⚠️ Nations Alert System: This Is Only A TEST: "And You Are Three Sorts."


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC


⚠️ Nations Alert System: This Is Only A TEST: "And You Are Three Sorts."

#Telepathy: telepathy (təˈlepəθi) noun:

the communication of ideas, thoughts etc directly from one person's mind to another person's mind without the use of hearing, sight etc. "He knew just what I was thinking – it must have been telepathy"

🕯 Have you noticed these commercials with actors(doctors) URGING anyone who hears RINGING in their ears to hurry into their clinics so they can operate on us so we won't have to hear that anymore…🙄 

Don't Fall for that… 😑

Remember back in the day when that old government commercial would come on that started with a high pitched siren🚨🚨🚨 and then these words:

"This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the FCC and other authorities (or, in later years, "federal, state and local authorities") have developed this system to keep you informed in the EVENT of an EMERGENCY."


Mother Tynnetta explains ringing in ears: "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us that you will hear a RING, a BELL-LIKE sound, in your EAR. 

He said, THAT will be a SIGN that either HE would be trying to get in contact with you OR one of the scientists that will be trying to get in touch with you.

He further stated that two of us will be walking together, doing normal things, in the mall shopping and he said that THAT message will come through the ear, through the power of hearing.

One WILL hear it, and the other will NOT.

And in that TIME, the message will be the communication of THOUGHT coming from these high-born scientists and you will have to follow the INSTRUCTIONS of what that voice is telling you to do.

Now, the question is: Have we cleaned up this vehicle to be able to hear those high frequencies of sound?

These high frequencies of sound are emitted from a LIGHT, a form of electricity.

The use of electricity is one of the great mysteries that #MasterFardMuhammad shared with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad upon His departure which still at that time remained a mystery.

These electronic impulses that permeate our atmosphere are connected to our orbits in space, such as the sun.

As the sun is the center of our galaxy and its energy or light waves are able to strike nine planets full of life that are rotating on this sphere, we become more conscious that we are part and parcel of every element of matter; every element that makes up the atomic weights and energy fields and its chemical composition.

Should we not PURIFY this vessel so that when we pray, which is our subject, we are cognizant of the natural, physical, biological and electronically charged atomic law? How much more powerful will our prayers be if we become more conscious? We are more conscious when that energy, like a crystal, amplifies our thoughts.

They have an effect on the cells of our bodies. They have an effect upon the blood coursing through our veins.

Light and blood travel at the same speed." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: Power of Prayer

Mother Tynnetta Warns "A few select students, if I may use that word, who are working and studying on their assignment given to us to study by The Master, that WILL be TAKEN OUT.

These are The Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in "Our Saviour Has Arrived" and other writings, #TableTalks of Muhammad.

He said they would be taken out and they would meet again with The Lamb on Mt. Zion.

And he said in "Our Saviour Has Arrived" that Mt. Zion represents a foreign shore.

A place OUTSIDE of the house of bondage.

He would not descend back into hell but we would have to ascend, or be lifted up, or taken out of hell in order to be with him again.

That is your root of your 144,000 who are Sealed in their heads with the Name of their Father.

So it can't be someone who doesn't know who God is.

It can't be one who wants to keep thinking He's a spook. A spook doesn't have a name that you can write.

So something BIG is about to take place.

And there will be a handful who may be blessed by Almighty God Allah to be taken out FIRST.

Not only, but FIRST.

This is what The Hon ElijahMuhammad said.

He said even the most unwilling, obstinate,  and stubborn among us would be taken out at a particular time.

And we too would be taken to a certain place. And he mentions the parallel between these places and Mother Africa.

He said if we want to have a real understanding of what our civilization looked like in the past, he said study the monuments in Egypt...

We have got to wake up Brothers and Sisters. Because The Time of Change is so near.

But all would not suffer because of the ignorance of the Masses. Those who are striving to make it will not forever be among  the biggots,  the hypocrites,  and the wicked. 

Do you understand?

And each one is being tapped from among us, testing us, as The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said you'll hear a little BELL, a little RING in the EAR, that means someone is trying to get in touch with you.

And he even said me or someone else.

So all of you are in for a shock who think that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is dead." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: The Wisdom Given to the Bottom

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