🛸 Drones, UFO's, The Stock Market Crash, & The Greatest Depression


🛸 Drones, UFO's, The Stock Market Crash, & The Greatest Depression

 #Gold #Silver: NOT #bitcoin #cryptocrash 
 #stockmarket #Mothership


⚠️ What Kind Of Mind & Heart Tries to Suck The Life Out Of Believers Suffering just like themselves?

⚠️ Every few years there is a new scam that comes around and then the hypocrites and agents use it as a vehicle to suck the life out of the believers who fall for it.

The Messiah warned us during Saviours Day that only those who want SOMETHING for NOTHING, Easy money, can be scammed.

🚨 If We Are not paying attention, not following Divine Orders from God Himself THROUGH His Representative Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, and getting #Silver & #Gold...

The Messiah Farrakhan said no matter what happens we will be Fine IF we Follow His EXAMPLE.

  And HE SAID Get Gold and Silver BEFORE dollar crashes...

Not #NFT,  not #cryptocurrency, GOLD and SILVER.

That's about to happen.

THEN Allah showed us He is With US Getting Gold by showing The Whole World His Messenger getting 99 Ounces of GOLD.

Not #NFT, Not #bitcoin or #crypto, he didn’t say buy other FIAT currency, he said Allah wants Silver and Gold for us.

Anyone trying to get us to invest in crypto at this point is running a straight up scam on you.

Every FIAT currency that has ever existed has eventually died.

Because even Satan is telling their people to prepare for what The Messiah warns is coming...

⚠️ SEE: "Congress says to JanetYellen to have the Treasury AND FederalReserve be on the READY for a situation where China could DUMP ALL of their US Treasuries:

🚨 Mother Tynnetta warns, "Today, it is not only the war on the ground that we Nation of Islam are confronting, but we have entered into the phase of the war in the sky?  

The arsenal of weapons prepared long ago by God, Himself Master Fard Muhammad, in the mechanism of the Wheel within the Wheel of the Mother’s Wheel(#ufo) that can be seen in the sky today contains 1,500 Baby Planes(#ufos) prepared to go into battle with our enemies over American airspace in the event that America would attack our baby Nation of Islam in her midst or ATTEMPT to do harm to @LouisFarrakhan and his prophetic voice and advice to America, its President, its People and World Governments.  

This Warning is being issued from the Power of Allah in the Person of the Great #Mahdi and His #Christ, in the Final Judgment Hour of this world.

We must look deeper into the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad for the Correct Answers and Divine Solution to the present world crisis, and go beyond today into the rich world of the morrows in which we will no longer be subject to unjust wars and violence and wicked policies of our present enemies.  

Looking back to the history of the White Race on our planet and their spread on the earth for world dominance and power, we will read much of their history as revealed very clearly in Surah 18 of the Holy Qur’an entitled, Al-Khaf; The Cave." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad: Revisting Minister #Farrakhan's Vision."

🚨 The Angel Brother Jabril warns, "This disgraceful fall into the ABYSS is totally justified because GRACE BEYOND GRACE was EXTENDED to EVERYONE. 

More than enough will have been done by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister #Farrakhan and those Believers who will have TRULY SACRIFICED THEIR ALL for the cause for which ‪God‬ Master Fard Muhammad came.

To PROVE that God is justified by bringing down what is called symbolically in the ‪#‎Bible‬ the TENTH PLAGUE (DEATH). 

NO ONE overcame the TRUTH taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. EVEN though many REJECTED it. 

Now Minister @LouisFarrakhan‬ has presented that same message, in the most agreeable manner possible that has made it easily acceptable to EVERYONE. 

It was written of him, that he would be superbly articulate, for it is written of him (as it also was written of his teacher) that God would be with his mouth." Brother Jabril Muhammad 

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "China could SINK the U.S. #dollar by calling in the #debt that America owes #China, OR exchanging her huge dollar reserve for OTHER #currencies." Farrakhan 

As an #FTX “ambassador,” #TomBrady appeared in a Super Bowl commercial, on billboards and at FTX’s conference in the Bahamas, promoting the start-up as “the most trusted” institution in crypto.

Now FTX is bankrupt 🙃

Tom Brady's situation with the ill-fated FTX exchange is the highest-profile example of a HUMILIATING RECKONING facing the actors, athletes, and other celebrities who RUSHED to EMBRACE the EASY MONEY and online hype of cryptocurrencies.Tom Brady and #GiseleBündchen lost $48 million worth of FTX shares during the crypto crash in November, per @nytimes.




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