⚠️ WHEN The Food RUNS OUT in Your City
#urbangarden #diet #weightloss #Ramadan #RamadanMubarak
⚠️ FAMINE WARNING: WHEN The Food RUNS OUT in Your City: HOW To Keep Your Family ALIVE?
The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Warns a UNIVERSAL Famine is coming.
Meaning Many Countries around the world, INCLUDING America, WILL RUN OUT Of FOOD! And many of the people will die of starvation.
ALL of us MUST plant SOMETHING..
Plant something TODAY, Right NOW, that in a few weeks will help keep us alive during the WORST Famine to Ever Hit any country at any time.
There is nearly NOTHING Growing on Most of The Farms in America.
(Nation of Islam Farms are doing well)
Check for yourself. When you go to your Local Grocery store. Look and see WHERE our produce is coming from.
What country?
Then Google and see what the current relationship of that country is with America, China, & Russia.
Everybody Plant something. Anything.
Can you Imagine if Everyone on our Blocks planted something different. We will be able to feed our families after Disasters.
There are many people out in the suburbs stockpiling GUNS, ready to Kill US because WHEN our cities run out of food, they believe we will try to come and steal theirs.
But Can You Imagine the opposite?
Can You Imagine if all of those who mock us, who hate us, who fear us, find themselves lining up at the city limits, at OUR tables, to beg for our leftovers.
⚠️ Because it doesn't matter how many guns you have...Doesn't matter how much food and water you have stored up, IF you are an enemy to the Black man and woman of America, you are an enemy to Our God Who came to save us and destroy our enemies.
The Bible and Holy Qur’an warns God will absolutely Chastise and/or destroy ALL who mock His People.
It will be nearly impossible for anyone to survive the Chastisement of God, the collapse of the dollar, and the complete collapse of the food supply rejecting Messiah @LouisFarrakhan
The cities will soon run out of food.
Yes, Detroit will run out of Food.
Atlanta will run out of Food.
LosAngeles and NewYork WILL RUN OUT OF FOOD.
The stores will SOON run EMPTY.
The disbelievers think it's insane to believe that Big Bad America will soon be starving... while at the same time crying about how the "Elite" is trying to program us to eat bugs...
We would not have to eat bugs if the stores will have food.
But they won't.
And all we have stored in our homes...
All we have growing in our yards, is all we will have.
We can grow in containers in our yards. We don't even have to go out and do a lot of digging anymore.
We can take storage totes, buckets, any kind of container we can get our hands on or build, and fill them with a rich potting soil, and drop some seeds in and grow food.
Go on YouTube right now and look at some of the many videos on container gardening and how to prepare soil for growing in containers.
There is really NO EXCUSE.
Even if we live in an apartment we can grow INSIDE our apartments.
Some of us dedicate ENTIRE ROOMS, GARAGES, BASEMENTS, For playing video games, watching movies, having parties and barbecues.
We can turn that same energy, and SPACE, into growing food.
I understand that many of us, Most of us have no idea what to do to start a Garden inside or outside. But there is help.
There are literally THOUSANDS of videos on YouTube that will show us how to grow ANYTHING. And these videos walk us through every step of the process, challenges that we face, and how to deal with them.
Even if we only get ONE SEED. Take it, and plant it in the ground, or in a container, and watch God Go to Work in our favor.
Right now many of us have the perfect windows that get the perfect amount of sun to start some seedlings or starting plants inside so when its warm enough outside we can put our plants outside.
Go get some seeds. We can order seeds online. We want those heirloom non gmo seeds.
May Allah Bless All of us who read this to start a Garden and encourage others to do so while we still have time.
We Can Feed our Own families and Communities if we PREPARE Now.
If we do not do anything for ourselves today, Right now, it will be our Children that suffer tomorrow.
Have you considered that many of these garden nurseries may run out of plants & seeds very soon?
In a few days, all the food on the grocery store shelves will dry up. And Whatever we can find at the stores the prices will have been jacked up by the 100% hyperinflation The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns is coming.
Why will the store shelves be empty?
Well, the Bible says...
"And I (God) will CAUSE THEM to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters; and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend, in the siege and in the distress, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their life, shall distress them" Jeremiah 19:9
There won't be a famine if everyone can just go grow food.
But everyone won't initially. Especially those who disbelieve. They can't imagine a country this big and powerful running out of food. 🙄
🚨 BUT... The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "You are going to be SO HUNGRY here until you will desire to eat each other.
If the other one doesn't watch you, you will do it.
It is written (Bible). If you can't get something to eat, certainly you will Fall on each other....
WHEN the UNIVERSAL FAMINE comes you will eat dogs if you can find one.
The Bible says Allah's righteous people WILL EAT.
The devil is warning you all of the time now against sitting down and not trying to make PREPARATIONS for getting something to eat." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Theology of Time
🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns a SEVERE DROUGHT is coming. That drought will bring along a UNIVERSAL FAMINE.
Well what is a DROUGHT?
And what is FAMINE?
Webster's dictionary teaches us a drought is 1 : a period of dryness especially when prolonged specifically : one that causes EXTENSIVE DAMAGE to crops or PREVENTS their successful growth
resistant to drought
2: a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired
a drought of creativity
Webster's Definition of famine:
1 : an extreme scarcity of food The famine affected most of the country. 2 archaic : starvation. 3 archaic : a ravenous appetite. 4 : a great shortage Transportation problems resulted in a coal famine.
The Bible teaches us that famine is one of the vehicles God uses to move people from one area to another.
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns that Allah will start killing off the animals in America and throughout the world, the #livestock.
He's going to remove the meat from tables all over the world.
There is very little growing in America because of the #weather. The Bible says The Messiah controls the weather.
As you are reading this, rivers and lakes all over America are drying up. The extreme heat is evaporating all that water and it's not coming back down over America.
While this is happening, there are many dams that provide electricity to cities all over. So as this drought gets worse, and the water levels at those damns go down, many will start to lose electricity.
And some of those who don't won't be able to afford it.
But what we definitely know for sure is the shelves are already running empty. This will only get worse and worse.
Because There is no famine when there is food available at the stores and restaurants.
IF we KNOW this is coming, and it is, (it's happening now), does it not make sense to hedge against this?
Does it not make sense that we prepare for this Universal Famine?
Well how can we hedge against famine?
Christ teaches that no matter how bad this Famine gets, He said his followers those who believe in and obey Messiah @LouisFarrakhan WILL EAT. Have you considered it may be very wise to follow him?
But How can he say that with so much certainty if God is the One bringing the famine?
Well he is The Right hand of Allah anointed to CRUSH all of our enemies. Crush meaning destroy.
So If we are NOT following (obeying) Messiah@LouisFarrakhan after we were taught who he is, the one THEY SENT to Deliver us safely on his shoulders, THEN we become enemies of God Himself, #MasterFardMuhammad.
So those who reject The Minister, God has rejected you, UNTIL you submit.
And it is these who will suffer the most Terrible chastisements of Drought, Famine, and much more.
Those who accept The Minister and obey him will eat good even during The Cataclysmic Famine that the Bible warns will be so SEVERE, that:
“The siege and TERRIBLE DISTRESS of the enemy’s attack will be so SEVERE that you will EAT The Flesh of Your Own Sons And Daughters, whom the Lord your God has given you.
The most tenderhearted man among you will have no compassion for his own brother, his beloved wife, and his surviving children.
He will refuse to share with them the flesh he is devouring—the flesh of one of HIS OWN CHILDREN—because he has nothing else to eat during the siege and terrible distress that your enemy will inflict on all your towns.
The most tender and delicate woman among you—so delicate she would not so much as touch the ground with her foot—will be selfish toward the husband she loves and toward her own son or daughter.
She will hide from them the afterbirth and the new baby she has borne, so that she herself can SECRETLY EAT THEM.
She will have NOTHING ELSE TO EAT during the siege and terrible distress that your enemy will inflict on all your towns." Deuteronomy 28:53-57
All over America and throughout the world we are being warned of Extreme Heat this summer. It has already begun in India and Pakistan.
It will be much worse here.
We can't have enough water stored. We MUST have three months of water stored, Per Person.
The reason I am writing this is to encourage us to prepare for this Severe drought and famine.
To encourage us to start a #garden.
To encourage us to start a garden with the most heat and drought resistant vegetables we can grow.
For example, Eggplant loves the heat.
I'm asking if you will Google or look up The Best Heat and drought resistant fruits and vegetables that we can grow and go get some of those seeds and plant as much as we can.
Eggplant, Peppers, Mellon's, etc
Have you considered those 55 gallon water storage barrels?
We can use those to catch rainwater whenever it does rain.
There are many videos on YouTube that teaches us how to catch rainwater and store for our garden. Look them up and learn from them and start catching that rain water.
They have programs where the government (city, state) has programs that provide us with barrels to catch rain.
I pray we look into that.
There are companies like ULINE that sells barrels to catch or store rain water.
In Phoenix, where temperatures gets up into 120's, we literally have to water our gardens several times a day. And each time we go to water, the ground is dry like sand, like we never watered at all.
This is coming to cities all over America.
One of the many lessons I learned from growing food in extreme heat is to cover those plants protecting them from the relentless heat of the sun.
Cover them how?
With a Garden sun block shade (50% to 100%) or by putting some kind of canopy over the plants.
I bought a 10×10 Black canopy off Amazon and put all my plants under it. Those plants never got DIRECT sunlight for months and they survived and still grew under that canopy. Look up 10×10 Canopy on Amazon.
We can make a canopy if we want, with some tarp.
All the plants not under that canopy died from the extreme heat.
Also, if you can remember this, rainwater is so much better for our garden plants than any water from the tap or hose.
As you know, it rarely rains in Phoenix in the summer. Maybe once or twice a month.
It's very hot and very dry. So we would have to water the plants with the hose.
They would barely grow.
But the moment it rained, the next day those plants nearly doubled in size.
Please try to collect rainwater. Whatever we have to spend to be able to catch that rain for our gardens we should do that immediately.
In those extreme heat situations, keeping our plants with enough water to grow, we have to find a way to keep that water from evaporating too fast.
Look up some YouTube videos on how to garden during a drought. Look up the Best ways of water retention for plants.
And remember, even during severe drought it can still rain. We may get very heavy rain that can flood entire cities. Then dry back up in hours.
That's why it is so important to catch that rainwater and store it.
Begin at once and you will find that Allah is with us even during a famine.
As some of our brothers and sisters who have worked on our Nations farm how The God blessed the farm with rain while other farms all around them saw no rain.
Imagine standing in the middle of your street and on one side of the street, where you live, it's raining.
And right across that same street it is dry, no rain touched the other side.
Allah is with us. So Start now and grow some food and catch that rainwater.
🚨🚨🚨 Please share this with All of your family and friends.
#civilwar #urbangarden #diet #weightloss #DisasterPreparedness- Riots/Protests: Can you imagine waking up in the morning and learn that all of the money you had has no value at all?
Imagine waking up and turning on the news to see your bank is closed "Indefinitely" and all the money you had in there has vanished?.
Have you ever considered one day you will wake up and NO ONE will take any of your paper dollars? The few twenties you have on you will be worthless.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns us that soon we will see the money piled up burning in the streets.
While the dollar still has some value, I implore all of us to take these dollars and get the things we will need to survive this dark period we have entered.
Saving your money in these banks is like pouring the gasoline on it yourself. Take it and secure your family with at least 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months worth of supplies, food, water, groceries. Because when it happens, it will seem so sudden.
And then just like that, all of your cash will be gone.
Even if you don't have time, just buy some seeds today so when that time comes and you realize we were telling you the Truth, you can still plant something that will keep you alive.
The Winter will seem extra cold, and extra long, if you have no food.
Have you ever in your life heard of a riot or protest breaking out in the Winter?
"Pray that your flight not be in the winter"
#urbangardens #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Our Saviour, #MasterFardMuhammad, saw all of this—so He closed the door on not just a human devil, but any live germ grafted from original is devil!
So we can all say, bearing witness to the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad, that we are not going to be safe, we are not going to be #healthy, we are not going to live long, and we are not going to slow down the aging process UNLESS we grow, raise and prepare our own #foods, and save our money, and buy land for #farming!
So the USDA & Food & Drug Administration (FDA) are working WITH The Enemies of health & the well-being of the American people.
AT SOME POINT the American people will awaken, And they WILL RISE AGAINST THIS —and declare in their rising up that their government is no longer “of, by and for” the American people.
What is a #Garden without a seed? Returning to the ORIGIN for a joyous, healthy existence
We MUST have some of this Earth to GROW food.
It is because of wicked policies of our government that destroy the life and health of Black people—and the life and health of the American people, and the world’s people—that it is necessary for our survival that we own land and begin growing our own food not only for us, but for the American people as well.
And this is also why in the inner cities we have to come away from fast food diets, because this is where our health is being DESTROYED!
Secondly, these GARDENS that CAN be made in the inner cities—those of us who have properties and land that we can apportion for growth of gardens: We have to return to Allah’s Command to Adam in The Garden!
He put man in a garden, and He asked that man: “Till and dress the land”—so the seed was there; the cultivation of fruit, vegetables and flowers.
It’s a #garden! And, what is a garden without a #SEED?
EVERY life that came into existence, everything is needed to have a happy existence, a joyous existence, a #healthy existence, a productive existence, was already here when we were born. So people gathered seeds from what was already here; then planted orchards for the production of fruits and vegetables…
Did you know that during #WorldWar1 and #WorldWar2, the government imitated something called #VictoryGardens?
These Victory Gardens, I remember them when I was a little boy: Everybody was asked to take land in the cities; or if you had it around your house, or on your roof, to go on and PLANT #FOOD —which the American people did.
We NEED to start gardens; gardens in the inner cities.
But you have to learn how to do it RIGHT; and, I’ll tell you—go online to growingpower.org by Will Allen, and LET HIM INSTRUCT YOU, as he’s instructing us, on how that SHOULD be DONE!
In EVERY city there is land that is not being used.
We should ASK THE CITY for it, and we should begin to do some #farming!
But in the meantime, we have to do BIG farming, because we need 100 million acres of land to make a start in feeding our people, and others.
I close with this point: The Cycle of Life and Death enriches the earth.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to me: “Oh, yes, brother! God allows us to live, and then we die; and we go back into the earth. And by going back to the earth, a richer sperm will come up.”
Not only is the earth enriched by death—life is enriched by death!
Throughout the Holy Qur’an, it teaches that Allah (God) “brings the dead from the living, and the living from the dead”—this is a beautiful Cycle of Nature.
Look at the Native people, how they look at the Earth—they call it Mother Earth and Father Sky.
I wish I had time in this message to show you how #heaven and #earth to work together for the good of those of us who live on the Earth.
Every farmer knows how to pray: Because after you plant your seed, cultivate the earth, and do your job of de-weeding and looking after the insects and the enemies to your crop, then you have to look up [from tending to the ground], and say: “Oh God, send the light of the sun!
Oh God, send the clouds filled with water.”
So, #farmers know how to #pray." #Farrakhan The Time 36
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