🕯 WHEN The Wrath of God Is Unleashed: How To Earn Extra Time For You And Your Family


#Tampa #earthquake #Tsunami #milton #hurricanemilton #tornado #hurricane #stormsurge #cat5 #category5 #Apocalyptic 


⚠️  The Government and Media has been LYING A LOOOONG TIME. Ever Wonder Why? 

🚨 Satan’s Sole Purpose Is To Turn Us Away From God So We Will Be Destroyed Along With Them

🕯 WHEN The Wrath of God Is Unleashed: How To Earn Extra Time For You And Your Family 

 In the Bible (Old Testament) we are taught about the children of Israel who were enslaved by Pharaoh and The Egyptians for over 400 years.

That was only a SIGN of 🇺🇲 today 2024.

There were never any people enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. Go over there and see for yourself. Some of the oldest Universities on the planet are right there in Cairo. 

If it happened, surely they would have notes...😐

That BIBLICAL Egyptian people are a SIGN of Caucasians in America today.

Whenever you see U.S. Government THINK 2024 Pharaoh

Pharaoh enslaved the children of Israel for over 400 years THEN tried to kill all of them WHEN God sent Moses and Aaron to free them.

The Biblical Moses & Aaron were a SIGN of the Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Messiah @LouisFarrakhan.

Most Whites reject this because most of them were taught to hate Black people so Most of their minds can't accept ANY Black Apostles, Servants of God.

That's one of the main reasons they Murdered the Jesus of 2,000 ago. Because he was a BLACK MAN claiming God was his Father. 

And in their minds, IF Jesus WAS Black, and he certainly was, then God had to be a Black Man TOO.

And THAT, They were not trying to do, worship their worst enemy.

According to the prophecy though, WHEN Pharaoh declares war on The Children of Israel, God Destroys Pharaoh AND his people, the Egyptians.

Blacks in America are the True Children of Israel PROPHECIED of in the Old Testament.

No other people on this planet has ever been enslaved for over 400 years by such a brutal, evil, wicked race of people but Blacks in America.

There are a SMALL handful of Caucasians prophecied to be SPARED and SAVED from this destruction that God Master Fard Muhammad is about to send down on America.


They Must Help Messiah @LouisFarrakhan free us from this evil government.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Study the Prophecy of Book of Jonah and the people of Nineveh. And do the right thing to ensure that you and your seed shall live.

Because the government and media, magicians of Pharaoh, are lying to you.

⚠️ Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches, "ANYONE (Regardless of Race), man or woman, that will BELIEVE in what I teach AND CARRY IT into PRACTICE, I will ASSURE them the ‪‎Kingdom‬ of ‪Heaven‬, the Hereafter. 

I will ASSURE them that they will have NO FEAR nor will they grieve. 

IF you BEGIN to BELIEVE in what I teach you and FOLLOW me you will have no more fear; you will have no more grief." ~Table Talks of the Honorable ‪Elijah‬ ‪Muhammad‬, Nov. 13th, 1973

🕯Do You Want Extra Time?

 The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches, "IF a white man, woman, boy or girl Believes (in @LouisFarrakhan), even though by nature they are not the real righteous, their Faith WILL get them OUT of HELL that 

Allah Master Fard Muhammad threatens this world with.

And their TIME will be PROLONGED. 

I am sure you know this. 

They also know this." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Fall of America pg 246

Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert


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