When The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Took Us To Canada

⚠️ #earthquake #tsunami #hurricanes #fire #evacuation 

Earlier My mother Was reading this article about best places to retire in America. Of course  a few of them were on or near the coastlines of America. 

So I told her their selection was based on this intelligence of this world.

And being that we are living in the day of judgment we should consider God's choice too.

I mean we don't "retire" but I'm always looking for opportunities to talk about The Teachings. 

So I told her The Messiah said take Arkansas FIRST. And as I said that I remembered a Vision I had of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

So I said to her "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad took me and a handful of believers to Canada In a vision and he met with this Brother, and I'm pretty sure he made a deal for our protection while we waited outside. 

See VISION here: https://bit.ly/3nfFEaB

My Mother Probably thought, "you really believe that?"🙄

It's so wonderful to just BELIEVE.

I was out walking the other day. It was just before sunset so traffic was light, and I looked across the street and there was this HUGE Pitbull dog running full speed right at me.

And I mean this dog was coming fast. He wasn't coming to let me pet him.

Now the second I see this dog coming at me, running was out of the question.  Not that I'm so brave after watching "Fear, Faith, & Truth", the dog was just almost at me.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to brace for this impact of this huge beast without him tearing my throat out! 😅

And in that split second,  as I mulled my very limited options, I was also complaining to Allah. 

I was like "I thought you was supposed to protect us from things like this!" 😭😭😭

And that dog was literally 3 steps from me when a CAR appeared, it seemed like it never even pumped the brakes, and it went BAM! That car hit that dog knocking it halfway back across the street.

When the dog finally hit the ground i kinda felt sorry for it, for a second 🤨, it was coming for me first.

So We may look absolutely crazy to some people. But Allah has shown each of us that He is with us, and has our backs in His Own way.

So when The Messiah soon leaves us, all of our previous plans are out the window because Allah is about to turn this country upside down and break it into pieces. 

We don't know what's going to happen with us after His Incredible Wrath is Finally Released…

BUT, here are some examples…

I thought about Sister Betty. She wrote the book "Dear Holy Apostle", about the life she and her husband lived while she is one of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad personal secretaries, and said believers would also be evacuated to Mexico too.

Mother Tynnetta teaches ...The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke about the islands as places of quiet refuge for many who would escape the Devil’s wrath. 

We are being called to separate from his hostile environment of death, to be reborn again in spirit, and in mind, in body and in soul, to meet with our Lord, yet again on a FOREIGN shore. 

According to our Supreme Wisdom of Actual Facts, we are given the square mileage of the islands which is 1,910,000.  This figure is given in the eleventh Actual Fact. 

As we enter the New Year, 2014, let us be bonded together in greater love and brotherhood. 

And let us KNOW that our original population all over the planet earth is 4,400,000,000 who are PREPARED to help us in our journey BACK HOME..."

Brother Jabril warns "MOST OF US are not going to see that ‪‎God‬ #MasterFardMuhammad has really come until this country has been brought low; 

Until the white man has lost his power. 

THEN, MOST of us will SEE. 

The LUCKY ONES will see spiritually PRIOR(meaning BEFORE) to that.

And THOSE are the ones who SHALL BE HIDDEN in the days of God’s WRATH.

Which will break out not long after Minister Farrakhan departs, and that’s VERY SOON.” Brother Jabril Muhammad : Betrayal and it's Antidote

⭐⭐⭐ NOTE: Brother Bobby Muhammad questioned Brother Jabril more about this. Where we would be taken. And Brother Jabril said "THAT is a big Military Secret."

Mother Tynnetta teaches "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke both in the public and in private about the signifi cance of the Pacific Islands all the way to #Australia and #NewZealand and their future role in HELPING and UNITING with our people. He spoke about healing and regeneration treatments that would also be given to some of us on the Pacific Islands in the near future…

"Such persons called Angels or messengers would be SEEN in the Final Judgment Hour standing on every other corner telling the people WHERE to go. 

He(Christ) also stated that there are THOUSANDS of those individuals (angels or messengers) ALREADY in the country (America), but could not be identified lest they be killed.

We must have FAITH and REMEMBER that we are NOT ALONE. 

Many of us may be lucky to be RESCUED when the time comes and be TAKEN to quiet, peaceful places OUTSIDE of the area designated for destruction." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad : The Time of the Witnesses and their Testimony

Mother Tynnetta Warns "A few select students, if I may use that word, who are working and studying on their assignment given to us to study by The Master, that WILL be TAKEN OUT. 

A place OUTSIDE of the house of bondage. 

He would not descend back into hell but we would have to ascend, or be lifted up, or taken out of hell in order to be with him again. 

That is your root of your 144,000 who are Sealed in their heads with the Name of their Father. 

So something BIG is about to take place. 

And there will be a HANDFUL who may be blessed by Almighty God Allah to be taken out FIRST. 

Not only, but FIRST. 

"The 19 is a number that comes in the end of The Judgment which separates people into groups. 

As the madness breaks out there is a group that will be TAKEN AWAY to SAFETY and given Refuge on Lofty grounds having meadows and springs. 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches, "You have been looking for spirits to come out of the sky. 

It will not be like that. 

The angels will come from Heaven, alright enough, but they are MEN and not spooks like you think. 

They will come in ‪planes‬ to take you up out of the troubled area and fly you to another peaceful area out in the far Pacific.

The Bible prophecies to you(Blacks) that you will be taken to the islands FAR AWAY.

They do have places out there where they can take care of us permanently (forever).

You May live on some of these islands.

NewZealand has already cried out that they can take ALL of us." Honorable Elijah Muhammad : Theology of Time



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