⚠️ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Warns AGAINST Raw Food/ Vegan Diet

#diet #weightloss #HealthyDiet #rawfoods #vegan #veganism

🚨 Do Not Eat A Raw food, vegan diet ~ Honorable Elijah Muhammad 

The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Warns,  "God is visiting us to teach us -- the Lost and Found members of God’s family -- to prolong our lives (give us more life and abundancy of life), as it is written.

By no means can we get this life from ANY OTHER SOURCE.

guidance of Almighty God
-- Who appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praise is due forever -- and NOT the ways of the people whose diets have sent us calling the doctor and being hurried off to the hospital and from the hospital to our graves.

The white people called the Christian race, after they were driven out of the Holy Land and roamed the caves and hillsides of Europe, lived there for 2,000 years, eating RAW FOOD.

They did not know how to cook anything or the use of fire until Moses taught them.

Can we accept them and their way of life instead of Allah’s?

No, we will take Allah’s will and His guidance.

It goes something like this: Eat ONE meal a DAY.

If this does not make you well, eat one meal every other day, NOTHING between meals.

And eat only the RIGHT foods.

He said milk, bread and navybeans would lengthen our lives to 140 years.

He did not give us a long list of different food diets and foods to confuse us on what to eat.

COOK YOUR FOOD well done -- especially animal meat.

BOILING your food until it is WELL DONE is better on your digestive system than baking and frying meats.

Baking and frying it makes it about as hard on your digestive system as eating it raw. Never
try to put a baked crust on any of your food except bread.

Drink PLENTY of wholesome milk.

Eat butter, bread and fresh foods.

If you eat fowl, lamb, squab and fish, cook it well done. 

Keep your food under STEAM -- PRESSURE COOK it with the lid on.

Do not look up a variety of things to eat. 

Most vegetables are good to eat EXCEPT those which you have been FORBIDDEN to eat, such as collard greens, black-eyed peas, and a lot of green cabbage sprouts.

Eat the white part of cabbage and cauliflower.

⚠️ STAY OFF those peanuts, coconuts,
and nuts -- PERIOD."
Hon #ElijahMuhammad


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