⚠️ What Is The Truth About Tornados?


#Ramadan #thedayofjudgement 


What Is The Truth About Tornados?

⚠️ Ever Wonder Why Tornadoes Rarely Hit The Inner City? 

Why they always seemed to hit trailer parks and rural areas?

Have you considered tornadoes never hit the hood, the inner city, the projects where mostly Black People live?

I remember one year this HUGE tornado was headed straight into Jackson MS. The news people expected the absolute worst. A tornado that big and powerful would literally destroy Jackson with many many dead.

Just before that tornado reached Jackson it JUST DISAPPEARED

Who ordered that tornado to stop, and why?

Jackson MS is 82% Black.

Ever wonder why Those 7 angels (Revelation 15) who controls the storms, fires, have been steering those huge Tornados away from the inner city.

Well, Until now, because that's about to change. 

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns we will soon see Large 2 Mile wide EF5 tornadoes striking Chicago & LosAngeles

🌙 THEN we learned That God is a Black Man. His Name is Master Fard Muhammad

We learned The Exalted Christ is a Black man from Georgia. He is The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Then it really started making sense.

The Two Men Who are the Most Powerful Human Beings that ever existed are BLACK🤔

And When We Consider How Satanic these Caucasians have been Slaughtering us and continue to kill and abuse us?

It makes perfect sense.

Of course these so called meteorologists, weatherexperts make up all kinds of spooky reasons for all of this SEVERE weather attacking only America this intense.

But they will never go on live TV and say we in the Nation of Islam are lying. Ask them.

Because they know what kind of weather comes to their city after that.

So As We Watch these storms get so much more Worse, remember this:

Allah doesn't want to destroy our neighborhoods with the largest tornado ever recorded; insanely large hail, wildfires and earthquake. 

He doesn't want to use this on us.

It is reserved as chastisement and destruction for the wicked. For the disbelievers. 

But unfortunately That Cataclysmic Chastisement IS coming to most of us in America. 

Including Blacks, Latinos, NativeAmericans. 

Because we rejected Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

So when it starts hitting SUPER HARD🔥🔥🔥🔥

Don't cry out to God asking why. 

You Will KNOW Why.

You will remember this.

Just Know what you'll have to do to get it to Stop.....

Repent and beg God to forgive us for being disobedient to His Messiah. 

And I wouldn't wait until the earth starts shaking under our feet to do this.

But that's just me.

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