
Showing posts from June, 2024

⚠️ When Time Runs Out

  #disaster #earthquake #tsunami #bombcyclone #atmosphericriver #emergencymanagement #firstaid #cpr #waterstorage #DisasterPreparedness  ⚠️  Every Second That Goes By Without A Major Earthquake is Grace.  It Is TIME Given to us By Allah to Prepare for UNIMAGINABLE Destruction.  God has not changed His Mind. The Messiah has Not lied to Us. A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IS COMING.   Don't let The Time Run Out and we are not prepared.  The cement on my front porch had been buckling, or sinking in for a while now. So I was having people come look at it to get an estimate on getting it fixed, the goal was to replace the cement with wood. I thought I Had More Time To Get it Fixed. Then the other day I was going into the house, and the buckling cement on the front porch, already breaking up, I was carrying a bucket of water, The Porch Collapsed.  And as i was opening the door to go inside the porch just collapsed!  I f...

🚨 Black Swan: The END Of Petrodollar: Satan is Not Going Down Without A Fight.

  ⚠️ #BRICS #petrodollar #oil #Saudi #Mecca #silver #gold #Russia #China  ⚠️ The END Of Petrodollar: Satan is Not Going Down Without A Fight. 🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "My dear brothers and sisters leaders of the #Islamic world: What you are doing under the guidance of America and Europe will cause the WHOLE Middle East to be DESTROYED, and possibly lead to the BOMBING of our Holy City of Mecca.   Whether you know it or not, the rightful place for The Righteous will be bathed in BLOOD as a purifying agent for The #Mahdi and The Messiah to bring The Real People of God back to their proper and rightful place in Mecca, in Medina, and the whole Muslim world! In previous broadcasts, I talked about how certain countries in the Muslim World were being used, and how the Middle East is going to go up in FLAMES —and IF that happens, the whole Islamic world will come against America.  In last week’s message, Part 33, I ended the talk posing the following two quest...

⚠️ Purgatory: How To Survive The Traps of Satan

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC ⚠️ Purgatory: How To Survive The Traps of Satan "And above all things have Passionate,  Intense charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." Proverbs 19:17 - "He who is gracious to a poor man lends to God, and He will repay him His Reward." Proverbs 11:4 - "Riches will not avail on the day of wrath, but charity will save from death." 🕯 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "Allah has to MAKE you SELFLESS .  And Only WHEN you are SELFLESS are you not offended by the wickedness of those whom you have come to Save.  I do not say you are unaffected in that it does not hurt you; but you cannot respond as a natural man/woman.  You MUST respond according to the nature of LOVE and the nature of yourself as a Redeemer.  "For Allah (God) so loved the world that He GAVE His only begotten son."  He GAVE.   He SA...

⚠️ The Plague of Giant Hail

  #rain #hail #snow #earthquakes #icestorm #pinappleexpress 🚨 The Plague of Giant Hail WHEN The Messiah Departs The Worst Hail This World has ever experienced.... Is YET To Come.  The Holy Qur’an warns us that WHEN Allah Unleashes the GIANT HAIL We Are Repeatedly warned About in Bible & Holy Qur’an, Every Block of Hail that falls from the sky has a PRE Determined Target (people, animals, livestock, buildings, homes, etc) they will hit and destroy .  And our actions, our thoughts at this very moment is either adding us, our family, our homes and cars to that list of targets...or taking us off. ⚠️ "From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible." Revelation 16:21 "The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth. A third of the earth ...

🕯 IF We KEEP Our Courage And REMAIN CONFIDENT...We Must Warn Each Other Every Day

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC 🕯 IF We KEEP Our Courage And REMAIN CONFIDENT...We Must Warn Each Other Every Day “And so, Dear Brothers and Sisters who belong to God (#MasterFardMuhammad) and are partners with those called to heaven, think carefully about this Jesus, (Messiah @LouisFarrakhan), whom we declare to be God’s Messenger and High Priest.  For he was faithful to God, Who appointed him, just as Moses served faithfully when he was entrusted with God’s entire house. Moses was certainly faithful in God’s house as a servant. His work was an illustration of the truths God would reveal later.  But Christ, (Honorable Elijah Muhammad) as the Son, is IN CHARGE of God’s ENTIRE house.  And we are God’s house, IF we KEEP our courage and REMAIN CONFIDENT in our hope in Christ. That is why God says, “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelle...

⚠️ Preserving Life: Why CPR Is Important

Image Preserving Life: Why CPR Is Important  First Aid  Disaster Preparedness:  ⭐️ Note to self: Your Mind Does Not Forget Anything. Because WHEN you watch some of the very short FirstAid‬/ CPR videos on tiktok & youtube, even just once, the information will ALWAYS be with you. 🕯There was this woman who had never taken CPR . She had never taken any kind of first aid, but one day, while she was cooking, on the TV News they gave a brief 10 second story on how to do CPR . She barely even watched it, merely glancing.  But she heard what the person was saying as to how to keep someone alive just by pumping continuously on the persons chest. Two or Three years later, she was out on a hike up in the mountains with her Husband when he had a Heart Attack.  Because they were so far out, 911 said it would take paramedics at least 45 mins to get to her.  And her husband was dying, he stopped breathing.  And at that moment, she R...