π― Exotic In The Masters Hand: How Well We Endure
π― Exotic In The Masters Hand: How Well We Endure
π― The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches "I say, my beloved followers, have PATIENCE.
SUFFER a little while, for surely DELIVERANCE (From poverty, sickness, loneliness, oppression, evil) is on its way and you SHALL be DELIVERED.
And you shall REJOICE when others will be grieving, who have persecuted you and have even plan your death.
You have no one to fear but Allah. #MasterFardMuhammad
Do not fear this evil world and its people.
They can not harm you, as long as Allah is with you.
And He's ever WITH you, as long as you are WITH Him." - Honorable Elijah Muhammad
"TEST Me (Master Fard Muhammad) in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and SEE if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out SO MUCH BLESSING that there will not be room enough to store it." Malachi 3:10
“Let your eyes be COOLED at what We have given certain classes of them (disbelievers, hypocrites, the wicked) to enjoy, and grieve not for them, and make thyself GENTLE to the BELIEVERS.” Holy Quran 15:88
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Teaches “Allah will REWARD Everyone of us for WHAT we DO of GOOD.” ~ Table Talks
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