⚠️ Don't Tell Them You Knew: After The Major Earthquake: Surviving BeforeHand


🚨 #earthquake #tsunami #Departure WATCH


⚠️ UPDATE: WHEN The Messiah Departs...WHEN The Major Earthquake Strikes...WHEN America is dragged into WW3...WHEN The power goes out...WHEN Allah Unleashes His Wrath Like we have never seen before...When THAT Destruction hits where we live... IF in all this TIME, This Grace & MERCY from God, We have not prepared as we were warned,😑 Don't tell anyone you knew it was coming.

Don't tell anyone in your family you were WARNED to prepare for EVERYTHING we are about to face and you didn't store ANY food or water.😐 Please don't tell them that. Just pretend to be shocked like everyone else...😳

🕯Recently we gave Messiah @LouisFarrakhan a gift. A gift of GOLD. And he said something that I have heard him say maybe once or twice before, he said this in reference to the gold we gave him, SD GIFTS, and maybe all the stuff he's acquired over his years of service. He was like:

 I'm about to go to The Wheel and I can't take any of this with me.

When we think about The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his initial 40 years of service. When we think of all the THINGS he may have acquired during that time. All his travels, the people he met, the GIFTS…

But when he went to The Wheel, he went with the clothes on his back.

And he teaches us When WE leave, we will only be allowed out with what? NOTHING but the clothes on our backs.

We can't take NOTHING from this world, NOTHING from our country,  NOTHING from the homes we live in. NOTHING from our cars. Out of all those pictures we keep in our homes and in our wallets,  we can't take a single picture with us when we leave.

And for those who don't believe what we believe…YET …I'm not talking about death.

I'm talking about when we are Soon TAKEN to the Place God has prepared for us, ON EARTH, removing us from our enemies and we will be with HIM.

Brother Jabril and Mother Tynnetta said Christ teaches a small group of believers will be taken out FIRST.

Brother Jabril said this will happen SOON AFTER The Messiah departs to go to The Wheel.

Taken where? No clue. But those who are taken will not be allowed to take anything but what? The clothes they are wearing. 

What is the reason I'm starting like this?

Because very soon some of us may end up getting hurt or even killed because of our attachments to, and our unwillingness to remove CLUTTER from our homes.

We are attached to things and people that we may be soon leaving behind. 

Some of us who live on or near the Coastlines may very soon have to evacuate, never being able to return. When you look around your home right now, most of that stuff may be left behind for destruction. 


Surviving From Disaster To Hereafter: 

Clearing  #Clutter: 

🚨 The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns A Major #Earthquake will strike America. 

He warns that Many Cities WILL be DESTROYED. 

He specifically mentioned #Sanfrancisco and #Oakland being completely destroyed.

He said it won't be #California alone hit by Earthquakes. 

He mentioned #Illinois and many other cities and towns.

The Holy Quran (Surah 99) warns There will be a Great Shaking.

The Bible teaches us "The Great City will be SPLIT in Three Parts." Revelation 16:19

Have You Considered How much FORCE it would take to break America into three parts?

And Do You Consider We Will We Feel the TERRIFIC earth shaking from #SanDiego to #Maine?

No matter where we live in America, Most of us will Experience a terrible shaking of the ground.

And WHEN the earth starts to shake, Our Homes will Shake. Our Apartments,  our places of business, garages, everything around us will start to shake.

And WHATEVER is NOT SECURED or put in  secure place, will come down.

After the Shaking stops, anything in our cabinets,  on our counters, on our tables, bookcases, etc that was not secured,  will be on the floor. Some of it may be broken which will cause a SEVERE safety hazard for whoever has to clean it up.

And it wont be as simple as sweeping up broken glass.

Because there will be MANY aftershocks. 


Some being as large as the original earthquake.  And we may fall or drop to our knees for balance.  And now we are in all that glass.

And even if we do have to clean up all that glass, where will we put it? There will be no trash pickup for a long time.

The main purpose of this article is to urge us to clear the Clutter from our homes today, so that tomorrow,  the clutter will not injure us or even cause the death of someone we love.

What is #Clutter? If you would please read some of the many definitions of CLUTTER online.

And According to one of the dictionary definitions:

CLUTTER: to fill or cover with scattered or disordered things that IMPEDE MOVEMENT or REDUCE EFFECTIVENESS.

Did you know The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that NOTHING from this world will be allowed in The Hereafter? He said we will only be allowed to leave with the clothes on our backs.

So What's the point in keeping all that clutter?

AS you CONSIDER his words, you will realize it opens up the meaning of clutter to include alot more than what we originally had in mind.

Most of us reading this will feel these earthquakes.

And we MUST PREPARE our homes, apartments, etc so that afterwards,  the Clutter wont hurt or kill us.

We Must Remove The Clutter From Our Lives.

When You Stand in your kitchen and Look around, everything you see on your kitchen counters, Shelves, Tables, on top of the refrigerator, stove, will be sent crashing to the floor during an earthquake. 

We have to keep those counters clear or only put things up there that will not break or hurt us.

They have all kinds of latches, cords,  glues, velcro,  etc that we can use so that we can still leave them on the counters and shelves and when the earthquake hits, it will stay there.

ALL cabinet doors in our homes and apartments must be SECURED. Or everything inside will end up on our floor.

They sell all kinds of latches from earthquake latches to baby latches to keep our cabinets closed.

They work. 

If We Dont Do This right now, Everything in our cabinets is coming down onto the floor.

It takes less time and energy to do that today than sweeping all the broken glass up afterwards.

This must be done with everything. Especially our Living room where we spend most of our time.

This Must Be Done in our bathrooms.

We have Many Pictures on our walls.

All of them are coming down after an earthquake UNLESS we SECURE them PROPERLY to the wall.

All of our tall furniture,  entertainment centers, China cabinets,  etc, must be secured.  These will kill us if they fall on us during an earthquake.

Many of us have So Much Clutter in our Homes that our homes at the present time is literally a Death Trap.

During the training I took with the Fire Department, I saw one video, the family was watching TV, a LARGE earthquake suddenly hit, the entertainment center fell over killing the mother who was sitting on the couch before anyone could even move.

Another video I saw where the family was eating dinner, a strong earthquake hit, and the China Cabinet instantly fell over onto the table where they were sitting.

Many Search and Rescue teams have found people dead and alive trapped inside their homes under large furniture that fell over on them as they tried to escape.

We must store all of our Disaster supplies in buckets with lids or totes.

Leaving our disaster supplies on open shelves is not smart.

We can even store our supplies under all the beds in our homes. The mattresses acting as a buffer if the ceiling come down.

When we go through our homes REMOVING the clutter and SECURING what we use everyday, WHEN the shaking starts, we wont hurt ourselves trying to get outside or cleaning up afterwards.

ALL PATHWAYS to every door must be CLEAR.

We should have nothing in our hallways.

If we have any LARGE unsecured pieces of furniture in the pathway to the exits to our homes, we will not be able to get out.

Some of our homes will be destroyed. 

But we still have to be able to GET OUT.


I hate using the term earthquake proof, but we must take these steps, if we believe an earthquake is coming.

If we don't believe that, if we don't take these steps, we will just have to clean it up later. Just buy alot of garbage heavy duty garbage bags and wait and see.

We have clothes we can no longer wear.  Donate it or sell it and use the money to get prepared.

This earthquake IS COMING.

And Clearing, Removing, and SECURING clutter now will save us much time, pain, and suffering tomorrow.

There are many articles and videos about Clutter on the web and on YouTube.

All of us should REALLY WATCH some of these videos on CLUTTER.

It will be a real eye opener for some of us.

And you will be amazed at what we can get rid of by donating, to help others, as we help ourselves.

Some of the furniture we have filled with stuff we don't need anymore or use we can even sell for a profit to help us get prepared.

Some of the large, heavy pieces of furniture that will eventually become deadly to us, IF we are NOT going to secure it properly, should be REMOVED.

If some of the stuff we want to get rid of is too heavy to move, and we can't find help, simply take pictures of it, and sell it online on craigslist or the other sites.

People will buy it and come right to your home and pick it up. Have a friend or family member there for safety.

We can CLEAR a LOT of CLUTTER by selling what we don't need or want on Craigslist.

Great example,

I had a very good friend going through a divorce while facing eviction. His wife left with the children and didn't take anything.

He had a home FILLED with stuff that he didn't want or need And he didn't have the money for storage or even a truck to move the stuff.

He was going to leave it all.

I went through his entire 3 bedroom house, and took pictures of everything and posted it all on craigslist for sell. 

And All Praises  be to Allah,  Inside of a week EVERYTHING in his home was SOLD and he walked out with a pocket filled with cash instead of losing all of his CLUTTER.

There are literally thousands of videos on why we keep clutter and how to get rid of it. 

This is one that I liked. https://youtu.be/Fe0gmRWQWwo

Here is one article on clutter you should check out. 


Please REMEMBER to WATCH a few videos on CLUTTER.

And PLEASE share this with all of your family and friends,  coworkers,  etc.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Thank you for leaving a gratuity at either VENMO @watcher19mrt $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert 


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