⚠️ When Time Runs Out

#disaster #earthquake #tsunami #bombcyclone #atmosphericriver #emergencymanagement #firstaid #cpr #waterstorage #DisasterPreparedness https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8Lbd2pD/ ⚠️ Every Second That Goes By Without A Major Earthquake is Grace. It Is TIME Given to us By Allah to Prepare for UNIMAGINABLE Destruction. God has not changed His Mind. The Messiah has Not lied to Us. A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IS COMING. Don't let The Time Run Out and we are not prepared. The cement on my front porch had been buckling, or sinking in for a while now. So I was having people come look at it to get an estimate on getting it fixed, the goal was to replace the cement with wood. I thought I Had More Time To Get it Fixed. Then the other day I was going into the house, and the buckling cement on the front porch, already breaking up, I was carrying a bucket of water, The Porch Collapsed. And as i was opening the door to go inside the porch just collapsed! I f...