🚨 What About Your Friends? One of Our Worst Regrets When Allah Brings His Wrath Down In Full


#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC


🚨 What About Your Friends? One of Our Worst Regrets When Allah Brings His Wrath Down In Full

🚨 "SOON you will PAY the consequence of your friendships." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

⚠️ "One of the worst regrets on the Day of Judgment is the regret of hanging out with the wrong crowd, of having friends with bad influence. 

Allah mentions that their regret will be so immense, that they will bite their hands out of anger. They will feel so much pain and frustration on that Day, because they regret choosing the worst friends over the righteous ones.

Without mentioning who they are, think of your three best friends. If you are told on the Day of Judgment that you will go wherever these three will end up at, ask yourself, are you willing to go with them?

 If your answer is not “Yes, in shaa Allah”, then it’s time to make adjustments. Remember that this will be one of the worst regrets people will have on the Day of Resurrection, and we do not want to be amongst them.

May Allah grant us righteous companionships that encourage us to follow the path of Prophet Muhammad ο·Ί" #MajedMahmoud

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "It is BETTER to be ALONE than to be in the company of fools. 

It is BETTER for you to CUT OFF the relationship with somebody you KNOW damn well does NOT LIKE what you believe. 


You want to take charge of your post? 

Bless you. IF you OBEY what I say you will be BLESSED.

I'm telling you, CUT OFF the relationship! 

"But I love him. But I love her." πŸ™„

You do? 🀨

How can you love something that don't love what you say you love? πŸ€”

Then either you LYING, that you really don't love Islam.

The Qur'an says if you love your mother, your father, your sisters, your brother, your near of kin; business whose dullness you fear. If you love that more than you love ALLAH, Then WAIT till His #MasterFardMuhammad command comes to pass.

You should love NOTHING above God!

Jesus said love God with ALL your HEART, SOUL, and MIND!

 And the second is like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself.

The man asked "Who is my neighbor?" 

And Jesus ran it on him.

I ain't got time.

Your neighbor does not mean somebody near to you in terms of kinship or blood.

Your NEIGHBOR is one who is NEAR to you in FAITH." #Farrakhan

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "I SUBMITTED to the life principle of "Obedience to God! And whenever I am not in ONE HUNDRED PERCENT compliance I am COURTING DEATH! 

And so I come to you tonight believers, to say that 99% won't do.  

You not gone get through the Plague of Death being 99% right. 

It is either 100 PERCENT or nothing at all!

You can't be no 50% Muslim! 

I'm telling you straight if you never hear from me again, you're going to die with the Plagues of Death if you play with Elijah Muhammads word! It's 100 Percent or Nothing!!!

⚠️"You can’t SOCIALIZE with NOBODY who has not accepted to live a righteous life. 

Once you accept righteousness you’ve got to BREAK OFF from that which is unrighteous.

And ALL of you that are #Muslims, and those of you who are attempting to be righteous, You cannot have partnership and friendship with the unrighteous and claim to be the righteous. 

If you are a righteous person, what do you look like “Hangin” out, with even your best buddy of yesterday If he’s dealing drugs and you hang out with him, then you’ve hooked on with death. 

And SOON you will PAY the consequence of your friendships." How To Escape the Last Plague: Death (On YouTube)

⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is the PERFECT HOUR to Turn Away From Evil Completely, Repent, And Survive The Destruction That'll SOON Be At Our Doors.

 “Bad company corrupts good character. Think carefully about what is right, and stop sinning. For to your shame I say that some of you don’t know God at all." 1 Corinthians 15:33

Don't Stay In A Relationship With Anyone Who Hates What You Believe ~ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan


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