🕯Ever Feel Like It’s Never Enough?
#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC
Believers Ever Feel Like It’s NEVER ENOUGH? That Will SOON Change.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ #MasterFardMuhammad Already Knows we don't have everything we need to do what we want to do or to do what He asks us to do.
And We do the BEST we can with what He Blesses us with.
We must be #faithful and work faithfully with very little to nothing, and He Will Surely Bless us with all The Bigger and Biggest things we truly desire.
But don't bury your talents with the attitude "I don't have enough so I'm not doing nothing."
⭐️⭐️⭐️ IF We Don't Give Up, Allah Can Change ALL of our Situations in an INSTANT.
I saw this Imam talking about this one Brother who struggled HARD for ten years. Barely getting by, borrowing money from friends, beyond dirt poor. And the Imam said he struggled TEN years and then, in one year, he made 6 million dollars.
The Saviour Teaches us, and Promises very early in our Journey into #SupremeWisdom
"The Muslims were VERY POOR when they FIRST started to Teach ISLAM. And ALL contribution was given to ALLAH's Apostle for him and his Family's Support.
And what the Apostle could spare, he gave to help take care of the Poor Muslims that were unable to help themselves and the other part was given to those who were CONFINED to the Labor of ISLAM.
And soon, there arose an argument among the Hypocrites about the use of the money because they THOUGHT that they should share equally with the Apostle.🤨
Then ALLAH cast these Hypocrites out and punished them for the false accusation that they had spread against the Prophet, that he was seeking to enrich himself and acting unjustly to the poor and needy.
And, then ALLAH, told the other Laborers that HE would SOON ENRICH ALL OF THEM but, at present, every effort should be to maintain the Prophet and his household." Instructions To the Laborers
"The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the NEXT TIME I’m here.’" Luke 10:35
The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches, "The people will REGRET that they were non-helpers to us soon.
I tell you of a truth that is BOUND to MATERIALIZE
Allah #MasterFardMuhammad has promised me MILLIONS and BILLIONS and HUNDREDS of millions, and billions of dollars, but I have to wait until it's TIME.
He will RELEASE It certainly on time.
He doesn't have to go somewhere and borrow it.
It's HERE in America.
In past history, you will find when Allah was angry with the people, He always destroyed that people and TOOK THEIR WEALTH and GAVE it to the poor.
So, don't be SURPRISED if you're GIVEN WEALTH.
I'm talking with people that want to see themselves UPGRADED.
I don't want it for myself, I want it for YOU.
I don't need anything but some clothes to cover my nakedness and a house to sleep under the roof, when I'm able to sleep." Honorable Elijah Muhammad #TheologyofTime
🚨 “When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to The LORD, #MasterFardMuhammad, your God, and obey His Voice(Messiah @LouisFarrakhan).” Deuteronomy 4:30
"Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation." Judges 10:14
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