π― How To Prepare For Life Without Smartphones: The Science of Telepathy
#NationofIslam #telepathy #MasterFardMuhammad #Diet #fasting #Ramadan #SavioursDay #mindreading
π― How To Prepare For Life Without Smartphones: The Science of Telepathy Is With Us
π¨ Some of us buy many books and pay a lot for education that will all prove USELESS to us if we are not studying what GodToday, take one problem from The Problem Book, Just one, and recite it at least 50 times in a row, back to back. And tell me about it next week.
The Hypocrites Do not Really Study The Supreme Wisdom Because they Do Not believe America will ever end, they do not really believe In Our Saviour and The Supreme Wisdom the He Brought.
What's Your Excuse?
π―"Mary; a SIGN of Divine Light; And That Is Ava Muhammad." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan: Atlanta, GA 4/10/15
diet & Telepathy:
Sister Minister Ava Muhammad Warns, "And in a very few days, there will come a time when all that will keep us alive is our DIRECT RELATIONSHIP with God Master Fard Muhammad.
There are things that money can buy, and there are things money cannot buy.
There are things in life that are assigned to us to do that we can delegate to someone else to do for us.
But one thing that cannot be done by someone else is the experience the process of resurrection.
Not your husband, not your wife, not your father, not your mother, your children, your cousin, your boss at the job, your best friend; no one can undergo this process for you...
It Will Be Important that we all Master the innate skill of what Jesus of 2,000 years ago referred to "tuning in", or the ability to read the mind of others.
This is so because even if the Caucasian does not disconnect the telephone lines, even if he doesnt do that, in order for the Black Nation to survive we must be able effectuate a war, successfully.
And we cannot do that if the enemy is going to be made privy to our plans before we execute the plan.
So since every telephone in and out of this country belongs to the Caucasian as Minister Farrakhan says; The white man will tell you, "WHEREVER two of you are gathered together, I am the third."
That's the White man talking. Because he is the god of THIS world.
But the Black Man is the God of the Universe.
So that is the balance that must be corrected...
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said we are in a DAY of LEARNING. IF you do not learn, you are LEFT BEHIND.
To Go Into The Hereafter, and join the heavenly society, you have to give up this world.
Now, we need a Higher Wisdom than we are functioning on beloved...
I thank Allah for technology.
It is spoken of in The Problem Book as being a factor in freeing the slave...
Since Caucasian people virtually control all forms of communication then we are going to have to return to our Original means of communication which is to SEND THOUGHT.
Don't ever think that because they invented the telephone that this makes them more advanced.
If you understood the telephone you would realize it is a regression.
It is a tool of a primitive people.
A people who are unable to send sound through the airwaves therefore they must use wire.
They can't send the sound because they lack #melanin in the brain, so they have no connection with the #cosmic forces that allows them to a create a straight path for sound when they allow it to emit from the voice or from the projection of thought.
So when a white person speaks, the sound only travels to a very finite area.
When a righteous person expresses a sound it has the capacity to travel to the very end of the universe because it follows a straight path.
If you think straight, you will speak straight, and you will sound straight, and then you will be in accordance with the sound waves Allah already placed in the universe for us to speak on.
So you don't need something as primitive as a wire to carry sound for you.
But The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said anybody can develop this; if you're Black you're born with it; the ablity to tune in.
Everyone in this room has had a situation in their life where you SENSED the occurrence of an event and either you acted on it or you didn't.
And when the event came to pass you said, "Oh my God, I saw this! I saw this coming."
Sometimes you get the SENSE that someone close to you is trying to reach you and you will call them and say, "Were you trying to call me?"
And they'll say "No, but I was THINKING about you."
Or you will go in a room and the people will say, "Oh we talked you up. We were just talking About you and you walked in the room."
Well these are not meaningless incidents. But They are SIGNS of a gift, an innate, a God given gift that you and I have that no longer can be a gift.
NOW It is MANDATORY that All of us MUST develop that. All of us MUST MASTER That Now.
It is essential, beloved, that we begin to sharpen the innate God given brain power that we ALREADY possess.
One of the MAIN IMPEDIMENTS to that development is the #diet.
⚠️ You cannot be a consumer of PORK, and pork is DIVINELY PROHIBITED, you will NEVER, never, EVER have this capability if you are a pork eater.
Because pork creates LAYERS of DEAD FLESH on the brain that actually IMPEDE the ability of the pineal gland to serve as an antenna in your head that allows you to communicate with the cosmic forces.
That's why it is DIVINELY PROHIBITED. It absolutely stands between God and Man." Student Dr. Minister Ava Muhammad: Without Equal - Los Angeles 12/8/91
Watch Full Video Here: https://youtu.be/NirgqrOAyHI
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