πŸ•― Because Some Like To Suffer in Silence: Help Them Any Way


πŸ•― Because Some Like To Suffer in Silence...

You notice Messiah @LouisFarrakhan is always keeping our suffering people on our minds and hearts?

 Are You yourself suffering now?

Are you going through something very difficult and it seems like there is absolutely no one who can or will help you and you are praying that God's Help really comes soon?

Do You Really Need Help With Your present situation or Trial?? 

Brother Jabril advised all of us to read this small book "How to stop worrying and start living" by #DaleCarnegie.

A Very small but powerful book that you can get off amazon used for as little as $2.

In this book, one important lesson is repeatedly taught. And that is when you are going thru something difficult, a very hard trial, and you need MUCH help. And no one that you know seems able or willing...

Instead of worrying about it, focus ALL your attention on helping somebody else with THEIR problem or trial.

There is someone else right now who needs help that you are perfectly qualified, extremely qualified to give.

And Because some like to suffer in silence, help them anyway.

And it doesn't necessarily mean money but it could mean that.

You might be a hairstylist and a sister needs her hair done before an interview that would boost her confidence to get that job.

You might be a plumber or carpenter or electrician and a family could really use you right now.

You could be an attorney or mechanic or even knows someone that could hire another person or buy their property or products that would lift them up out of the dire situation that THEY are in.

There are some right now who really wish they knew how to grow food. Something you have been doing for years. You have seeds, the know how, go help them start that garden and teach them what you know. And in a few months when the food starts to dry up in the stores, they can still eat.

And in helping that person the answer or blessing to your own problem will be solved IN helping others. 

I'm always asking us to share my Disaster preparedness ebook with everyone we know. Because maybe not yesterday,  or even today, but tomorrow they may want to know how to prepare and they will have that information right there.

And most won't come out and say, "I really wish I knew what was about to happen and what to do prepare my family for it."

So instead of waiting for them to say it, just send them THIS LINK:


⭐ And say, "This Brother really breaks down how to prepare for all kinds of  disasters if you ever want to check it out just use this link. His books and articles are free so check it out when you get a chance.  And share it with your friends too."

Helping us prepare is one thing I have been studying for Years just to be able to help us in this time.

There are things all of us are excellent at that others could really use our help right now.

And Because we like to suffer in silence, find a way to help when you know you can.

And not doing it seeking anything from them in particular.

The scriptures teaches us to "Do no favor seeking GAIN."

Can you imagine for a moment someone out of the blue calls you and says "I heard about your situation and I can help or I know someone who will help you."

Wouldn't that be incredible?

All of us are suffering severe trials right now, and it may seem like there is absolutely nothing we can do at the moment.  

But there is, help someone else with THEIR problems.

There is something each of us knows or can do right now that would truly be a blessing to someone. 

And you think, "But I don't know anyone that needs help."

If you wait just a few seconds, God is sending them to you right now. And when they come to you or you hear about them, do what you can to help them.

And in that process,  your help is already on the way. And not necessarily from that person you are helping. 

It could be, but it probably won't be.

Do no favor seeking gain.

Do it to please God.

This ties in to and bears witness to what Minister #Farrakhan said about IF we work HARD to try and save our people,

ALL of our sins (every evil thing we have ever done) Will Be Forgiven.

Instead of worrying about our SEVERE TRIALS, which for many of us, we have absolutely no control over, find someone who you KNOW you can and should help, and help them.

Whether that be a kind word,  knowledge that will help them survive, money, resources, a helping hand to move.(Many of us are being evicted right now or have to move.)

Brother Jabril said None of us are independent but Almighty God Allah.

He made all of us DEPENDENT on each other and he has placed in us the answer to each others problems.

Do we have some terrible sins we are worried about?

Have you considered Helping someone in need today?

Can you imagine how we would feel if instead of worrying about some impossible trial, we spent a few hours being nice and helping someone else with their problems and not seeking anything in return from them?

Thank you for leaving a generous gratuity at either VENMO @watcher19mrt paypal.me/doomalert or $DOOMALERT 

🚨 “When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to The LORD, #MasterFardMuhammad, your God, and obey His Voice(Messiah @LouisFarrakhan).” Deuteronomy 4:30


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