🚨 DEPARTURE WARNING! Warning To The Mockers


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #MasterFardMuhammad 



🚨 WARNING To The Mockers!

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "But when you grow up out of baby expression then you can communicate with the intelligent scholars and scientists of the world and they will not be able to ostracize you or isolate you and put you in a crib because of your cheap language andmentality. 

But you will be able to talk to the world.

This is why the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his last message to us said he never raised us up to be mockers of another people or mockers of other people. 

He DOESN'T want you mocking people who don’t have the base of wisdom of yourself. 

He wants you to TEACH THEM and that is WHY HE TAUGHT YOU." #Farrakhan: How to Give Birth to a God

"The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once raised a ques­tion of why did not God tell us of whom they were made SIGNS?

His answer, from God #MasterFardMuhammad, was, “That is done for protection, and to serve as a TEST between the knowledge of believers and disbe­lievers in the last days of this world.

Master Fard Muhammad FORBID the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from going into His identity, until AFTER He was gone, except for just a little." The Angel Brother Jabril 

⚠️ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned "But I want you to REMEMBER that the TIME has COME that the Enemy of God Divine will not have a chance to go around mocking God Master Fard Muhammad AND His people (Nation of Islam) ANYMORE.The DAY has ARRIVED that the mockers of God MUST be THROWN in a FURNACE of FIRE! 

The mocker (Caucasians) wants you (Black People) to go WITH him. 

He wants me to go with him to be burned with the same fire that Allah has prepared for him.

Although the devil hates it, he KNOWS that Allah has raised me up from among you, giving me the knowledge of both Gods. 

The God devil and the God Divine. 

I teach you what has been hidden from you for the last 400 years and the last 6,000 years.

I want you to know that people all over the earth have been robbed of the knowledge of the Divine God (Master Fard Muhammad) due to the work of this devil." Honorable #ElijahMuhammad : Theology of Time

The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "The so-called Negroes will accept Islam AFTER they learn the truth of it AND a CHASTISEMENT from Allah, according to the prophecies of both the Bible and Holy Quran Sharrieff.

This is mentioned, for instance, in Ezekiel, the 37th Chapter, in which the 

The Holy Quran teaches that it is incumbent upon Allah to give life—the Truth—to the dead." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: The Supreme Wisdom

"The HYPOCRITES fear lest a chapter should be sent down concerning them, telling them plainly of what is in their hearts. 

Say: Go on mocking, SURELY Allah (MasterFardMuhammad) will BRING to light what you fear.

And if thou ask them, they would certainly say: We were only talking idly and sporting. 

Say: Was it Allah and His messages and His Messenger @LouisFarrakhan that you mocked?

Make no excuse, you disbelieved after your believing. 

IF We pardon a party of you, We shall chastise a party, because they are guilty.

The hypocrites, men AND women, are ALL alike. 

They enjoin evil and forbid good and withhold their hands. 

They have forsaken Allah, so He has forsaken them. 

Surely the hypocrites are the transgressors.

Allah PROMISES the hypocrites, men AND women, AND the disbelievers the FIRE of HELL to abide therein. 

It is enough for them. 

And Allah CURSES them, and for them is a LASTING chastisement.

Like those before you — they were stronger than you in power and had MORE WEALTH and children. 

So they enjoyed their portion; thus have you enjoyed your portion as those before you enjoyed their portion, and you indulge in IDLE TALK as they did. 

These are they whose works are null in this world and the Hereafter, and these are they who are the losers." Holy Quran 9:64-69

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