🕯Master Fard Muhammad is Not A Liar! It's WHEN He Pleases, AS He Pleases

"Wish Nothing Bad On ANY Black Person,  EVER!" The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

⚠️ Why do we backbite so much? Why are we ALWAYS gossiping, and slack talking about our brothers or ANY Black person for any reason.

We did the Exact SAME Thing when the enemy went after #Omarosa, #BillCosby,  #Ye, #MichaelJackson #rkelly 

One brother told me he hated her. (@Amarosa)

I asked him "Why? What has she done to you??

He sat there speechless.😐

Five minutes later he started talking again changing the subject

LOOK at Dennis Rodman.

We did the SAME THING to him. 

He went over to #NorthKorea years ago and became very close to North Korea's Leader #KimJungUn

Then the media started mocking him relentlessly.

And most us, like obedient dumb sheep we did the same thing.

When Rodman came back he said KimJungUn loves America, it's just those huge Navy Warships surrounding his country he has a problem.

But those weapons manufacturers and everyone else who want to profit from war CANNOT let Rodman keep talking.

Rodman is also friends with Donald Trump.

So Rodman is Connected to both men and his did that turn out?

President Trump met with KimJungUn.

Everyone who claims to hate Omarosa  I ask that same question.

And I think to myself, "Because I saw it on TV.

Did we not just watch what they have done, and are doing to #BillCosby?

But back to the article.:

"#MartinLutherKing and #MalcolmX were like Night and Day in the programs they were teaching us.

But They never tore each other down

They both loved our people and each other.

Hypocrites and agents use slack talk, slander, gossip, and backbiting to build  their own little weak army."

"What Is The Matter With You? I Think your brain is gone soft...NEVER Tell anyone outside the family what you're thinking again." The #GodFather"

⚠️ Mother Tynnetta warns, "That This is the Day of The Manifestation of ALL of the opponents of God.  

All of those who are disbelievers. 

All of those who are hypocrites. 

All of those who slander The Apostle and slander the members of his household.  That they do not understand what they are doing because they are BLINDED by ENVY, JEALOUSY; not understanding God's way, but following the way of the world...

So The Minister has never spoken without telling us to be on the alert. 

WATCH the one on your right hand. 

WATCH the one on your left.

Even though we are "Yes That's Right! Teach us! Yes Sir!"

They (hypocrites) are always applauding, Making a BIG SOUND..

THOSE are the ones WE NEED TO WATCH More Carefully than those who seem to be a little more quiet or silent.

You think, "O they didn't applaud, they must not be with the Honorable Minister #Farrakhan...

or they didn't stand up the way we would expect that one would stand up to applaud the Honorable Minister Farrakhan." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: The Travail of Minister Farrakhan

🚨 Brother Jabril Warns, "NONE of the SENT can be satisfied with ourselves, if we’re NOT really helping Minister Farrakhan with what the Almighty has given us of TALENTS, which INCLUDES helping others IMPROVE THEIR LIVES that they may become one with Allah.

Use Minister Farrakhan’s teachings to speed up the process of removing blocks to our development, such as envy and jealousy; gossip and slander; narrow and spooky-mindedness; sexism and racism—while never forgetting the truth of Satan. " Jabril Muhammad 

Brother Jabril warns "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that WHATEVER we THOUGHT—not just spoke out loud—about him was HEARD, whether it was for or against him.

The SAME is so regarding the Honorable @LouisFarrakhan.

So, those who have, and ARE, slandering him don’t have much time to STOP and REPENT of that before Allah’s WRATH falls upon them.

Surah 33:58 warns us not to even ANNOY a believer.

Look up the definition of ANNOY.

This is the LEAST of all the things you can do against a Believer.

Minister #Farrakhan is an EXCEPTIONAL Believer.

So, let us BE CAREFUL of what we THINK of him and how.

Remember, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad LOVES HIM with INTENSITY and is USING HIM to get ALL of his people—whom He loves in the most profound way.

Be careful how you TALK of and TREAT such a VALUABLE man, who is EXTREMELY PRECIOUS in his Backer’s sight—Allah AND His #Christ." Brother Jabril Muhammad

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "So WHEN God Master Fard Muhammad Promises you MONEY, GOOD HOMES and Friendship in all walks of life—HE’S NOT A LIAR!

He’s able to release it to you, WHEN He pleases, AS He pleases.


Throw down the garbage and ACCEPT FAITH.

"What is FAITH?

It is the substance of things HOPED FOR; the evidence of things not yet seen.

But I may not have seen the money, but I won’t rob anybody because I know a change is coming. I just got to stay on course, because I am a man of peace. I am a woman of peace.

So when I give you the greetings, that means you should feel SECURE that nothing spoken from my mouth is with an intent to do you harm.

These hands shall never be lifted to do you harm, but from me, I offer you peace. 

I offer you security and safety. 

I got your back. 

I offer you peace.

"Don’t you know, Brothers and Sisters, if we would just take that theme that I opened this dialogue with you on, take it home with you; think on it and today, before you get home, try to act now, as a man and a woman of peace.

Make your Sister say she don’t have to worry about you; you’re not going to slander her; you’re not going to backbite her; you’re not going to talk evil of her.

Even if you KNOW her faults, GO TO HER like a Sister. But don’t go to her in a self-righteous way.

We’re TOO EVIL to be so self-righteous.

"Go to Allah first and say, ‘Allah, I would like to talk to my Sister. Allah, I would like to talk to my Brother. Will you facilitate the way for me?

Open her heart or his heart so that he may receive what I have to say.

Help me, Allah, to say it in a way that makes it easy for her or him to receive it.’

"I would bound you that we don’t do this. We don’t pray to Allah for one another, to help us in our approach to one another. Nor do we pray for one another." #Farrakhan

#rkelly @rkelly What is #Slander? "The action or CRIME of making a FALSE spoken statement DAMAGING to a person's REPUTATION Verb: make false and damaging statements about (someone).

What is Libel? "a published FALSE statement that is DAMAGING to a person's REPUTATION; a WRITTEN DEFAMATION.

What is Pedophilia? Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to PREPUBESCENT children.

What is God's Warning to SLANDERERS?

"Whoever SLANDERS his neighbor secretly I WILL DESTROY. Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure." Psalm  101:5

"I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak," Matthew 12:36

"Having a good conscience, so that, when you are SLANDERED, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be PUT to SHAME." 1 Peter 3:16

“You shall not BEAR FALSE WITNESS against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16

"To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." Titus 3:2

"So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander." 1 Peter 2:1

"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32

"Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler." Proverbs 20:19

"You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness." Exodus 23:1

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

104:2 Who amasses wealth and counts it—

104:3 He THINKS that his wealth will make him abide.

104:4 Nay, he will certainly be hurled into the crushing disaster;

104:5 And what will make thee realize what the crushing disaster is?

104:6 It is the FIRE kindled by Allah,

Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert 

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "When one makes hasty judgments on individuals, events or circumstances that, in its initial interaction with us, causes us some degree of hurt or pain; once our egos get wrapped in our judgment, our ears close to words that might alter our judgment.

Our eyes close to that which we might see that would alter our judgment. Our tongues become dumb to speaking a proper word concerning that event, circumstance or person and, in that judgmental state, we can become guilty of slander, gossip, backbiting, which opens us up to the evil whispering of the sly, slinking devil who whispers into the hearts of men from among the jinn and the men.

The first devil we must confront is the devil of self. Once we have closed our hearts and minds on a particular view that we have concerning an event, a circumstance or a person, those with whom we have friendship or kinship, we would have a tendency to share that view with others and, because of our relationship with others and the amount of influence we have over others, our unfinished, tainted view can become the view of others.

So unwittingly, we get involved in a conspiracy to put down and destroy members of our own tribe or family, church or mosque, organization or community.

Satan, who is always listening as the righteous speak, can use our judgments, followed by our pronouncements, to make a chasm, and then widen it between individuals and then groups, depending upon whom we are engaged in conversing about. In this instance, we become unwitting tools of Satan. This is why the Qur’an forbids backbiting and offers a ‘Woe’ to the slanderer and the defamer who goes about exceeding the limits.

Allah says in the Qur’an that “He can and does forgive hurtful speech.” But we, who claim to be the righteous, would not desire others to form harsh judgments concerning us if we forget or make a mistake or even an error. So, we must refrain from being quick in doing these things to each other, which, in the end, damages the self; damages the person about whom we have made our judgment; then damages the community that we have some degree of influence in; and ultimately, we damage ourselves with Allah.


🕯“When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to The LORD, Master Fard Muhammad, your God, and obey His Voice(Messiah @LouisFarrakhan).” Deuteronomy 4:30


"Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation." Judges 10:14


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