⚠️ A Dangerous Place in Time: The Door of Hereafter


⚠️ A Dangerous Place in Time: WW3 - Armageddon & The Door of Hereafter 

🕯 "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed" 1 Peter 4:12

⚠️ Can You imagine being out in your car, sitting in traffic staring at the highway construction, WHEN all of a Sudden, the MAJOR EARTHQUAKE Strikes?

☢️ The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns the descendants of the slave-masters children will try and trick the people in America by continuing to build all the way up to the DAY They are destroyed by God. 

How Does that even make sense? Using construction to deceive the people?

Because There will be these HUGE Construction projects (freeway Construction, building new buildings, new homes) to make us THINK everything is fine and America is getting better and better and will be here forever. 


BUT THE MOMENT WHEN Messiah @LouisFarrakhan is taken from us, We Will Witness CATACLYSMIC DESTRUCTION from rain, hail, snow,  and MAJOR EARTHQUAKES that will bring Many cities DOWN  in SECONDS. 

Some mock us for our "At ANY Moment now" outlook on the destruction of this world. 

Aint nothing going to happen!!! Yall have been saying that for a long time now and nothing has happened yet...

Both Bible and Holy Qur'an warns the disbelievers and hypocrites would say that. THEN, When Allah Finally Unleashes His Wrath on this world, Unimaginable Regret.

⚠️ TIME is one of the greatest enemies of hypocrites. The Messiah warns the THREE YEARS The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said he would be gone was a trial for the hypocrite. 

They could tough it out for 3 years, hiding.  But after that they were like, "to hell with this!!!"

⚠️ Some Are There Now. The Falling Away

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns that some of us would get all the way to the DOOR of the Hereafter, right at the door, and then turn around and go back to the DOOM of this world.

It will be like we would feel like nothing is happening, and go back into the world, and THEN, The Destruction hits.

🌙 Whatever(sin/trial/etc) we are fighting against, we must FIGHT HARDER.

Don't just give up now after all that work we have done, all the suffering we have endured, just to give up on what Allah has Promised us in #Luxury, Money, Good Homes, Friendships in All Walks of life.

Are we really going to just give up all that He Promises over some setback or pain we have to endure at this time?

Some of us are facing shutoffs, evictions, loss of loved ones, family members turning hypocrite, right now.

Allah Promises us Million Dollar Mansions.

Keep up Prayer and ask Allah for more and more patience.

The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad warns us in Theology of Time that for some of us, it will be our IMPATIENCE that will cause us to turn and go back to satan.

We will feel like nothing is happening and we will be better off doing what we used to do.

That is not smart. I've never seen anyone turn back and get what Allah Promises us on his/her own.

"And SEEK assistance THROUGH patience and prayer, and this is hard except for the humble ones," 2:45

"O you who believe, seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient." 2:153

BELIEVERS: Wait on Allah.

We must have PATIENCE.

If you're tired of waiting, WAIT SOME MORE.

We are seeing so many go back into this world, stripping off their righteous garments and actions.

Some of these hypocrites are trying to get us to do the same, they are in the straight path of God, trying to get us to do that which will cause us to be severely chastised and/or be destroyed.

But Allah says,

"By the Time! Surely man is in loss. EXCEPT those who believe And Do Good, and exhort one another to Truth, and exhort one another to PATIENCE." Holy Qur'an 103:1-3

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