Are You At THAT Point Where What We Are Doing, and What We Are Going Through, Makes No Sense At ALL?πŸ˜‘

 #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #suffering #hereafter #steadfast #Joshua #Jericho #Farrakhan

πŸ•―Are You At THAT Point Where What We Are Doing, and What We Are Going Through, Makes No Sense At ALL?πŸ˜‘

πŸ•― The Bible teaches us even after Moses and Aaron led The Children of Israel out of Egypt, And Pharaoh and all his mighty army were completely destroyed, the people still begrudgingly followed Moses and Aaron doubting them and complaining all the way up to The DOOR of the Promised Land.

Even After The Soldiers led by Joshua who went ahead first into Jericho to SEE was The Promised Land all that God said it would be, The people refused to go forward because they were more afraid of what they would have to go through to make it to The Land God Promised Them.

πŸ•―Bishop TDJakes warned us God booby-traps Blessings so the hypocrites won't get them! 

God was so angry at them for being so cowardly after He Showed Them ALL THAT POWER He had demonstrated over their enemies in the past, that He would not allow ANYONE who was an adult when they were delivered out of Egypt to go into The Promised Land.

He left them right there in that wilderness for FORTY YEARS Until they ALL DIED.

🚨 This Prophecy written in The Book of Exodus and Joshua is a WARNING to The Black Man and Woman of America TODAY! Because most of our Grandparents rejected The Modern Day Moses, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, For the FORTY YEARS He was physically present among us from 1934 to 1974.

And THEN, God sent to us The Modern Day Aaron, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, and most rejected him Too!

We Could Have BEEN in The Land God has Promised us under the Protection and Leadership of God Himself. 

So today we suffer because our people do not want to separate from those who are murdering our people EVERY DAY.

Once it was TIME for the surviving Children of those who Moses and Aaron had initially delivered to enter the Promised Land, they were EAGER to get to it.

THEN God appeared to Joshua and told him exactly how to make war on Jericho and destroy them. 

But they didn't just rush in on Jericho. 

They marched around the entire city, once a day, For Six Days.

THEN, on the Seventh Day, God told them to March around the city SEVEN times in one day.

Can you imagine how they must have felt when they got THOSE orders?😳

God had already PROMISED Them The Victory.  ,

He PROMISED them that Land. 

And Now, They were right there ready to go in, and You want us to do what? πŸ˜•

Of course they didn't say that. After All of their parents were left to die off because of their DISBELIEF, Those under Joshua were not doubting or being disobedient. 

No way no how.

But come on, we are RIGHT HERE.

This is like the believers today. We are RIGHT HERE at The End. 

At any Moment now The Messiah Departs.

We are RIGHT HERE WAITING on The Promise.
Because At ANY MOMENT....

Some of us are going through things and are doing things that makes absolutely NO sense at all to us...

What is it that God is calling on you to do before you can Enter what He has stored up for us?

It doesn't matter what we are going through, it doesn't take us any farther away from His PROMISE. 

⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ We just got to HOLD ON, And Be Patient,  Because at a certain time, God ordered all His people to SHOUT...And it was ON!!

It is Absolutely Impossible to Survive What's Coming  if We are not With Messiah @LouisFarrakhan.

⭐️ The walls of Jericho came crumbling down and they Fearlessly Entered and TOOK That Promise from the Hand of God like All of us who really Believe Master Fard Muhammad  is our God, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is The Exalted Christ, And Messiah @LouisFarrakhan is the One They Sent to Deliver Us From The Government of The United States of America. 

⭐️ Do Not Give Up Now!!! KEEP GOING Even If You Go Alone 

πŸ•― It is nearly impossible to pull someone along with us into Heaven. Only God has that power. But it is very easy for  hypocrites or disbelievers  to push us right into that Lake of Fire if we are not mindful of the company we keep.

Our Trials become so intense at times we see all kinds of water in the desert. Don't Fall For it. Messiah @LouisFarrakhan has taught us everything we need to know in order to survive.

⚠️ Do Not Give Up Now

πŸ•― "Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.

But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." 1 Peter 4:13

 LET Your LIGHT Shine in Darkness


"The early believers faced many difficulties, but the good attitude they maintained while going through them often caused others to believe too. I think the same would happen today if we would keep a good attitude through our struggles and be strong enough spiritually not to back away from difficulties." #JoyceMeyer

"It's one thing to be bitten by a PROBLEM privately. But it's another thing when you are bitten PUBLICLY. 

And all of a sudden He(God) puts your TROUBLE on STAGE.

You know that THING you are going through in your private life and you didn't want ANYBODY to KNOW about it?

And some kind of way, THEY KNOW about it?

God WILL put your TROUBLE on STAGE.

And all of a sudden, even though we like to go through stuff privately and not publicly, you find yourself in a situation that's HUMILIATING and makes you vulnerable because people are talking about what YOU ARE GOING THROUGH.

And the REASON that God will allow you to go through things that people can SEE is because what you are going through is NOT ABOUT YOU.

It's NOT About You.

It's you going THROUGH it, but it's NOT ABOUT YOU.

God is LETTING you go THROUGH it so the people on your job can SEE. 

The people in your family can SEE. 

The people in your neighborhood can SEE your FAITH at WORK.

If you never went through anything they could SEE, they would NEVER KNOW how STRONG your FAITH is.

They CAN'T see your Faith. 

And They can't see your God. 


And when they see you go through trouble, and they see you WITHSTAND it, 

They have to BELIEVE in YOUR GOD." #TDJakes

⭐️⭐️⭐️ "In ALL their suffering he (Honorable ElijahMuhammad) ALSO SUFFERED, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and CARRIED THEM through all the years." Isaiah 63:9

⚠️ "Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, UNBELIEVING HEART, leading you to fall away from The LIVING God, Master Fard Muhammad 

You MUST WARN EACH OTHER EVERY DAY while it is still TODAY, so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened AGAINST God.

For if we are FAITHFUL to the END, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ." Hebrews 3:12-14

⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Exalted #Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns, "I have suffered THE SAME AFFLICTIONS that you have, so that you will not have this as an excuse for your disbelieving....

I suffer SICKNESS with you. 

I suffered IMPRISONMENT with you. 

I suffered the DEPRIVATION of family as you have. 

Show me what you have suffered that I have not suffered." Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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