Try Your Best To Be Prepared

#NationofIslam #earthquake #Tornado #helene #HowToPrepareForDisaster #waterstorage #storingwater #disaster #DisasterPreparedness 

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan has WARNED and PRAYED that we Try our BEST to Be Prepared for the Cataclysmic Destruction we Face in America from A Major #Earthquake and other Plagues. 

According to THAT prayer, If we really INTEND on surviving the destruction of this world we are going to need WATER. 

How Much Water Do We Really Need? 

At LEAST 90 Gallons per Person 

Three Months. Per Person. Where does THAT number come from? 

Well...FEMA warns us to have 1 gallon per DAY, per PERSON, 

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "And I Pray that what WE SEE going on in the world,that We TRY Our BEST To Be PREPARED. You Need To Store Some Water IN Your Homes. You need to store some food IN your homes, Groceries. That Will Allow You To Be IN Your Homes From 2-3 Weeks or 2-3 MONTHS." #Farrakhan 3/31/11 Press Conference 

3 Months = 90 Gallons

He said that nearly 13 years ago. 

Our Time to Prepare is Now Just About Up. 

⚠️ If We Continue to Play with his warning, or This warning, Sent To us by Almighty God Allah, it may be nearly impossible to survive. 

We don't have to spend a whole lot of money on water if we get containers to store water/rainwater...

BUT...if we wait till the last moment to get water....

Is There a Way to Stock up on at Least 3 Months of Water in One Day? 

Sure. Make a List of 3 to 10 stores.

Then go to each store on that list and buy at least 5 to 10 cases of water from each store. 

If we have a larger vehicle, Van or Pickup, we could get more.

I was at Costco once and there was this very small mother with 3 or so children while pushing one of those huge flat carts with maybe 10 to 20 of those huge 40 bottle cases of water.

She looked at my cart filled with as many cases.  We exchanged a nod and kept going.

You'll have to make a few stops at the house to drop off that water.

If we don't have a vehicle we are going to have to catch uber or lyft. 

We can also use instacart or shipt or one of the other grocery delivery services in your area. 

And be sure to TIP your delivery driver A LOT. Don't be a devil, make someone move all that water and we not tip them properly. 

Or we could just order 30 cases of water from office depot, homedepot or similar and they deliver. Some of those stores sell cases of water by the pallet. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ That's the dream

Many of us heard him give that warning nearly 10 years ago.

 Even If we think we don't have the Money, Ask God to Help us Be in Compliance with His Messiah and The Money to Get all the water we need will be there. 

Make the list now even if we only have very little faith. 

If faith the size of a mustard seed can toss a mountain in the water then it can it can bring some of that water back. 

Just ask God to help us do this right now, make that list right now, and make it happen. And As You Get Yours, help your family and friends get theirs. 

How? Just send them this. 

Even if they don't believe.


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