🚨 The Terror of THAT Day


#NationofIslam #hurricane #earthquake #Tsunami #tornado #flood #ww3 #Armageddon #Iran 

🚨 The Terror of THAT Day: The SHOCK OF THE HOUR: What Will Happen Next?

πŸ•―When I was in California I met this woman from Louisiana. She told me the story of how she ended up there in California. 

One year a hurricane hut Louisiana and she was evacuated to Texas as her home was completely destroyed. 

A little Later, another hurricane struck, this time hitting Texas, and her home once again was destroyed as she escaped to California. 

At the Time When I met her, she had just evacuated her home as raging wildfires were closing in fast to where she lived in California. 

Destruction after Destruction after Destruction.  

The Destruction just kept coming.  

That is only a small glimpse of what some of us may end up going through very soon. 

Every time she evacuated, she moved to another city near the coastlines of America. 

What is God showing us with this woman's story?

Allah is Holding Back His Wrath. 

Like Messiah @LouisFarrakhan repeatedly warns us, we have seen nothing yet.

Some of us look at these little minor events of Destruction and won't even prepare because it's not that bad.

But WHEN The SHOCK OF THE HOUR Strikes....

Entire Cities, Entire States will be destroyed forcing millions to evacuate.

It will be so extremely terrible for those who are not prepared. 

Because things won't go back to normal in a few days, those cities will just be gone, and maybe you'll be traveling across the country without food or water.

WHEN God Unleashes His FULL WRATH down on πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡², It Will be so terrible, There will be so much DEATH, so much Destruction, so much grief and agony... And Every time you will think, "What will happen next?" And before the thought finishes in your mind something even more terrible will happen.

πŸŒ™ The Great Mahdi, Almighty God Allah, Will PROTECT Those Who Believe That He, Master Fard Muhammad Is God; From The Terror of That day

"And think not Allah to be heedless of what the unjust do. He only respites them to a day when the eyes will stare (in terror)," Holy Qur’an 14:42

"The SHOCK of The HOUR is a GRIEVOUS Thing."

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "I don't pray for it(destruction), because WHEN it comes it Will be so HORRIBLE, that MANY of us will literally Die LOOKING at the Devastation!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

Psalm 34:7 - The angel of The Lord Master Fard Muhammad encamps around those who fear HIM, and DELIVERS them.

"The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore."

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan introduces The God of The Nation of Islam Master Fard Muhammad

"I'm backed up by a God. I'm not a preacher that don't have back up. And when you call for your back up I'll call for my BACK UP! And you don't want to meet my Back Up!" #Farrakhan


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