⚠️ Mass Evacuations


#earthquake #tsunami #evacuation #eatonfire #PalisadesFire #Hurstfire


⚠️  Mass Evacuations: IF We KNOW What's Coming...

🕯 IF we believe in what Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches then We all KNOW What's coming.

A Major Earthquake

Some of us have been through earthquakes before but nothing like what's coming. 

The Bible warns there hasn't been an earthquake that big yet.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns it will be so terrible that babies' hair will turn gray.

If it does that to babies' hair, ours will probably be just falling out.

There really are very few experts on how to survive the end of one world and make it safely to another.

Very few men have ever done it. (Noah, Lot, etc) and they are all dead…except for one: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

He is the FIRST ONE from among the dead to escape this hell. 

Taught and Raised by God Himself, and now he is bringing us out safely with the one God prepared for this time to deliver us, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan.

Guided by BOTH God Himself and The Exalted Christ to lead us safely through this Cataclysmic Destruction, He said all we have to do to survive is FOLLOW HIM.

The enemy wants us afraid of an "Artificial Intelligence" when we got a Farrakhan?

Do you really understand the Awesome Power in that man?

He is teaching and showing us EXACTLY what we MUST DO, and HOW we MUST LIVE, in order to survive what is about to destroy many cities and some states entirely in America.

We have never experienced what some of us are about to go through.  

The ground will shake and shake and shake for a LONG time.

Thousands and thousands of earthquakes, they call #aftershocks, for months.

For over ten years I've been warning us to get TENTS. 

Because we are not going to want to sleep in any buildings until the shaking stops.

I had to, it's the natural first step that many could do and be cool with for a few days, weeks. (Sleeping in a tent)

Soon America may end up being one big tent city. Tents everywhere.

🕯 And Some of us may have to travel with our family, driving hundreds of miles, in bumper to bumper traffic, for days as we are evacuated from the coastlines. 

But there are also other alternatives AFTER the tent.

Remember a while back the #GabbyPetito story? The young couple traveling across the country in a cargo van converted into a living space?

And for months that CargoVan/home was on every TV/Pc/tablet/phone almost daily.

And Since then we go on youtube we see thousands of videos of people who have taken everything from cargo Vans, school busses, old moving trucks, even old RV'S, and fixing them up to be comfortable living spaces complete with comfortable toilets/showers/ beds for sleeping, etc.

It is a movement that has quickly spread across America. 

Most of us, at this time are barely paying rent and utilities so we are not thinking about traveling across the country in cargo Vans abd RV's….YET

Because if we live on or near any Coastlines, that may change soon. And we may find ourselves driving across the country in our little cars watching all the cargo Vans, 15 passenger Vans, etc traveling right along with us just a little bit more comfortably.

This is not some post-apocalyptic movie we are preparing for. To live like nomads for the next 20 years.

No, Allah: Master Fard Muhammad Promises believers $19 million dollar Mansions, SOON.

It's just the transition stage.

We can do something as simple as getting a used cargo van, clean it up, and put a mattress in it to Really put some energy into it to make it more comfortable. 

Check out the Links at the end to get a seed of what you may want to do.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had to suffer some before he was TAKEN and EXALTED, we have to go through a rough road too.


If we can put a tent and a few sleeping bags up to prepare, why not go find an older model cargo van and put it in the backyard or somewhere safe???

And IF we take what we learn from the youtube videos, fix it up so when that time comes for us, whether it be 3 weeks or 3 months, sleeping on a mattress in a cargo van may prove to be more comfortable for us and our families when it is raining, strong winds, snow, hail, etc.

WHEN The Major Earthquake strikes and entire cities are reduced to rubble, your family will be forever grateful you had the desire and will to prepare a place for them to sleep. Whether it be a tent or comfortable beds in a van.

When we look on craigslist they have all kinds of used Vans, busses, rv's, etc that we can get and fix up fairly cheap. 


If we live on or near any of the coastlines, there is no WISHFUL thinking that maybe it won't happen.

Because The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns ALL The Coastlines of America WILL BE DESTROYED. 

Something to consider.

If you have a bigger family, you will need something bigger than a cargo van. Maybe get a 15 passenger van, But we could get two or three if needed. Park them in the shape of a triangle or U

And they don't even have to run…initially. Just have them towed to where you want them. It's the hard shell that we are focused on as a barrier from the elements. 

But an engine that runs will help.

Watch the youtube videos and see what they do with solar power, battery banks, etc.

And after you fix up one, you may find there is money to be made in helping others fix theirs up or just buying used cargo vans, fixing them up, and selling them yourself. 

Because unless we are on That list to be taken out soon after The Messiah departs, we are going to experience shaking in America.


⭐️ There are literally thousands of videos on tiktok and youtube teaching how every day people converted all types and sizes of Vans, cargo trucks, busses, into places they can live in while they travel. Watch some of these videos and be inspired to prepare something for your family so WHEN the day comes for the Mass Evacuation of MILLIONS of people living in America we won't be stuck on the highway for days with our family cramped in a Taurus. 

Please share this with all your friends and family. 

Thank you.

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VENMO @watcher19mrt 


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