🚨 When The FULLNESS of God’s Wrath Really Comes Down on This World...


#tornado #flood #fire #flashflood #earthquake #tsunami #beryl #hurricaneberyl #category5 #texas



When The FULLNESS Of God’s Wrath Really Comes Down on This World...

🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "There will be More WIND, More UNUSUAL RAIN and VIOLENT Storms

You all better start storing something in your houses—and I'm not talking about guns—I'm talking about food that is non-perishable (#navybeans), because this thing is falling, and falling fast. 

And when your people can't find jobs, and can't have money, murder and bloodshed will be all in the streets. 

There may come a time when you won't be able to come to the mosque, but the Qur'an says, “Make your homes places of worship.”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that there will be hail stones coming out the sky like (100 lb) BLOCKS of ICE, killing all your #livestock! 

Destroying your homes, and killing anything that it touches! 

So go ahead and come after us!" #Farrakhan 

🚨 The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "To be plagued with TOO MUCH #rain will destroy property and lives.

It swells the rivers and creeks.

TOO MUCH RAIN floods cities and towns.

Large bodies of water at the ocean shore lines will be made to swell with UNUSUALLY HIGH waves, dumping BILLIONS of TONS of water over the now seashore line.

Rain destroys property and kills cattle by drowning them in low lands.

Rain destroys the hiding places of vicious beasts and reptiles bringing them out fighting in small towns in peoples’ homes and farms.

Rain WEAKENS and DESTROYS RAILROADS, truck line beds and #Bridges.

Rain undermines foundations of ALL types of buildings.

Rain makes the atmosphere too heavy with moisture causing sickness.

Wind with rain can bring destruction to towns and cities, bringing various germs, causing sickness to the people.

It produces unclean water by the swelling of streams and destroying reservoirs of pure drinking water used for the health of the people.

Rain is a destructive army within itself.

#Hail stones are also a property and life destroyer" Honorable Elijah Muhammad 


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