When The Food Runs Out In Your City: Please Plant Something You Can Feed Your Family.

⚠️#WWIII #hyperinflation 


WHEN The Food RUNS OUT in Your City: How To Keep Your Family Alive. 

The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Warns UNIVERSAL #Famine is coming. 

Meaning Entire Countries Will Run Out Of Food and many of the people will die of starvation. 

ALL of us MUST plant SOMETHING..

Plant something TODAY, Right NOW, that in a few weeks will help keep us alive during the WORST #Famine to Ever Hit any country at any time.

There is nearly NOTHING Growing on Most of The Farms in America.

 (#NationofIslam Farms are doing well)

Check for yourself.  When you go to your Local Grocery store.  Look and see WHERE our produce is coming from. 

What country? 

Then Google and see what the current relationship of that country is with America, China, & Russia. 

Everybody Plant something. Anything.

Can you Imagine if Everyone on our Blocks planted something different. We will be able to feed our families after Disasters.

There are many people out in the suburbs stockpiling GUNS, ready to Kill US because WHEN our cities run out of food,  they believe we will try to come and steal theirs.

But Can You Imagine the opposite?

Can You Imagine if all of those who mock us, who hate us, who fear us, find themselves lining up at the city limits, at OUR tables, to beg for our leftovers.

Because it doesn't matter how many guns you have...Doesn't matter how much food and water you have stored up, IF you are an enemy to the Black man and woman of America, you are an enemy to Our God Who came to save us and destroy our enemies. 

The Bible and Holy Qur’an warns God will absolutely Chastise and/or destroy ALL who mock His People. 

The cities will soon run out of food.

Yes, #Detroit will run out of Food. 

#Atlanta will run out of Food.  #LosAngeles and #NewYork WILL RUN OUT OF FOOD.

The stores will SOON run EMPTY.

The disbelievers think it's insane to believe that Big Bad America will soon be starving... while at the same time crying about how the "Elite" is trying to program us to eat bugs...

We won't have to eat bugs if the stores will have food.

But they won't. 

And all we have stored in our homes 
All we have growing in our yards, is all we will have.

We can grow in containers in our yards. We don't even have to go out and do a lot of digging anymore. 

We can take storage totes, buckets, any kind of container we can get our hands on or build, and fill them with a rich potting soil, and drop some seeds in and grow food.

Go on YouTube right now and look at some of the many videos on container gardening and how to prepare soil for growing in containers. 

There is really NO EXCUSE.

Even if we live in an apartment we can grow INSIDE our apartments. 

Some of us dedicate ENTIRE ROOMS, GARAGES, BASEMENTS,  For playing video games, watching movies, having parties and barbecues. 

We can turn that same energy, and SPACE, into growing food.

I understand that many of us, Most of us have no idea what to do to start a Garden inside or outside. But there is help.  

There are literally THOUSANDS of videos on YouTube that will show us how to grow ANYTHING. And these videos walk us through every step of the process,  challenges that we face, and how to deal with them.

Even if we only get ONE SEED.  Take it, and plant it in the ground, or in a container, and watch God Go to Work in our favor. 

Right now many of us have the perfect windows that get the perfect amount of sun to start some seedlings or starting plants inside so when its warm enough outside we can put our plants outside. 

Go get some seeds. We can order seeds online.  We want those heirloom non gmo seeds.  

May Allah Bless All of us who read this to start a Garden and encourage others to do so while we still have time.

We Can Feed our Own families and Communities if we PREPARE Now.

If we do not do anything for ourselves today, Right now, it will be our Children that suffer tomorrow.

Have you considered that many of these garden nurseries may run out of plants & seeds very soon?
In a few days, all the food on the grocery store shelves will dry up. And Whatever we can find at the stores the prices will have been jacked up by the 100%  hyperinflation The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns is coming. 

Why will the store shelves be empty?

 Well, the Bible says...

"And I (God) will CAUSE THEM to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters; and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend, in the siege and in the distress, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their life, shall distress them" Jeremiah 19:9

There won't be a famine if everyone can just go grow food.

But everyone won't initially.  Especially those who disbelieve.  They can't imagine a country this big and powerful running out of food. 🙄

⚠️ When The Food Runs Out In Your City: Please Plant Something You Can Feed Your Family.

⚠️ The Exalted Christ: Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "You are going to be SO HUNGRY here (🇺🇲) until you will desire to eat each other. If the other one doesn't watch you, you will do it. It is written (Bible). If you can't get something to eat, certainly you will Fall on each other....

WHEN the UNIVERSAL FAMINE comes you will eat dogs if you can find one. 

The Bible says Allah's righteous people WILL EAT. 


The devil is warning you all of the time now against sitting down and not trying to make PREPARATIONS for getting something to eat." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Theology of Time

#FoxFarmSoil #urbangarden question "ASA sir. How are u? I pray Allah that all is well with you and your family. 

Do you have any recommendations for "good potting soil" most store bought soils are mixed wirh mulch and chemicals that kill wut is growing 

Is there a difference between potting soil for food gardening and potting soil for flowers?  Plz advise. Thanx.

We all appreciate the work you do. From our hearts THANK YOU"

My response

 Walaikum Salaam Ma'am.  All Praises be to Allah.  Ive been on a cleaning mission around here, trying to get garden ready. I pray Allah you and your family are well.

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE potting soil is Fox Farm products


 I've been using their products for years. Especially as a seed starter. I usually get the 1.5 cu big bag, and fill up a bunch of red plastic cups,(poke holes in bottom first) and put my seeds in them.

It truly is an excellent soil, those seedlings jump up quick.

If you can get it from a local nursery near you or one of the hydroponic grow shops it's way cheaper. 

But I wouldn't care what they charge at this point, that soil is that good. And when your seedlings start off with those kinds of nutrients,  it helps later on.

For my containers I usually put my own soil together.  But if you wanted to you could probably fill your containers up with fox farm products and your plants would be fine.

I just have over 40 containers so I couldn't afford that many bags...yet

But if I could, I would 😎 

Hope that helps. If you will, share this with your friends and family.  They may be wondering the same thing.


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