π¨ Black Swan: The END Of Petrodollar: Satan is Not Going Down Without A Fight.
⚠️ #BRICS #petrodollar #oil #Saudi #Mecca #silver #gold #Russia #China
⚠️ The END Of Petrodollar: Satan is Not Going Down Without A Fight.
π¨ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "My dear brothers and sisters leaders of the #Islamic world: What you are doing under the guidance of America and Europe will cause the WHOLE Middle East to be DESTROYED, and possibly lead to the BOMBING of our Holy City of Mecca.
Whether you know it or not, the rightful place for The Righteous will be bathed in BLOOD as a purifying agent for The #Mahdi and The Messiah to bring The Real People of God back to their proper and rightful place in Mecca, in Medina, and the whole Muslim world!
In previous broadcasts, I talked about how certain countries in the Muslim World were being used, and how the Middle East is going to go up in FLAMES —and IF that happens, the whole Islamic world will come against America.
In last week’s message, Part 33, I ended the talk posing the following two questions regarding The PROMISED Land” that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of in his “I Have a Dream speech, but are also found throughout the scriptures of both Bible and Holy Qur’an:
Who made The PROMISE? and WHERE is The LAND?
The Promised Land: I’ve been there. I have SEEN The Promised Land … And by Allah’s Grace, I WILL get there with you!
WHO made The Promise?
Why did Prophet Muhammad say “three generations after him, would no longer be of him”?
What did #Allah SHOW him?
Why did Prophet Muhammad say that he “heard the footsteps of Bilal going into Paradise BEFORE his own”?
What did Allah SHOW him?
Are you really deserving to be masters over The Sacred House?
Did you THINK that IF you rebelled against Allah that you were going to stay there forever?
Allah (God) Promises that He will REMOVE ALL disbelievers AND hypocrites from The Sacred Lands so that The REAL Messiah and The Real Mahdi, and The Real People of God, will RETURN to The Root of Civilization for a BRAND NEW beginning for humanity, and a brand new beginning of a new world of Islam; and this is why you are kissing a BLACK STONE —because it is NOT you whom you are kissing!
The REAL Owners of that land will one day be coming home...
"The historic #Jerusalem in The #MiddleEast was the spiritual center of Jews, Christians & Muslims until the time of #ProphetMuhammad, peace be upon him, when Allah CHANGED the spiritual center of the Muslims from Jerusalem to the Holy City of Mecca in Arabia.
Jerusalem was first built, as the Honorable ElijahMuhammad taught us, by The Original People, Black People—it was called Jebus; also, Ariel and Salem.
But Jerusalem became its name when it came under the influence of the Jews.
It received the name Jerusalem which means Founded in Peace.
That historic Jerusalem has death and destruction written all over that city.
And in one book that I read, it said that there’s not one stone in Jerusalem that has not been covered with the blood of martyrs. (In the Bible, you can refer to the Book of Matthew, Chapter 23, verses 29-39 for mention of this.)
So that #Jerusalem was not founded in peace; it had a name that suggested that, but it was, and is, a sign of that one which is definitely founded in peace!
That ONE (#TheWheel #MotherPlane) would be up ABOVE our heads.
Those who live in these so-called holy cities: Are you really holy today?
Has the commercialism of #Mecca, #Medinah and Jerusalem robbed each of these cities of the depth of their spiritual meaning?
Are you that live in Jerusalem, you that live in Medinah, you that live in Mecca: Are you what you should be? If not, why not?
Is The Holy Land “holy” anymore?
Is that part of the Earth a part that Allah (God) is pleased with?
Every act of destruction that took place from The Hand of God that is written in the Bible and Qur’an took place right there in the so-called Holy Land.
Allah intends to purify that WHOLE area—so be careful who you want to condemn as not being a Muslim." #Farrakhan: The Time and What Must Be Done pt 55
#NationofIslam #FOI #MG5GCC #Israel #Gaza #Palestine
Why The Middle East Must Be Bathed In Blood
π― Messiah @LouisFarrakhan on The Land God #MasterFardMuhammad Promises Blacks in America "Where is THE LAND?
THAT land STARTS right HERE in America, but it ENDS right there in the #HolyLand!
Let me say, that that WHOLE AREA of #Palestine and #Egypt and #Syria—the parts that you...that you call #GreaterIsrael, or #Eretz Israel: That does NOT belong to you.
Unfortunately, you will DIE there.
But your BLOOD —and the #Palestinian blood, and Arab blood, and the blood of others—will PURIFY that area for The REAL OWNERS of The Kingdom of God.
The area we are referring to extends from The #Nile River in #Egypt, to The #Euphrates River in today’s #Iraq; it covers ALL, or parts, of today’s #Egypt, #SaudiArabia, #Israel, #Jordan, #Palestine, #Syria, and #Lebanon.
And we WILL be returning to OUR PLACE!
But, it will be cleansed (Through War) BEFORE we get there, by The Work that Allah is doing, and permitting others to do.
#Eretz Israel is not for you, present #Israelis!
It is for us (Blacks in America), the TRUE Children of Israel.
So Allah is going to USE YOUR BLOOD to PURIFY that area of the world for The Messiah to come back, and BRING BACK with him The People of God’s Choice, for The #HolyLand, #Mecca in particular, will be The Headquarters of The #Mahdi #MasterFardMuhammad and The #Messiah(Honorable ElijahMuhammad)!
In our Supreme Wisdom LessonsLost-Found Muslim Lesson No. 1, Q&A No. 1, we learn that The BEST Part is in #Arabia, at the Holy City of #Mecca—and, The Best Part is FOR The BEST Nation (#NationofIslam)!
In the Holy Qur’an, Surah 3 Al-Imran (The Family of Amran), the 110th verse reads:"You are the BEST NATION raised up for men: you enjoin good and FORBID EVIL and you believe in Allah. And IF the People of the Book had believed, it would have been better for them. Some of them are believers but MOST of them are transgressors.”
Well, The BEST Nation belongs on The BEST Part of the planet Earth. But, to the present inhabitants of that area:
Does #apartheid exist in The Holy Land? π§
And you THINK you are the real People of God?"π€« #Farrakhan The Time Part 34
⚠️ #GazaUnderAttack #Yemen #Gaza #Palestine #Egypt #Libya #Tehran #Iran
⚠️ Who Are The TRUE Muslims that will help Palestinians?
Have you seen the reports that YEMEN is firing on πΊπΈ Warships?
Out of all The Muslims countries claiming to #standwithPalestine, as of now they are the only ones backing that up with Action.
Many in the Arab world claim the #NationofIslam is not True Islam and we are not True Muslims....
BUT, #Palestine is SURROUNDED by So Called "Muslim" countries with Standing Armies, #Airforce, #SpecialForces; YET you all let an OPEN Enemy CONTINUOUSLY BOMB unarmed Muslims and #Christians; Men, women, and children, while you sit around and do NOTHING?
Crying like scared babies "America won't let us do nothing to help"π’
Yall TALK big talk when it comes to THREATS.
Are You Cowards or Hypocrites?π€¬
π¨They Are SLAUGHTERING Muslims In #Gaza!π¨
If The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was with us today he would be the FIRST one going in to Save the Palestinians. He would not pay any attention to Satanic THREATS
The #Mahdi may ask you cowards one day why You were so quick to want to "Liberate" #Syria but so scared to death to fight those Satanic demons killing fellow Muslims. π
And you have the nerve to say The #NationofIslam is Not real Muslims. π€«
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