⚠️ WHEN All Blacks Move Out of Texas & Florida: Separation is Divine


 "Prepare a PLACE (#WWIII #Armageddon) to SLAUGHTER their children for the SINS of their ANCESTORS; they are NOT to RISE to inherit the land and cover the earth with their cities." Isaiah 14:21


⚠️ To All Who CLAIM they "Love Everybody" and claim #BlackLivesMatter & Call For #AbolishThePolice,

Have You Ever Considered The #Separation of Blacks & Whites?

Not Segregation. SEPARATION. 

Like two people who are married, but hate each other. 

And they fight all the time.. 

And they are on the verge of killing each other...


The one doesn't have any power over the other.. 

They separate until a Judge can equally redistribute the ASSETS they accumulated together. 

They SPLIT UP, one gets the house on the east coast, the other gets the house on the west coast.

You would never send a woman who is being abused sexually, physically, mentally, spiritually, morally, etc...

You would NEVER force her to go back and stay in the same house as the abuser.

No, she gets far away from the one trying to kill her.

Separation is Divine.

How many TIMES in Bible Does God ORDER His people to SEPARATE from those He doesn't want them living around?

Look it up.

and this SEPARATION will stop Caucasians antagonizing those of their people who hate being around Blacks...

To let us separate to Stop Your evil People From Slaughtering Us?🤔

If you KNOW you have someone in your family who hates Blacks, you would NEVER take your Black friend there. 

Can you Imagine If every Black, Latino, & NativeAmerican person moved OUT of Florida & Texas...

They openly Mock us and we continue trying to fight them for fair treatment. 🙃

If we all LEFT these states and all moved to one state, say #Arkansas for example.  We would totally be the majority electing our own people.

Can you imagine an all Black state?

Don't confuse a Black State that we 100% run with these cities and towns with puppets running them.

Not these cities where the enemy puts his puppets in office then defunds the whole city running it into the ground for the SOLE PURPOSE of being able to say, "LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! This is what you get with these "#Democrat run" cities.  What they really mean is BLACK run.

To discourage us from ever leaving their warm loving embrace. 😑

Can we just let them have all the house slave puppies who love licking their faces and we go to a place of our own?

Asking For a Friend 🤨

I know we have some cowardly people who love White people and love licking your faces like stupid puppies,  you can have them.

They can stay

If We Could Just Live To Ourselves...

like in #Wakanda, yall just leaving us the hell alone...Forever. 

Would You Consider It?

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns that your people are holding us hostage.

In the movies in hostage situations the police bring in these snipers to take out the hostage taker saving the hostage. 

In real life the police just shoot everybody.

God wants us to separate. 

You claim to be Christian. Why not do what God wants?

It was Christians who enslaved our people for over 450 years.

But yall changed right?

That was back then? 🤔

But for some reason yall really LOVE...or should I say LUST over the movies on slavery and our struggles with Civil Rights. Those types of movies get all the awards for some reason 🤨

But THAT had nothing to do with you..

People around the world,  who are not white, watch those movies in Horror. 

It's like those sick People who watch pornography that deals with abuse, pain, bondage....

They are not watching it for the music. 😐 

And if you ever get alone with them you'd find out real quick why they watch that Satanic filth.

The Whole World Came Out in droves, Breaking Box office records to watch Marvels #BlackPanther. 


Because the whole world KNOWS it's TIME for The Black Man and Woman to Rise and take our Place. 

Whites KNOW it's TIME. But they want to hold on a little longer...

So they watered down the sequel #WakandaForever so much that most who watched it had the feeling deep down inside that it was the total opposite of the First One.

And it was, on Purpose. 


Whites rush out in droves to watch movies like 12 years a slave...

Movies about Blacks being beaten and killed, THEY are THERE... Oscar, Emmy, Golden Globes...

Back in the day they used to crowd around the tree for public lynching. THEN take pictures and turn them into Postcards and send them to all their loved ones.

And there are many Whites today who have those pictures in their homes who claim what happened back then had nothing to do with them. 

Lying Hypocrites. 

You are just as evil as your Mothers and Fathers and Brothers and Sisters who are killing us EVERY SINGLE DAY?🤬🤬🤬

I would say you are much worse. 

You have that fetish of wanting to do what they have done and are doing.

Because you have hatred in your hearts for us while pretending to want to be around us while Mocking and attacking  any of your people who even tries to do something favorable for Blacks.

They are going IN on #Trump for a reason. 

If #AntiWoke is the hill yall want to die on have at it. 

None of you hypocrites had a problem with Robin Williams, Tyler Perry, Johnny Depp, Tom Hanks...dressing up as a woman in film.

But to not APPEAR as evil and racist as your demonic hearts truly are, you include THAT into your anti woke crusade.

But Anti woke is really just #antiBlack.

If All Blacks moved out of Florida, De Satanus, like most governors, would not be mad at all...Initially. 

And if you hate Blacks that's cool. Just let us separate from you permanently in a land of our own.

But you won't consider that. Ever wonder why?

Share this with all your family and friends. If you are Black and have White friends, share it with them.

Whites should share this among themselves, discussing the possibilities..."What if we let all Blacks who want to separate from us have....Say California and Arkansas? Would that really be so bad living without Black people?"

I'm developing a streaming series that gives us a Glimpse of what all of our Lives will be like WHEN we separate. And what it will be like if don't. 

It's called #TheBlackExodus.  

You can read the first episode on Amazon for only .99 Cents. 

See For Yourself what they don't want us to experience. 




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