⭐️ Pages Deleted Again
Some of you go as far back with me as the early days of social media (Facebook, Twitter, google+ Tumblr)
Since then many of my pages have been repeatedly deleted by these companies.
Hundreds of thousands of posts lost, and in time, all social media will be eventually shut down worldwide.
To date, the only social media company that has not been banned my page is Twitter. Even though the names changed, I have had the same twitter since the beginning. (⚠️ Currently @battleinthesky)
#dailywarning is a series of posts of The Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and #DisasterPreparedness tips
I initially started hash-tagging the posts #dailyarnings as a way to catalog them in a way that was easy to be found later.
For example, if you are on Facebook or Instagram, you can enter #dailywarning19 into search and all the posts I've made under that hashtag may still come up under others who shared the post
I thank those of us who share them.
I make posts to help us prepare for the destruction we face.
The following are Links to the free ebook compilation of some of the posts I've made over the years.
Book 1 https://bit.ly/3WOT6xZ
Book 2 https://bit.ly/3wFniB0
Book 3 https://bit.ly/3I93aOl
Book 4 https://bit.ly/3RRdYE4
Book 5 https://bit.ly/3lgkGqR
Please share them with all of your family and friends.
Download the ebooks to your hard drive so you can always access them regardless of if we have internet or electricity.
If we can print a copy, even better. Maybe print a copy or 2 for that family member or friend who does not use social media or has problems seeing things on the computer screen.
Thank you
⚠️ These Severe Trials will not get any better for us until we are 100% in Submission to Allah. 100% in Submission to The Restrictive Laws.
“WHEN you are in TRIBULATION, and all these things COME UPON YOU in the latter days, you will return to The LORD, #MasterFardMuhammad, your God, and OBEY His Voice (Messiah @LouisFarrakhan).” Deuteronomy 4:30
"Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation." Judges 10:14
If you would like to support this work Please Send Donations To Either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert
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