⚠️ When They Wonder Why All The Animals & INSECTS Have Turned on Them and ATTACKS...


⚠️ When They Wonder Why? Why Have All The INSECTS & Animals Turned On Them?

⚠️ VERY SOON We Will Witness MILLIONS & BILLIONS of Animals, Insects, spiders herculesspider, Birds, Dogs, orcas killerwhales , sharks, start Attacking The People in America...

⚠️ A Sign Of What's Coming To Major Cities 

⚠️ REMEMBER, it was the cavedweller who brought dogs into their caves for protection. We have a God for that

⚠️ #earthquake #DisasterPreparedness: in this image During #Hurricane Katrina these dogs, trained house pets, that were "Left Behind" or "Let Go" Formed into packs(feral) for survival.

When #HurricaneKatrina was predicted to hit New Orleans, the city was evacuated. Everyone must go.

Most did, a few stayed. Many of them that stayed, died.

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan said

Hurricane Katrina was only a sign of what's coming to Many Cities in America. 

Especially the coastlines. 

The Bible teaches us that before Allah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah He sent His angels in the night to save His believers. 

The Bible teaches us that before Allah destroyed the people of Noah, He told Noah to prepare, to stock up for what's coming. A Flood. And in the middle of the flooding He saved His servant and his followers. 

If you are reading this and you are not a student of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad pay close attention to his followers under Messiah @LouisFarrakhan's Leadership. 

Because we will be warned to evacuate in time to save our lives.

The Government may not give us such a warning in time because they don't know Allah's Plans.

Even if you don't believe anything we say, WHEN that time comes and you see or hear of all the Muslims under Farrakhan leaving, you better go too.

Many who evacuated New Orleans left their dogs behind. They had to. Because those who were evacuated by busses could not take them.

Those who went into the shelters could not bring pets.

That's going to happen again. After this major earthquake Many will have to sleep outside. 

During the evacuation of New Orleans there was insane traffic jams. All the highways were made to go in one direction, away from Louisiana. 

And even that was not enough to ease the traffic nightmare. Many who had evacuated had pets. 

Pets they loved. Pets they considered family. 

But after a while, spending all that time stuck in that traffic, many just left those animals on the side of the highway. 

🚨 There are just TOO MANY of us who are NOT prepared or even thinking about preparing, who have dogs

(You are NUTS if this is you). 

WHEN the food runs out, where do you plan on getting more for your dog? 

When that day comes, you will have to make a choice. Because a dog that goes unfed for too long will show you his true nature. 

When your water runs low, and you are about to run out, yet you have this dog, what will you do? 

After Hurricane Katrina the dogs that were "let go" eventually started to run together in packs. 

They turned feral. 

Meaning they became very vicious. 

Nearly all of these animals were trained "house pets" that reverted back to their "True Nature" to survive in the wild. 

The same is going to happen again, on a much larger scale. 

So after the destruction strikes where you live, going into the second week, beware of dogs you see running around together or alone. 

They will attack you and try to eat you. 

What am I suggesting that we do? 

If you have #dogs or #cats, and you really believe that America is about to be destroyed, then I Highly suggest you get rid of it now.

Yes, get rid of it now. 

You will have to eventually. It will be much easier to get rid of it BEFORE a disaster then After. Because once you set up that tent, that dog is not going anywhere. 

Or keep it, and wait and see for yourself.

 If you insist on keeping that dog/dogs or cat, you should really stock up on as much food and water FOR THEM now as you can. 

And even then, it will may not be enough. 

If you live in these major cities, get rid of the dogs. 

Especially if you claim to believe in the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Because we are going to be TAKEN and only allowed out with the clothes we are wearing. 

Where are you going to take that animal? 

Some shelters may take pets initially. 

But the death and destruction we face will be catastrophic, worse than anything we have ever seen or ever heard of. 

In THAT time, No one will even want to deal with you and your animals, except to eat them. 

#Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns "You are going to be SO HUNGRY here until you will desire to eat each other.

  If the other one doesn't watch you, you will do it. 

It is written (Bible). If you can't get something to eat, certainly you will Fall on each other....

WHEN the UNIVERSAL FAMINE comes you will eat dogs if you can find one. The Bible says Allah's righteous people WILL EAT. 

"And I (God) will CAUSE THEM to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters; and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend, in the siege and in the distress, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their life, shall distress them" Jeremiah 19:9

Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert #dailywarning23

⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Rain, #Hail, #Snow, and #Earthquakes. But that ain’t all! 

The Bible says that He #MasterFardMuhammad would bring INSECTS! 

There’s one of those Angels that got control over the insects! 

Where the insects can come up in such TERRIFIC NUMBERS and just TERRIFY you!

YES, they’ve got power over the BIRDS! 

And can command the #birds where the birds BEGIN TO ATTACK and it’s TERRIFYING!

You will not be able to hardly to walk the streets because the DOGS will be turned into VICIOUS HUNTERS of the people!

Oh yes, they’ve got KILLER BEES!

Killer ANTS! 

Now they say some kind of a ROACH that they’ve found here in the valley somewhere; poison roach! 


GRASS HOPPERS (#LOCUSTS), #prayingmantis 

And then the #Bible says and I heard the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad say that Allah may make NEW #CREATURES!



To terrify the hell out of the people. 

It’s so easy for God to TAKE the country(🇺🇲) from the white man and give it to you if He wants you to have it. 

He don’t have to destroy it. 

He can TAKE it in the twinkling of an eye brothers and sisters.

All God wants is for you to RECOGNIZE He is here FIGHTING for your DELIVERANCE and you don’t have nothing to do but get yourself CLEANED UP and get on HIS SIDE And RESPECT His DECISION against your enemies." #LouisFarrakhan

Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert



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