted Cities.

And IF we experience the destruction first hand, our homes destroyed, our businesses destroyed, don't get all mad at The God when Allah warns us His Destruction is COMING and it's going to hit some of us TOO.

As this Freeze has started in America I've been sharing what I've been learning during my ordeal so that IF or WHEN  something similar happens where you live, you may be able to benefit. 

🥶 #DisasterPreparedness Tips:

If you lose power, and/or heat, keep your water close to yourself and your heat source. 

A Few Weeks Ago I didn't lose electricity, but my furnace died. So the rooms that were not sealed off with plastic the temperature dropped below freezing. So I put the water in the room where the heater and I would be.

I noticed even the water in the bathroom toilet froze. 🙃

Yes, The water In the toilet bowl and the back froze.

 So I looked up ways to prevent the water from freezing because it's hard to use the toilet with the water frozen. And the worst is not knowing the water froze until you start to use it...😑

There are many household chemicals we can use that will prevent the water in our toilets from freezing. 

At the time I had rubbing alcohol that nearly every store sells, and probably the cheapest, in the cabinet and I just poured that in the toilet.  It immediately thawed the water out. So I poured it in the back too.

And after every flush I poured the alcohol into the toilet to prevent it from re freezing. 

The water hasn't frozen since.

Once I ran out of Alcohol, I used the mouthwash I found in one of the cabinets. 

I saw a video of people using the same alcohol to pour on the car windows and locks during ice storms/freezes that immediately melts the ice. No longer having to wait 45 minutes for the car to warm up to thaw the ice or scrape the ice with a scraper. 

Because I still had electricity,  I left the oven on  and the cabinet doors under the kitchen sink open to heat the pipe to keep the pipes from freezing. 

BUT, that heat did not cover the rest of the upstairs pipes...

So They Froze.

As long as the temperature was below freezing I didn't notice the upstairs pipes froze.

But when it warmed up just a little, I learned the pipes burst because water rained down from the kitchen Ceiling.

⚠️ If you don't know how to turn the water off from getting into your house/apt figure that out now.

Because when The Major Earthquake Strikes, pipes may be torn apart flooding our homes.

The same with The Electricity and Gas. 

⚠️ KNOW where the gas/electricity/water shut off is and make sure we have the tools needed to turn it off. https://youtu.be/vM4jO-ipkl4

The Pipes Burst during the night and when I finally noticed all the water pouring down from the kitchen ceiling I grabbed some empty buckets and large empty plastic storage totes to catch the water and then I turned the water off to the house. 

Initially, I was able to safely unplug most of the kitchen appliances in the area of the water leaking.

But we may not be able to do that with the water splashing everywhere. So its best to learn now how to turn off the power to your kitchen without turning power off to the rest of your home.

⚠️ If this happens to you save the water collected in the buckets from the leaking pipes and you can use that water to flush the toilet. 

Because until those pipes are fixed you'll have to leave the water to the house turned off.

Now keep in mind this happened while I still had electricity,  but no furnace.  

Should you lose power,  and your pipes burst, immediately, if you can, turn off the power to the affected area or unplug everything so when the power comes back on you will not be hurt. 

Because of the weight of the water stuck in the ceiling,  the kitchen Ceiling collapsed.

I was going to have to tear it all down anyway so the plumber can fix the pipes. 

And I was careful every time I went into the kitchen to look up at that ceiling. 

Because sure enough,  when I was sleeping,  I heard this Loud crash in the kitchen and I knew exactly what it was. The ceiling coming down.

So if you notice water dripping, whether a little or a lot, you don't know how compromised the ceiling is so be careful. 

It will be The Same after The Major Earthquake.  We will find ourselves looking up A Lot. For electric lines, falling glass, debris from above.

This is my experience with the average daily temp around 4° so far. (⭐⭐⭐ If you would like to help get this furnace fixed and other repairs $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert 

For some of us, it has been colder. Keep checking your pipes. Let the warm water drip.

It's much cheaper to pay a higher water bill than to have the pipes and ceiling replaced in your home along with the furniture/appliances the water destroyed. 

And remember,  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns we will experience dangerous temperatures of 70 degrees below ZERO and COLDER🥶

So some may need this information in the future. Please share with all your friends and family. 🙏🏿

Thank you


🕯 You can now send donations by

Venmo, @watcher19mrt

cashapp $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

⚠️ "On your walls, Nation of Islam, I Master Fard Muhammad have set WATCHMEN; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put The Lord in remembrance, take no rest, Give the LORD no rest until He completes His work, until He MAKES The Nation of Islam The Pride of the Earth." Isaiah 62:6

$DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert


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