⭐️⭐️⭐️ New Black Streaming Series: The Black Exodus: "Let My People Go!"

#TheBlackExodus #BLM #BlackLivesMatter ⭐️⭐️⭐️ New Black Streaming Series: The Black Exodus: "Let My People Go!" https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8NmwtR3/ ⚠️ How The Satanic Satanic Filmmakers Use TV, Film, & Music To Mock Our People to The Whole World and Seperate us from the Love of God. #MelGibson made a movie once and the indigenous people took issue with the way he portrayed them. And he told them if they did not like it to go make their own movies. And he's right. We can't just complain about the satanic filmmakers and do nothing but to continue to wait on them to all of a sudden grow a conscience when it comes to how they represent our people to the world. They've been making the same type of films about us for over a hundred years. There is nothing good in the hearts of most of them. We have to make our own movies and show the world, "This is The REAL Black man and Woman of America. Free from the depths and grip of our Satanic Masters. But we can...