⚠️ Will You Just Let The Bankers STEAL ALL Your Money? They Will Try Very Soon

⚠️ Will You Just Let Them Steal ALL Your Money?

🕯 Have You Considered getting an ounce of Gold or Silver Today? You Should. 

⚠️ Can You imagine waking up checking your bank balance and seeing your account is totally empty? 

Can you imagine how panicked you may feel, that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach while trying to call the bank, being put on hold for hours never speaking to anyone, only to hang up and rush to your local branch? 

Now imagine that bank teller giving you a look of pity as they try to explain that they cannot tell you WHO took your money. 

Can you imagine the anger, the rage? 

You put all your money in a bank thinking it was safe, and now it's gone, and the bank won't even tell you where it went? 

They only give you a 1-800 number to call as security walks you out of the bank.

There have been many reports of this happening.  Just check YouTube or Tiktok. 

All for different reasons, but the victims all want the people to understand, our money is not as safe in these banks as we believe. 

As someone was explaining to me their similar story they were thankful for the silver & gold they had converted some of their savings to. The banks couldn't steal THAT.

🚨 The End Of The Dollar: How To Survive The Collapse of The 🇺🇲 Economy 

⚠️ Have you heard of bank BAIL-IN?

 Look it up. WHEN your local bank Declares they are having problems, they can just keep your DEPOSITS. 

Yes! The Banks can KEEP the money you have in your checking or savings account to cover their massive debts. 🤯

⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan‬ warns very SOON the 🇺🇸 stock market & Economy will COLLAPSE 

He warns the dollar will soon be WORTHLESS and we will see money piled up burning in the streets, no value to it at all.

Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, has declared war on the DuPonts, Rothschilds, Rockefellers; He said He will push these families into a LAKE of FIRE. 

The Bible teaches us Jesus went and flipped the tables of the Money Changers and ran them out of the Temple. 

The Messiah Declared war on Satan a few weeks ago.

Now their banks are collapsing.

Since most of the fiat money around the world is tied to the USA dollar, the Federal Reserve, as the dollar collapses, so will these other currencies. 

Leaving those whose Hopes are in these worthless fiat currencies (forex) with nothing.

They can tell you today how many dollars each Bitcoin is worth. 

But WHEN the Dollar COMPLETELY COLLAPSES, how much will that Bitcoin be worth then? 

The Euro will be worthless. Every other currency tied to the dollar will be worthless. 

What will you get for your crypto then?

All of the money we THINK haved saved in crypto, bitcoin, checking & savings accounts, 401K's, ‪stocks‬/bonds, etc; will EVAPORATE INTO THIN AIR. 

What does that even mean?

How can money just disappear? 

Ask those who bank at Wells Fargo. 

Ask those who bank at Silicon Valley Bank. A bank for those high tech companies. 

One President said his company had 12 million dollars in that bank. It's all gone. 


Many went to sleep with Millions in that bank. Many Woke up with nothing. 

Some of us use ROKU. They had nearly 500 Million in that bank. 

It's all gone.

Why do you think all those people during the Stock Market crash in 1929 just jumped out the windows to their death? They woke up with all kinds of money and a few hours later they were all broke. 

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns it will be infinitely worse this time.

 Like Lynette Zang repeatedly warns, "if you don't hold it in your hands, you don't own it." You have nothing. Talking about owning Silver & Gold compared to thinking we have money because it's in a bank, stocks, bonds, crypto,  etc.

During the east coast power outage millionaires had to take the stairs all the way down to the street from their high rise luxury condos and walk for miles to find a store only to be told, "Cash Only."

They would protest, "I have millions in this account!!!"

But the store owners all said the same thing, "We can't access whatever money you think you have. It means nothing now. You have nothing."

And that was only a few states.

This coming collapse will quickly spread around the world. 

This is why for the past 10 or more years China has urged her people to Stock up on as much gold as they can!  

What?? A country warning it's people to get as much gold as they can🤯 

While in 🇺🇲 we are still being tricked in crypto, stocks, bonds, etc?

Have you ever heard of the term Bank Holiday (look it up)?


We've been hearing that alot on TV. Inflation is when the price of everything goes up. It takes more money to buy something today than it did last year. 


Hyperinflation means the purchasing power of the dollar drops super fast. So when we start hearing, "The dollar is crashing!!!"

You may still have the physical paper in your pocket, but the value of it drops dramatically. 

For example, today we may be able to get a loaf of bread for $4.

Tomorrow we may walk into the store and that same loaf will be $30. The day after, $140. Five hours later, $300.

Same ingredients as the bread we got the day before, but the value of the dollar will have dropped so much where now it takes 300 dollars to buy a loaf of bread.

I went to the grocery store near by me. I noticed the navy beans were $3.99 per bag(1pound) The month before they were only $1.88.

Now Can you imagine those price increases across the board? Gas at $24 a gallon. Milk at $15 a gallon.

Can you Imagine having to pay $25 for diapers or Apple Juice While we are still making the same wages?

And if you have money in the banks, in savings, in these 401k's, very soon it will simply vanish.

Just like that, it's GONE

As the ‪Dollar is Falling we must prepare as best we can. 

We must store at least 3 months of food, water, and supplies in our homes.

Because Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches us there will be a new medium of exchange introduced.  

A new currency or money. But until then, we have to survive the collapse of this universal currency, the dollar.

Is there any way to prepare for the crash of the economy?

Is there any way to protect our money so when the dollar colapses we wont lose everything?


⭐️⭐️⭐️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns Soon The Money will Be Silver and gold.  He said convert as much of our dying dollars as we can into Gold and silver BEFORE the dollar crashes and burns.

We can even profit from the collapse of the dollar, IF we act now.

That's why today, I want all of us to consider converting just some our dollars into Silver or gold. 

With the help of God, I want to show us how and help us do so.

Buying Silver or gold is very simple.

Before we buy any silver or gold the very first thing we may want to do is figure out Where in OUR HOMES we are going to keep or HIDE our silver after we buy it.

Storing our silver in safe deposit boxes at the bank is a terrible idea. The Government can and will confiscate it.

There was this place in #BeverlyHills, a place that stored the valuables for the super rich. Private safety deposit boxes. The feds raided it shut it down claiming they were looking for something terror related. All that money, jewels, etc gone.

Some places allow you to purchase silver/gold and they'll store it for you. Don't do that either. 

In my opinion the best way to buy silver is buying locally, in your area, with cash. 

I've lived in areas where there were no places close by where I could go and buy silver/gold and I ordered online. 

I've been using JM Bullion for years. And they ship in discreet packaging so no one will know you just ordered a bunch of Gold or Silver.


If we can Find a local dealer, we can Walk right in, pick out what you want, pay with cash, and go home and store your silver or gold in your secret place where no one can find it.

And no one ever knows you bought it. 

We should Google "Silver/gold Spot Price" before you set out to buy. 

It will give you the current price of Silver at that exact moment, which can change by the second. 

For example, at the day and time of this writing the spot price of Silver was $18.22 per ounce. 

Today the spot price of gold is $1,493.00 per ounce. 

Many may not have $1,500.00 bucks to go and buy an ounce of gold. But they also sell gold by the gram. 

By the gram, today's price is $48. 

So even though gold is alot higher than silver, at the moment, we can still convert what little money we have into silver and gold.

Did you know a little under 3 months ago the price of gold was around $1,200.00 per ounce?

So if you bought an ounce of gold 3 months ago you would have an increase if $300 on your investment. 

Now if we had $1,200 in the bank 3 months and it's still there, it will still be only $1,200.

Many claim, and can prove, the federal Reserve is illegally suppressing the price of silver and gold so that people will believe in the dollar to keep the dollar from crashing. 

And WHEN the dollar crashes, as Christ warns it will, the true Price of silver and gold with skyrocket.

I've seen estimates as high as $30,000 an ounce for gold.

Can you imagine buying an ounce of gold today for $1,500 and next week it's worth $30,000?😮

Whether you choose coins or bars is up to you. But I have found if we buy plain, generic, gold or silver BARS, they are usually cheaper than coins and space wise we can store alot more Bars than coins.

Paying extra for "premium" coins is a waste of money. In a few days that won't matter.

Stay away from American Liberty Gold coins because they do not have as much gold in them as other minted coins. 

They are actually a mix of silver, gold, and other metals, and we are only paying a premium price because it is American. 

In a few days many people around the world may hate anything American so when getting your silver or gold remember that.

I always find the most basic, plain generic bar I can find. 

When I say generic, I only mean the design on the bar or coin, not it's value. 

For example, if you went out today and bought one generic silver coin, or round, it would be cheaper than going out and buying a Canadian Mapleleaf coin. 

They both have the exact same amount of silver. But they will charge you more for the Canadian coin because of the design. 

Generic doesn't mean it won't have some kind of design on it by the mint that made it. It just won't be a popular known mint.

And generally the more design that goes into the coin the more they are going to charge for it.

They even have these 1oz silver or gold cards. I love these because they are about the size of a credit card and can fit right into our wallets. They press the gold or silver down, and we can literally keep a few ounces of silver or gold on us at all times and no one will ever know.

They look just like credit cards sitting in our wallets.

Here is the gold: https://www.jmbullion.com/1-oz-valcambi-gold-combibar/

And the silver: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.jmbullion.com/1-oz-pyromet-silver-card/

The spot price will change so it's good to monitor it. 

We may buy silver today at $18(oz) and tomorrow we check and the value of our silver may be $100(oz).

As the dollar collapses this will happen. 

They'll have coins or bars that are 1 gram and up. 

Having some big bars is good. But also have plenty of 1oz coins or bars for smaller purchases later.

How to find a "Local" seller near you? 

You'll want to look for places that sell coins. Or that advertise they buy/sell Gold or silver. 

Search online First. Just google "buy silver or gold in my area"

If you can find a phone book look in there under Gold/Coins/etc. Ask around people who you know may have already purchased gold or silver.

Call before you go. 

Don't waste your money on "antique" or "commemorative"coins. It's just a way to charge us more.

You can ask "What's the cheapest generic bars that you have."

I want to challenge all of us today to try and find ourselves a Local Dealer. 

Ask around, call around, and just try to find a place that sells silver.  

And if you have time, go and see for yourself. Even if we don't have money today, just go and see it. Put it in your hand. And if you have $20 to $50, buy a gram of gold or ounce of silver.

Please don't post on here that you have silver in your house. 

A smart enough devil can go back through all your posts and find your home and rob you blind.

And if you have $18 go out and buy yourself an ounce of PHYSICAL silver today. 

And don't be surprised at how great you will feel as you get home and turn the silver over In your hand knowing no matter what happens anywhere in the world with these economies, they will take your silver for payment.

We only buy physical silver or gold. No certificates or e-silver. 

A simple google search will show you where you can find local dealers near you.

Read the reviews of these dealers if any are listed.

Me personally, I stopped going out to buy silver and gold because the attitudes of those who work at these places were not good towards Blacks. 

When we order online we don't have to deal with these angry demons being jealous because we are smart enough to get silver and gold.

⭐️ Besides #JMBullion, who I've used for a while now, These are some of the other great reputable sites to buy #silver and #gold online. 

Because as time goes on, the available silver/gold to purchase will dry up, and be very hard to find. 

So we should have other places to look so when JM bullion is out or low, we can check out these others. 

All of these sites are usually rated at the top. 

#JMBullion, #SDBullion, #Monumentmetals, #ProvidentMetals, and #Apmex. 

Of the Five I've been using JM BULLION and SD BULLION. 

Also, on each site , in their search, enter "spot price deals" 

If you've used other sites with success please let us know. 

If you have any questions feel free to ask. Thank you.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

If you would like a copy of the #DisasterPreparedness e book I put together or be added to my email list send me an email tto tribulation.mrt@gmail.com and I will email you a copy. It's free.

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As This World🇺🇸 Goes Down🔥🔥🔥, And Economies Collapse⏳, And Currencies💰 Fail, Yours Won't.😎

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