⚠️ What Can The Arabs Do When Israel Is Backed By Such A Powerful Protector?


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Gaza #Palestine #Israel

What Can Arabs Do When Israel Is Backed By Such A Powerful Protector?

⚠️ "According to history, four peoples were involved in bringing our fathers into slavery, some Arabs, Jews, Europeans and Africans." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

🕯️I think about Allah's Mercy when I think about Gaza and Israel.

Over the years we see how no matter what Israel has done, no matter how crazy they act, America always defends her. She always say, "We stand firmly behind Israel, her right to exist, her right to defend herself, her right to..." 

When any country ever brings a charge against Israel it is always America the first to jump up and Veto anything that will negatively affect Israel.

And the people around the world complain and moan about it but that is all they have done, up to this point, because America is the power that backs and protects Israel.

Before America and England went into Palestine and murdered a bunch of them to clear that land for the present occupiers, people lived there.

The land that Allah promises us, All of it, has people currently living there. All of the people currently living on the land Allah will soon give us must be moved.

Some will go voluntary, many will be killed in war, destruction, etc 

The Messiah has been warning us that area will be purified in blood. 

Then, Once the land is clear, we will go in and build. 

And as Allah, #MasterFardMuhammad, Backs and Protects us, The Nation of Islam now, He will be our Protector wherever we are similar to how America defends Israel now.

Some of the disbelievers who never study Bible or Holy Quran like to parrot the same silly devil talking point, "Israel and Gaza have been over there fighting over that land for thousands of years .." 

Not True, before 1948 the country was called Palestine where Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived together peacefully. 

So After Allah destroys America and the West and All of our enemies, the people left, those who survive, will forever have fear in their hearts concerning wronging us because of The God Who backs us.

The Minister always reminds us WHEN Allah puts us in power He will watch how we act with that kind of power.

And just like Israel is playing our part at the moment, WHEN WE SEE with our own eyes just how fast Allah completely destroys those countries over there, maybe we won't act as crazy as Israel when we come to power. 

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "According to history, four peoples were involved in bringing our fathers into slavery, some Arabs, Jews, Europeans and Africans. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has said to us that no problem in the world is more difficult to solve than the problem of raising the Black man up—settling the differences between the Black man of America (the slave) and the slave master’s children.

He also said that no problem in the world would be solved until the Black man of America is given justice. And now all of these who helped in the trafficking of slaves are beset with problems that will ultimately destroy them; and it is precisely because none have followed the guidance of Allah’s Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and moved to correct the wrong.

Was it right that land be taken from the Palestinians to give the Jewish people a state? Was it right to leave millions of Palestinians homeless? Correct the wrong.

Was it right that Israel invaded Lebanon, destroying the lives of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese men, women and children? This is not correcting the wrong; this is compounding the wrong.

The Arab and Muslim world is divided against itself. The Arab and Muslim world cannot see its way to unity for the good of that troubled area of the world. Many Arabs and Muslims have stood by and watched the slaughter of the Palestinians and the Lebanese, their Arab brethren. Correct the wrong.

The Arab and Muslim world has sat by and watched the slaughter of their brethren, especially in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and Chechnya.

Is the Arab disunity and their inability to check the advancement of the forces of her enemies a sign that Allah is chastising them for failure to correct the wrong? However, with every Palestinian that is being killed by the forces of Israel, the Arab world is becoming more embittered and more resolved to destroy the state of Israel. Every victory that Israel gains moves her closer toward her ultimate defeat.

Correct the wrong

Israel now is losing some of her friends, and her greatest ally, the United States, is getting increasingly angry over the policies of [former Israeli Prime Minister] Menachem Begin. Division is seething and is growing between the two friends. Is this a chastisement for evils done and for failure to correct the wrong?

Soon the Middle East will be bathed in blood; the Arabs and the Jews will try to destroy each other. Their conflict will be a trigger to a greater and wider war, which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says will take place in Europe. And there the European nations, with the exception of a few, will be totally and completely destroyed.

Russia and the United States will be the agents of chastisement. The war in Europe is shaping up now. Is this a chastisement for failure to correct the wrong? Even the mercy of God is not infinite. He gives us time and He guides us to the steps that must be taken to correct the wrong. But if we ignore His counsel, we compound the wrong and speed up the day of eventual payment for that wrong. The world has now reached that point." #Farrakhan - Correct The Wrong


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