🕯 Departure Watch: Allah Will Not Waste Any Time Destroying America


#earthquake #tsunami #fires
When it’s Time to #Evacuate, NEVER hesitate. 

Never waste time worrying about what we are leaving behind. If we are wise enough to pack a Go Bag, we can just grab it and GO!

Because some may lose precious life worrying about THINGS. Some may die because when it’s time to GO, they are packing a bag.

If we haven’t done so, pack a bag now. Take your time and focus on what we will need to get us out of Destruction to our brother/sister house. 

Don’t stuff the bag with clothes, it will slow you down. 

Our Brothers and Sisters will cover down for us. 

We can Forget about what we think we know about Disasters. 

When The Messiah is TAKEN, Every Destruction Goes from zero to 60; INFINITELY WORSE.

Did you know Christ Warns NOTHING From This World Will Be Allowed Into Hereafter?

He said We Will Only Be Allowed Out With The Clothes on Our Backs.

So why trip out over any thing?

What should we put in our bags?

Complete  change of clothes(Make Sure We Have Winter Clothes)
Vicks Vapo rub (repels mosquitos/Masks terrible smells:dead bodies/smelly people)
Hygiene supplies (deodorant /toothbrush/chapstick/wipes,eye drops)
N95 masks
Safety Glasses(goggles)
Hard hat/helmet
First aid supplies
Safety Gloves
LifeJacket (in case of flood: keep with bag, wont fit inside)
2 way radios
Weather radio

A go bag is not intended for us to run off into the woods and survive for weeks. It's to get us from point A to point B.

So we shouldn't overfill this bag with water or food. It's not necessary and it'll make it too heavy.

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "When I leave everything will start to happen QUICKLY! Allah aint gonna waste NO time!" #Farrakhan


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