🚨 Showing SYMPATHY When It's Time To Hate


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC

🚨 Showing Sympathy When It's TIME TO HATE

🚨 “SYMPATHY is an emotion that threatens the integrity of FAITH!

One day my Father the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was describing how some of our people would be in the FIRE along with the devils. 

 And I interjected knowing how much he LOVES us, that he (my Father) would really be sad that day, at which time he responded sternly to me saying: "No Sir! ..ALLAH FORBIDS me to have SYMPATHY." - Rasul Muhammad 

fb: 11/18/2013

Online Dictionary: "Sym·pa·thy/ˈsimpΙ™THΔ“/ 

Noun - Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune."

⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns: "The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad wrote of the Nation of Islam in 1957; he said, quote: “At the present time, the Nation of Islam is HONEYCOMBED with these rotten characters, disbelievers and HYPOCRITES. 

People who SAY that they believe, but they are only there to DESTROY the Nation of Islam.” 

As it was in 1957, so it is in 2015! 

But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad then said to his followers: “Be PATIENT, for Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) promised that He will WEED OUT His own Kingdom in His own GOOD TIME.” 

So, to the Nation of Islam in The West: The weeding has now begun." #Farrakhan 

The Time and what Must be done part 34

The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "There are those who CLAIM they are believers, but are SYMPATHIZERS of the HYPOCRITES;

THOSE are the ones who will NEVER SAY ANYTHING one way or the other, fearing that they will SHOW their sympathy for the hypocrite. 

Such ones are warned in the Holy Qur-an:

"Behold, you are they who may contend on their behalf in this world's life, but who will contend with Allah on their behalf on the resurrection day" (Holy Qur-an 4:109)" Honorable #ElijahMuhammad :Message to the Black Man :The Holy Qur’an on Obedience

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "A GOOD and TRUE Muslim, according to the Holy Qur’an and the Teachings of Almighty God Allah #MasterFardMuhammad‬, to me; Will NOT have ANYTHING to do with, OR SHOW SYMPATHY, OR LOVE for a hypocrite. 

Though they may be their own near of kin, their parents, their sisters, their brothers and their own children. 

This is taught in the Holy Qur'an and also taught in the Bible by #Jesus; wherein that he says, in Matthew, that “If you would be my disciples, then you must first HATE your mother, brother, sister, and your own beloved ones and pick up your cross and come follow me.” 

 Jesus‬ taught his diciples and the world to even HATE those that DID NOT BELIEVE in Almighty God, Allah, and he as His Messenger. And to KEEP AWAY from them and not even to take them for friends. 

The same goes for the Holy Qur’an. 

The Holy Qur’an teaches us AGAINST even befriending a disbeliever or hypocrite for they are the friends of the devil and not the friends of God, nor the Messenger, nor those who follow and believe the Messenger. 

They (Believers) Hate ALL. 

When they turn back they hate God and denounces Him as being a false God or not the real God and hate the Messenger and those who are WITH the Messenger. 

This is true and is going on at this VERY MINUTE." Honorable #ElijahMuhammad

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Christ warns, "I have much that I would like to say to you on many of these things. When I think that you can take it, I'm going to tell you, but I will wait on you. 

This makes an intelligent person out of you, when you come and accept your own. 

You have already accepted the devil. What you have is the devil's, and IF you want to go along with the devil, there is no objection. 

We don't object to you going to the God that you believe in, but We hope that when the day comes, ALLAH WON'T MISS Putting you in The Middle of HELL, Because you rejected your own. Not on the outskirts of it, but drop you right over the middle of the Lake of Fire. Because salvation came to you and you rejected it for The Fire.

You won't make no mistake, if it be the Will of Allah. I won't make no mistake, because I am suppose to be designed by Allah TO HELP PUSH YOU INTO HELL, like Moses help push Pharaoh into hell. 

I'm in the same position as that man that you find in the Bible. When you turn me down, I'm going to be all but satisfied. I will be just like your Bible teach you, "AND THE LAMB WAS ANGRY."

 I've worked for you over 40 years trying to get you into Heaven, and then you turn me down. I WISH THEN TO PUT YOU IN T

HE MIDDLE OF HELL...."~Elijah Muhammad: Theology Of Time


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