🚨 THINK Over The Prophecy: It Will Frighten You Nearly To Death


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Tornado #snow #rain #hail #earthquake #WWIII #storms #thedayofjudgement

⚠️ THINK Over The PROPHECY: It Will Frighten You Nearly To Death

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "There’s a movie out called Into The Storm: You ought to check it out, because one of the things they said was, “Well, one of these powerful tornadoes has not hit Chicago or L.A. LosAngeles”

Well let me tell you, baby: IT’S ON THE WAY!

And if you, my brothers, DON’T CHANGE, don’t stop the killing of each other, then The WRATH of God will descend, and blood will be seen in the gutters of Chicago—but it will be YOUR blood, our blood.

But then, God will answer SWIFTLY.

You are the People of God but you are acting like Agents of The Devil

And THAT Has To Stop."‪ #Farrakhan‬: The Troubled World

🚨 The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "They have tried to kill me, as you know, MANY times. Many of you know this.

They're still trying to do so, THROUGH YOU.

He's afraid himself, but he thinks you've foolish and that if he tells you, "Go down there and kill Elijah," you certainly will make an attempt.

You're just that silly.

You have never loved yourself; and therefore, you could not be expected to love me enough, not to try to attempt to take my life, just because the devil told you to do so.

But here is a boy standing of this platform that you nor he can put that small time stuff over on.

We don't search you at the door thinking that your gun will go off and kill me.

We  just want to let you know the science of the time; that the weapons of the devil will not be used.

No more using the devils weapons to kill the righteous of God. No!

This is your last brother.

Your LAST DOOR WAY, out of this mess.

I'm not here to show off. I'm here to show you something, but not to show off.

The secret of the time has been kept from the Black man of America so long, that he, himself, don't believe in time.

We, the first to rise from among the sleeping dead to instruct you, teach you, the knowledge of the day and time you are living in.

This is your day and my day.

The white man don't have nothing in this day but DEATH."

"It (Destruction) is on its way to Chicago and other cities in America.

It will FRIGHTEN YOU NEARLY TO DEATH when you SEE these things going on in America and in Chicago.

"THINK over how much you have been preached to like they were preached to in #Jerusalem.

The #Jesus‬ said he did ALL THAT WORK in Jerusalem, and that if Sodom and Gomorrah had that kind of work, they would have believed and repented long ago.

I say the same thing about ‪CHICAGO ‬ and‪ DETROIT.

For over 40 YEARS I have taught the people of these TWO(Chicago/Detroit) cities ENOUGH for them to walk into the Heaven.

Regardless of how high it is or how wide it is, they should be able to walk into it because they have been taught EVERYTHING.

They SHOULD be SCIENTISTS in the Knowledge of Truth.

But just THINK over the PROPHECY.

When THE TIME came, the people still were in DOUBT and it overtook them at a TIME they knew not.

This is TRUTH.

That is the way it was with Noah and Lot.

When the TIME CAME they had VERY FEW BELIEVERS, so he had to turn ALL of the OTHERS over to DESTRUCTION.

Think over the hundreds of thousands of our people in Chicago, and the other millions throughout America that will have to be turned over to destruction.

If you are NOT A BELIEVER you wont go any place, but to DESTRUCTION." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: #TheologyofTime

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "You'reπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² so ROTTEN! The ONLY thing that will MAKE you better is the CHASTISEMENT of ‪God‬! 

And because I realize that, I'm just about THROUGH teaching you ANYTHING. 

But I want to get your BLOOD OFF MY HANDS." 

Some of yall think that Farrakhan‬ is crazy. 

That he just says these powerful things to stir things up. 


It's bigger than that. I got to do what I got to do to avoid Allah's (God's) Wrath on me! 

Look at the warner that comes to the Babylon(America). 

What is the word? 

Come OUT of her My People!

That you be not partakers of her SINS and of her ‪‎PLAGUES ‬. For her SINS have reached unto Heaven.' DON'T INTEGRATE in her(America), Come Out! 

Come out!

Come OUT of her way of THINKING!

Come out of her NAME!(Johnson, Williams, Jackson, etc)

Come out of her false worship!(#Christianity, #easter, #christmas, sport, partying, etc)

And come into a Righteous Code of Conduct that will allow you and me to ESCAPE what God has purposed for her. (America)"

"The Question is, Have YOU Heard(read) The WARNING?

You see the Qur'an goes like this, 'Did not My Reminder come to you? 

Did not My Reminder come to you?' 

Did you not HEAR a caller from among you calling you to the truth? 

You heard(read) it, while you partied. 

You heard it while you played. 

You DID hear (READ). 

So the Judgment has to deal with:



#Farrakhan Divine Destruction of America 

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