🛸 Drones & UFOs: The Wheel (Motherplane) Moves to The Rear after Messiah @LouisFarrakhan
🛸 Drones & UFOs: The Wheel (Motherplane) Moves to The Rear after Messiah @LouisFarrakhan
⭐️ "Then the angel Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, who had been leading the Nation of Islam, moved to the rear of the camp. The pillar of cloud 🛸(#TheWheel/ #MotherShip) also moved from the front and stood behind them." Exodus 14:19
⚠️ Don't Hate Master Fard Muhammad AS He Moves These Mountains For Us!
⚠️ What is really happening in #Syria?
Is it The same thing that is happening with Australia, New Zealand, and all the islands in the Pacific?
⚠️ Why Are All These Countries, Cities, Towns; Islands on Fire?
And To The Believer In God, Why Is God ALLOWING This At This Time?
⭐️ NOTHING Happens on this earth without God's Permission.
He either MAKES it Happen, or He LETS it happen.
And How Can We Survive WHAT'S COMING NEXT?
The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns ALL of these islands will be cleared out to make room for The Black Man and Woman of America who wish to live there.
The slave masters children really are hypocrites.
They saw absolutely nothing wrong with killing off the indigenous peoples of these islands and taking it for themselves for hundreds of years.
So please, dear soft hearted Brothers and Sisters, don't get all bent out of shape as God, Master Fard Muhammad starts clearing out entire STATES, islands and countries for us.
You would be showing the world you too, are a hypocrite because the Bible is filled with stories of God destroying entire peoples to clear the LAND out to make room for His Chosen people.
According to Bible, When God cleared out the land for His people He didn't ask them to leave. He just killed them all or HAD THEM KILLED and TOOK the land from the wicked disbelievers. That is the prophecy of Now.
⚠️ The Canary Islands, Situated off the Coast of Africa, Is on Fire Too. Today, The Enemy of God Claims These Islands as belonging to Spain.
God is taking them back for us.
This is why the enemy of God is so eager to get us to accept everyone.
Because that includes acceptance of those who have chosen to reject God, those who have chosen to reject God's Laws, acceptance of the enemy of God.
And WHEN you accept an enemy of God, You BECOME an enemy of God.
And THEN you get what they get. 🔥🔥🔥
The enemy knows what is written in the Bible and Holy Qur’an.
They KNOW The Promise of God to Black People.
And they are trying to get us to reject God, and Reject His Promise, to feel sorry for them.
Don't fall for that. Because they show us NO MERCY and continuously Mock our people openly now.
Watch what God does to Florida.
They'd take your place in a second if they could.
Are all Caucasians envious and jealous of Black People and want to see us dead?
No. There is a very small number of them, very small, who will actually help us soon. And they will be saved from the destruction of this wicked world.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that after this War of Armageddon and after all the Destruction from the Cataclysmic Disasters God will unleash on this earth for their rejection & mistreatment of us, there will be a WHOLE BUNCH OF EMPTY COUNTRIES, empty space for us to re-populate the earth with righteous men and women who want nothing but to obey God in building His New World.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ To those Caucasians who are serious about getting out from up under the Destruction God Will soon Unleash on this world, SHOW HIM, Master Fard Muhammad you are not like your fathers and WORK HARD TO HELP our people make The Exodus out of America.
The Bible Teaches us in Exodus that the Egyptians gave silver and gold to their slaves as they left out of their land of suffering and shame.
If you would like to help us help our people, Please send donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt paypal.me/doomalert $doomalert
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