⚠️ "Retaliation Is Prescribed In The Matter of The Slain." Holy Qur’an
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🚨 "Retaliation Is Prescribed In The Matter of The Slain." Holy Qur’an
🚨 America is Trying To PROVOKE Iran!
Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that Allah Master Fard Muhammad is going to destroy the 6th AND 7th fleet (Navy) I didn't ask him how, I just know what he said.
It's War Time now...
America is trying to PROVOKE Iran...
Mr. President, it would not be a wise move for you... to prosecute a war!" Farrakhan
🚨 The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "You notice that America's money just CONTINUES to FALL?
You notice that nations are continuing to UNITE on the OUTSIDE of America.
(AFRICA Brazil Phillipines SouthKorea NorthKorea Iran Iraq Russia Syria China Japan Mexico..)
In a book there in the Bible, it says that they said, "Come, let us GO UP AGAINST HER, noon day, let us go and TAKE HER while she's ASLEEP."
This is referring to America.
It's the Asiatic Nation who are the ones taking her.
⚠️ They're about READY TO STRIKE and the country KNOWS this to be true.
I'm not biting my tongue to tell you this.
They are READY to STRIKE the NATION of America.
They're all UNITING together against this one to lay hold on her and lay her LOW.
Our God, Master Fard Muhammad, said to me, "My GREATEST DESIRE, is to bring this devil - this is what He used - this devil TO HIS KNEES!
We're in the midst of this great cloud, and clouds of WAR are being made up and all AIMED towards America.
I want you to take an interest in SAVING yourselves.
Don't think that America is prepared to keep them from coming in on you, she's not.
NO, she's not able to ward off this type of enemy that is coming against her.
⚠️ They have UNITED ALL OVER ASIA to FOCUS their GUNS on America, and REMOVE her from the planet Earth.
They are not going to give her a chance to live somewhere else.
But are going to REMOVE her from the planet Earth.
My friends, I'm telling you the truth from the mouth of God and His prophets, AMERICA IS GONE!
She's GONE.
As the Bible teaches you in a symbolic way, it says, "Babylon is falling!" Why is she falling?
Because she had become the habitation of devils and a cage for every fowl and hateful bird.
This is your America.
It's there in your Bible prophesying that this country is NOTHING in the world. It's FILLED with NOTHING, but devils.." Honorable Elijah Muhammad
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