🚨 EXECUTIVE ORDER: "WHEN America is Pulled Into This War, They Are Coming For Me." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan


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🚨 EXECUTIVE ORDER: "WHEN America is Pulled Into This War, They Are Coming For Me." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

⚠️ As we are waiting to SEE the Departure of the Messiah, our feet and our hearts are RUNNING FAST AWAY from him.

We KNOW He does NOT approve of what we are THINKING and DOING in the Darkness.

🚨 "You Are Already Deviating!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

πŸ•―They talk about this book that the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²presidents write in. Like a journal or diary. An ABOVE TOP SECRET book. Let's just call it a  BOOK of SECRETS

Imagine since the very first president there is this BOOK of SECRETS that has been passed down from president to new incoming president. 

That all the Presidents of the past wrote in it all the things they learned, America's greatest threats, her most loyal allies,  about other countries, etc.

Let us Imagine.. 

Have you considered The God of The Nation of Islam,  Master Fard Muhammad met with president Herbert Hoover?

Have you ever considered if there is such a book, is Master Fard Muhammad written in that book?

Because Herbert Hoover Met God, Is it possible The Saviour warned him to warn those presidents coming after him?

Ever Wonder what Allah told him?

Herbert Hoover was a Quaker

Look up the Definition of Quakers and what they believe.

Now IF president Hoover, too, wrote in the book of secrets,  to pass on important information that every president HAD to know for the safety of America,  do you think President Trump has read what Hoover wrote?

Have you ever read the prophecy of Job in the Bible?

The Bible teaches us that Satan also met with God. And They had a conversation about His most perfect servant, Job.

God made a deal with Satan.

Before Job lost nearly everything he had, when his life appeared to be going pretty good, Allah ALLOWED Satan to attack at his servant, attack At his FAITH.

God told Satan he can do anything he wanted to Job he wants, EXCEPT Kill him.

Now God loved His servant Job. 

God said Job is PERFECT.  

Read it for yourself in book of Job: 

JOB "There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was PERFECT and UPRIGHT, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Job 1

So just because we claim to believe in Allah does not mean we will go without Loss, pain and suffering,  betrayal of loved ones and friends, ridiculed, mocked, and scorned.

Everything that has happened and is happening to us is either Allowed by Allah or He sent it to us to purify us making us worthy to live in His New Kingdom. 


So we can know for our own selves what is truly hidden in our hearts.

And in due TIME we will know for sure who and what we are.

⚠️ The hypocrites are trying to hide for as long as they can among us until it appears to be no more benefits in doing so. Until they THINK they have the upper hand in taking us out.

But TIME is an enemy to the hypocrites. 

Back in 1999 many thought as we rolled into the year 2,000 we would face cataclysmic destruction.

Many believed we were headed into the complete collapse of this world because of a computer glitch(Y2k)

When the year 2,000 rolled around nothing happened.

Some fell out after that and blamed Messiah @LouisFarrakhan CLAIMING he said in Divine Destruction the year 2,000 was it.

He never said that. 

He used words like IF it means this, THEN that…

Instead of asking The Messiah or asking Allah for understanding, they turned on us. They fell away and spoke evil about him.

Did Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, like his teacher before him, asked for more TIME?

Many thought the year 2012 would bring in the destruction of this world based off some prophecy of the Mayan calendar. 

2012 came and went, nothing. The Minister never taught about some Mayan calendar. What he teaches us comes from God Himself. 

Still, after 2012 some more fell away.

Once, before he departed, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad posted in a newspaper that within months America would be destroyed.

America is still here. 

Did the Messenger of God lie to us?

No, he asked for more TIME.

Once, before The Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad Departed He told The Honorable Elijah Muhammad that They had gotten all the Black people they were going to get, and He was going to destroy All the rest and this country.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad begged for more TIME.

Have you considered all the wonderful helpers of The Messiah who may not be here today if the Messengers did not ask for more TIME?

A while back The Messiah said he may not see another September with us. 

When September came around and he was still here, some more fell away. 

Remember Last years Saviours Day, Swan Song, he said was his LAST for a while.

He said he IS Going Away.

Yet we see the flyers that say he was speaking at the next year's Saviours Day?

Did he pray for more TIME?

OR will his DEPARTURE be similar to the departure of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad?

How did The Honorable Elijah Muhammad depart?

When did he depart?

When The Saviour was among us He Allowed Himself to Be Arrested.

When The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was among us he allowed himself to be arrested and imprisoned for years. He did not have to go to prison. He could have destroyed America then.

Years later, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad departed during Saviours Day weekend as we were celebrating the day our Saviour Master Fard Muhammad was born:

February 26, 1877

Before he ever departed The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Exalted Christ said Allah SHOWED him how they would try to kill him, and how He would save him and TAKE him up to The Wheel.

He said if Allah had not showed that to him he would not have had any hopes in surviving. 

Since Allah showed that to one of His Messengers, would they show that to The Minister?

Did they show The Messiah the same? Did they show him HOW and WHEN He would be exalted to The Wheel?

He said he's going up yonder to be with his Lord.

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan said he wanted Brother Arvence to be there WHEN he goes up to The Wheel.

The Minister said, "I want you (Brother Arvence) to be The One to SEE ME Leave..Whoever's going to be there with you, I want them to be there with you." 

πŸ•― (Follow Brother @arvence for updates on The Departure of The Messiah.)

As this war gets hotter and hotter, we must pay attention to what's going on in this war between Russia, Ukraine, Germany, China, & America. 

Because it teaches us how close we are to The Messiah leaving. And it's very soon.

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "So what am I facing now?

I KNOW that I'm about to be TAKEN. 

I KNOW That.

The war that Putin started in Ukraine IS going to spread. 

And America IS going to be DRAWN into a war in Europe. (Germany)

Listen to your Brother.

He (Elijah Muhammad) taught me this.

He said ONCE they are drawn into the war; he didn't tell me this part, but when America was DRAWN INTO the war with Japan, president Roosevelt wrote an Executive Order to get the Honorable Elijah Muhammad off the streets.

And the FBI arrested him and imprisoned him.

WHEN America is DRAWN INTO this war…

I'm too old for the draft. 

I'll be 90 by THAT Time. 

And they ARE going to send this Executive Order. 

And They ARE coming to arrest me.

Don't Worry. 

Jesus Kept telling the disciples these things are GOING to happen but don't let your hearts be troubled.

This is what's WRITTEN.

I have to FULFILL What is Written.

They're not going to treat me kindly.

They're not supposed to take my life because a DEAL was made. It's in the Bible, it's in the Quran.


God and the devil were talking. Now you wouldn't think that God and the devil would have a talk. 

If Putin and Biden and Putin and Putin and Putin can talk, you know God and Satan converse.

And the conversation is written in scripture.

Satan says to God, "Because you have found me erring. And you have caused me to remain disappointed. Here's what I'm going to do for You. I'm going to come at them in Your STRAIGHT PATH ….

I'm going to make them all deviate.

Now LOOK Nation of Islam.


Somebody come with a PLOT.

Somebody come with a PLAN, some money attached to it. Always something to attract your fancy. 

The first thing came out with Biden, and there was an aid to those who were suffering, business people and what not.

And I saw all these Muslims…"I'm a businessman. Let me get some of that money.'

Did I ring your bell?

Did I touch your number?

And some of you lying straight up.

How can you be identified with me and You a LIAR?

You Make Your Bones in My Name! You didn't have no name. You used my name! 

I Made the name FARRAKHAN a Great name because I Followed God Who named me!

Now you're going to take the name you got from me, the word that I taught you that made you loved in your community, You got that from me!

Now you've become a little whore to go out and lie. You think the devil not going to bring that to me?

He's going to use that to disgrace you but it's me that he wants.

He don't want you. He wants you to do more evil cause he GOT you. 

And just when you THINK it's safe…

He's going to come out with your name attached to my Good name.

(The enemy will come to Farrakhan saying,) "Do you know so and so?"

"Yes that's my grandson, that's my family member."

"He's a criminal."

"How you going to be with me when you are so hungry for money you allow yourself to become a victim? 

You can't be victimized by CON men if you don't want something for nothing. 


The devil will offer you something, and what you offered him is everything, because you offered him your soul. 

Thank God for David. The Lord is my Shepherd, I Shall Not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures, He leads me besides still waters, He RESTORES my soul.

So Jesus says Come unto me all ye who Labor and are heavy labored.

IF YOU FOLLOW WHAT I TELL YOU…you won't be caught up in foolishness. 

BUT if you follow your desires…

Some of you right now are trying to RIP OFF a PART of the followers with your understanding of what you THINK is Islam.

Don't play with God. Because these people are SACRED. 

And if you THINK you can use them to feather your pot and make you rich, but you a Liar???

Allah WILL KILL you!

I'm singing a song for you. This is your song. A song of death is a song for you to sing.

Because the Chastisement of Allah comes AFTER you don't see me no more.

But it's not permanent. 

Do you know when I said Elijah was alive I got a little perturbed with God. I said here I am, I'm out here on the point. I'm saying he's alive and you got all these people around here dreaming about Elijah, SEEING Elijah. And I ain't getting nothing.

So I'm fussing a little with God. He don't pay me no attention though…

Sisters don't let men play you while I'm gone. Don't let NONE of these men tell you they're justified in having more than one wife when you haven't done nothing with the woman that you got.

So, WHEN America is pulled into the war they coming for me…

The Final Call has been issued.

The paper has been out 40 years. And now Judgment is coming down in FULL!

He said Europe will be one of the worst war areas in the whole world. Europe. 

Watch Berlin

And when you start going away…and The Messenger said you'll go away by the tens of thousands to fight (#WWIII #Armageddon) 

But you'll come back by the fives and tens.

You (πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²) CAN'T WIN Another war.

Russia this will be your undoing too.

You see ALL White power HAS TO END.

The Kingdom of God has to be established. 

I'm Done! As Salaam Alaikum!"

Farrakhan Swan Song


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