They Are The Same As They Were When They Were Slaughtering Us During Slavery


#famine: Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "There will be 3 HARD Years Believers that we will have to ENDURE. 

But ONE year will be HARDER than ALL the rest. 

And the Bible says if those days were not shortened, for Gods Elect sake, not one soul would be left alive on the earth. 

You're going to witness an awful LOT of BLOODSHED. 

You will witness FAMINE like you have never seen. 

The scriptures say you will look at your little fat babies, with the thought in mind, of eating your own children. 

That's how TERRIBLE the Famine is going to be. 

All of this, does not have to happen. 

That's the beauty.

I could not leave you without saying there is still hope. 

The enemy is so angry with God with his growing loss of prestige and power that he is DETERMINED to take every one of us down with him. 

He set the white male on you (sisters) and he set the white female on you. ( brothers) 

He KNEW that God wanted you(Blacks) to SEPARATE(From Caucasians). 

And out of his rebelliousness he said, let's force integration. 

Integration is nothing more than a trick.

They never intended to integrate you into power. 

But they want to TRICK you into THINKING they have changed. 

And some of you silly Brothers and Sisters think, 'oh well it's all over the white man has change, he's reformed he's better now.' 

So God is going to show you that he's the same as he was six thousand years ago. 

That man is so wicked, knowing that God would give him a respite, (extra time) if he would do justice by you. Instead of doing justice by you he's tricking you. 

Oh man, just look at him Brothers and Sisters, this man is so wicked, rather than give you up so that you can do God's Work, and repent of his evils done to you and the #NativeAmericans, he would rather kill BOTH people." #Farrakhan 

Divine Destruction of America 

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