⭐️ Trump & Canaanites: Will Mexico & Canada Be A Safety Zone For The Nation of Islam?
⭐️ Canaan: Will Mexico & Canada Be A Safety Zone For The Nation of Islam?
⭐ There were some Whites who stepped up and helped our Ancestors escape the brutal satanic slavemaster to FREEDOM in Canada. They risked everything to help free as many of our people as they could.
The sacrifice they made is referred to as the Underground Railroad.
Hundreds of years later, In my VISION of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he took some of us to Canada on an ELEVATED TRAIN where I believe he arranged for us a place of REFUGE from The WRATH of Allah, Master Fard Muhammad.
⭐️ Mother Tynnetta teaches, "LOOKING at a map of Mexico, lying at the base of the Southern border of the United States and extending South to the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize, WE WILL NOTICE the SHAPE of a DOG sitting upside down with its bottom lying on the BORDER of the United States with its tail jetting out from California forming the Baja Peninsula beginning at Tijuana, down to LaPaz in the Pacific Ocean.
The other part of the dog's shape covers the 2,000 mile border of the United States and reaches down to include all of the Mexican states into the dog's head in the Yucatan Peninsula and her capital city at Merida.
One might ask what is the importance of this dog shape for Mexico and what is its significance for us today?
The DOG is classified as CANINE and has similar letters and sound value to the name CANAAN (canine), which represents the land of Palestine in the Middle East and is the region PROMISED to the ISRAELITES as the Promised Land under the Divine Guidance of Moses' brother Aaron and their successor Joshua (of the Messiah).
So here in Mexico is where East and West MEET in the FULFILLMENT of PROPHECY
Now, with rapid transportation and communication, networking around the world, the FINAL WARNING and CALL coming to America and the world from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan teaching that God Himself Master Fard Muhammad is PRESENT at the HEAD of a GREAT ARMY or ANGELIC HOSTS.
They are reaping the harvest and are SEPARATING the PEOPLE and NATIONS into GROUPS and partitioning off the land into SAFETY ZONES as we enter the Final Stages of ARMAGEDDON." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad : The Fulfillment of Ancient Prophecy
⭐️ The Angel Jabril teaches, "There are white people in America who believe in Islam in SECRET.
They are called Masons.
And when they reach the TOP of their organization they are called Shriners.
They pray to Allah but they do it in secret.
We have met some of these intelligent people and they have DEEP RESPECT for The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan.
White Shriners Are Mentioned In Four Of The Six Written Lessons That Were Produced During The Time Master Fard Muhammad Was Working In The Midwest, America's Heartland, With The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
They Shall Be Rewarded For The Good That They Do.
He Even Made Clear Their Opportunities For The Future. God Is Just And VERY MERCIFUL....
MOST OF US are NOT going to see that God Master Fard Muhammad has really come UNTIL this country has been brought low;
Until the white man has lost his power.
THEN, MOST of us will SEE.
The LUCKY ONES will see spiritually PRIOR(meaning BEFORE) to that.
And THOSE are the ones who SHALL BE HIDDEN in the days of God’s WRATH.
Which will break out not long after Minister Farrakhan departs, and that’s VERY SOON.” Brother Jabril Muhammad : Betrayal and it's Antidote
⭐⭐⭐ NOTE: Brother Bobby Muhammad questioned Brother Jabril more about this. WHERE we would be taken. And Brother Jabril said, "THAT is a big Military Secret.
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