⭐⭐⭐ The Appointed Guardians Of Those Sent to Save: "I Will Send Saviours After You!


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC


⭐⭐⭐ The Appointed Guardians Of Those Sent to Save: "I Will Send Saviours After You!"

⭐⭐⭐ Both Bible and HolyQuran teach us God #MasterFardMuhammad has SENT Saviours After The Black Man and Woman in America! The Real Children of Israel! The True Chosen of God.

🕯 Mother Tynnetta teaches, "Elijah Muhammad said that there are angels, real angels that don't have wings that are in our midst today, that are writing our records as we speak.  

Everyone who walks into a #Mosque; or a study group and is REGISTERED with the Nation Of Islam, they are appointed guardians over you and me. 

Don't forget that. 

So, they are tracking EVERYTHING we do. 

Where we go, what neighborhood we live in, they are unseen at the moment, but at a particular moment, they will make themselves visible to a few who can recognize their marks, recognize their speech, recognize that they are here to take care of business.

And those little books telling us all about ourselves, so we don't need to start talking about what we think we know about each other. 

The books are already being written and it'll have a little dialogue sister so and so said so and so about so and so and we already wrote it." Mother Tynetta Muhammad

The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches, "He #MasterFardMuhammad Prepared Saviours to come for you. 

He says, in the Bible, "I will SEND Saviours after you." 

If we are that important in the eyes of God and in the eyes of His angels that He will SEND Saviours. 

He will SEND a WHOLE HOST of them after you. 

They shall gather you from the West and bring you again, to your own. 

THIS is the DAY. 

A #SavioursDay! 

One born on this day...Think over that!...to save this poor lost people that has been lost from their own over four hundred years. 

Going after THEM.

"Even I", He says, "I will go". 

Not send, but "I'm going Myself." 

As some of us know that this has been practiced under secrecy, for a long time. 

But, today, He has arrived.

 Not King Solomon, but God, The King." Honorable #ElijahMuhammad: #SavioursDay 1973

Please send donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert 



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