⚠️ When Time Runs Out


#disaster #earthquake #tsunami #bombcyclone #atmosphericriver #emergencymanagement #firstaid #cpr #waterstorage #DisasterPreparedness 


 ⚠️  Every Second That Goes By Without A Major Earthquake is Grace. 

It Is TIME Given to us By Allah to Prepare for UNIMAGINABLE Destruction. 

God has not changed His Mind. The Messiah has Not lied to Us.


Don't let The Time Run Out and we are not prepared. 

The cement on my front porch had been buckling, or sinking in for a while now. So I was having people come look at it to get an estimate on getting it fixed, the goal was to replace the cement with wood.

I thought I Had More Time To Get it Fixed.

Then the other day I was going into the house, and the buckling cement on the front porch, already breaking up, I was carrying a bucket of water, The Porch Collapsed. 

And as i was opening the door to go inside the porch just collapsed! 

I fell right through, ten feet or so to the basement floor.

 All Praises be to Allah there were no major injuries. I busted my hand up some, a few scratches and bruises, but I'm alive!!  

It was incredible as I look at this huge hole in my front porch today and that pile of broken cement and bricks down on my basement floor.

All those bricks and cement coming down on me but I really didn't feel anything till the next day.

But it got me to really thinking about The Major Earthquake that many will soon experience and First Aid. 

Some of us are going to have to deal with a lot of injuries after The Major earthquake.

 And our First Aid kits are not what they should be.

Especially those pre packaged kits.

We are going to need a LOT of Gauze.  

And we are going to need water just for first aid. 

After the Major Earthquake or any other Major Disaster, our water main, pipes, may be broken. And we may find ourselves covered in dirt, dust, debris from the destruction. 

We are going to want to clean the areas around our injuries to prevent infection from killing us later.

We can store extra water in laundry detergent/bleach containers,  55 gallon barrels,  etc.

If we have not already done so, we are going to need safety boots, gloves, safety goggles, hard hats or helmets. 

This is going to be the biggest earthquake that has ever hit America. We have never experienced anything like what's about to happen. 

 And there may be thousands of Aftershocks. The more we prepare for this now, the better our families will make that transition through the destruction of this world to the other side.

And no matter if our home or building comes down Allah will be with us and get us through it.

When the people look down into my collapsed porch they say it was only God that allowed me to get up from a fall like that.

He will be with us IF We are with Him.

But WE MUST PREPARE for The Major Earthquake that Can Strike at any moment now.


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