
Showing posts from March, 2024

⭐️⭐️⭐️ New Black Streaming Series: The Black Exodus: "Let My People Go!"

  #TheBlackExodus #BLM #BlackLivesMatter ⭐️⭐️⭐️ New Black Streaming Series: The Black Exodus: "Let My People Go!" ⚠️ How The Satanic Satanic Filmmakers   Use TV, Film, & Music To Mock Our People to The Whole World and Seperate us from the Love of God. #MelGibson made a movie once and the indigenous people took issue with the way he portrayed them. And he told them if they did not like it to go make their own movies.  And he's right. We can't just complain about the satanic filmmakers and do nothing but to continue to wait on them to all of a sudden grow a conscience when it comes to how they represent our people to the world. They've been making the same type of films about us for over a hundred years. There is nothing good in the hearts of most of them.  We have to make our own movies and show the world, "This is The REAL Black man and Woman of America. Free from the depths and grip of our Satanic Masters.  But we can...

⚠️ What is the Connection Between The Holy Spirit, Solar Eclipse, & The War of Armageddon?

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #eclipse #solareclipse #Earthquake #ufo #thewheel #WW3 #Armageddon ⚠️ What is the Connection Between The Holy Spirit, Solar Eclipse, & Armageddon?  🕯 There is absolutely nothing more fascinating to me than God's Judgment of this evil and wicked World.  To know that Christ, Honorable Elijah Muhammad will SOON thoroughly Crush Pharaoh, Satan, and all who follow them…DESTROYING them and their works completely from the face of the earth. There are some who know the truth of Judgment that won't tell you about it and how to prepare for it, Because they want your money and they can't get the money out of your pocket while we prepare for the end of this world. They rather you spend your money buying into their scams (#bitcoin #not #digitalrealestate #crypto) instead of stocking up our homes with food, water, Supplies, #silver & #Gold as the Messiah warned us to do. When you stop and think about it there ar...

⭐️ Even If It Looks Like They Murdered Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #UFO #TheWheel #Rapture #MasterFardMuhammad #ElijahMuhammad   ⭐️ Even If It Looks Like They Murdered Messiah @LouisFarrakhan "It was on the day of February 25, 1975 when it was announced that the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad died in Chicago’s Mercy Hospital from congestive heart failure. I remembered going to my children reluctantly to tell them about this announcement. I then went to the telephone to make a call to the #Mexican family who was caring for my two younger sons.  The lady told me quite emphatically that she DIDN’T BELIEVE that he was dead. She instructed me to go quickly to the funeral parlor and place my finger or thumb on his pulse and on his jugular vein. She further stated that if it was STILL WARM then he was not dead. I then turned to Sister Ethel Sharrief, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s eldest daughter, now deceased, and to her husband Brother Raymond Sharrief, also deceased, to take...

⚠️ WHEN The Food RUNS OUT in Your City

  #urbangarden #diet #weightloss #Ramadan #RamadanMubarak  ⚠️ FAMINE WARNING : WHEN The Food RUNS OUT in Your City: HOW To Keep Your Family ALIVE?  The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Warns a UNIVERSAL Famine is coming.  Meaning Many Countries around the world, INCLUDING America, WILL RUN OUT Of FOOD! And many of the people will die of starvation.  ALL of us MUST plant SOMETHING.. Plant something TODAY, Right NOW, that in a few weeks will help keep us alive during the WORST Famine to Ever Hit any country at any time. There is nearly NOTHING Growing on Most of The Farms in America.  ( Nation of Islam Farms are doing well) Check for yourself. When you go to your Local Grocery store. Look and see WHERE our produce is coming from.  What country?  Then Google and see what the current relationship of that country is with America, China, & Russia.  Everybody Plant something. Anything. Can you Imagine if Everyone on our Blocks p...

🚨 "Get ready to FLEE for your own lives!"

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #earthquake #tsunami #refugee #evacuation #poweroutage #solarflare #internetapocalypse "Get ready to FLEE for your own lives!" The Honorable Elijah Muhammad cried over what he saw coming to us. What he knew some of us are about to face. During the Theology of Time lectures he opened up some about the Destruction we will soon face. He said at that time, the knowledge of the destruction heading straight for some of us in this dark period he didn't want to put into our minds BEFORE the time that he gave it during those series of lectures.  Initially, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad didn't let the Messiah attend the Theology of Time lectures.  Why do you think he did that? We can't even imagine the destruction some of us will soon face. It will be absolutely terrible.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Messiah @LouisFarrakhan have been warning us for over 50 years what's coming while at the same time ...