⚠️ Preserving Life: Why CPR Is Important


Preserving Life: Why CPR Is Important 

First Aid 

Disaster Preparedness: 

⭐️ Note to self: Your Mind Does Not Forget Anything.

Because WHEN you watch some of the very short FirstAid‬/ CPR videos on tiktok & youtube, even just once, the information will ALWAYS be with you.

🕯There was this woman who had never taken CPR.

She had never taken any kind of first aid, but one day, while she was cooking, on the TV News they gave a brief 10 second story on how to do CPR.

She barely even watched it, merely glancing. 

But she heard what the person was saying as to how to keep someone alive just by pumping continuously on the persons chest.

Two or Three years later, she was out on a hike up in the mountains with her Husband when he had a Heart Attack. 

Because they were so far out, 911 said it would take paramedics at least 45 mins to get to her. 

And her husband was dying, he stopped breathing. 

And at that moment, she REMEMBERED that 10 second CPR lesson from TV,

From years earlier. 

And used it. 

And Saved Her Husbands life. 

She KEPT HIM ALIVE long enough for the paramedics to get to him, 45 minutes later. 

So many of our loved ones drop dead from heart attacks and other ailments Because no one knew to do CPR.

Please, let us just take a few minutes and watch some First Aid videos. 

Watch them with your children. 

The Children will learn first aid faster and better than adults. 

And one day, it may be on your child to save a life. Maybe even your life, or the life of a sibling or classmate.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ A great example of this is a few years ago a mother was giving her young child a bath. She turned around, and in an instant, the child slipped under the water and drowned. Just that fast.

She stopped breathing. No heartbeat. Dead.

The mother did not know CPR

She screamed for her husband to call 911, the whole time screaming and crying for help.

While the husband was calling 911, her other daughter, who was 12, rushed into the bathroom, pushed the screaming mother out of the way, and performed CPR on her little sister, bringing her back.

The girl lived. Her sister had taken a CPR class at school.

We never know whose life we may have to save tomorrow. 

And instead of screaming and acting a fool because our loved one stopped breathing, we can keep them alive UNTIL HELP COMES.

We can find many short, First Aid/CPR videos on youtube for free.


Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

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